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Sample FLIP Application

example workflow

The purpose of this repository is to provide a sample application that can be developed and tested locally before being uploaded onto FLIP.

How to use this repository

This repository contains a simplified sample application that replicates a running application on FLIP. This application runs on NVIDIA Flare. Download or clone this repository and use the ./flip-app directory as a sample application to run in NVIDIA Flare.

Workspace Setup

Setup NVFlare workspace with Docker 🐳

A dockerfile has been provided that will create a container with a NVFlare Server with two clients and start them. Copy any NVFlare Applications you wish to use to the /apps directory, the dockerfile will copy applications in this folder to the transfer section of the NVFlare Admin application.

1. Build Image & Run Container

Use the docker build commands and run the container

docker build . -t nvflare-in-one``
docker run nvflare-in-one``

2. Execute & Monitor NVFlare

If you exec into the container

docker exec -it <name> bash

You will be able to run The username and password for this container are admin This will grant you access to all the NVFlare Admin commands.

The logs for the model execution are written to STDOUT and can be accessible by viewing the logs of the container

docker logs <name>

3. Inserting Files into the container

If you wish to test the utillization of resources in your model E.g. DICOMS I recommend using the copy commnd to copy the files to the container

docker cp <path_to_your_resource> <container_name>:/dir

You can then edit the module and change the response to the parent directory of where your files were copied to e.g. /dir

Within FLIP the files are identifiable by the accession number, as returned within the dataframe


Setup NVFlare Workspace without Docker 💻

Follow the Installation instructions.

⚠️ Please ensure you install version 2.0.16

Requires specific protobuf version NVFlare GitHub Issue

Install requirements:

All the requirements of NVFlare as well as additional packages used by FLIP have been provided in a requirements.txt file.

pip install -r .\requirements.txt

2. Setup your FL workspace

Follow the Quickstart instructions to set up your POC ("proof of concept") workspace.

Ensure you also copy this (./flip-app) directory into the NVFlare examples folder.

mkdir poc/admin/transfer/<APPLICATION_NAME>
cp -rf flip-app/* poc/admin/transfer/<APPLICATION_NAME>

Running the Sample Application flip-app

The ./apps/flip-app directory contains a replica of an application that can be run on FLIP. Some modules are stubbed with only a return type set. There are two main files that FLIP requires before running any training - and Both of these files you will find within flip-app/custom and contain a working example application that can be used as a starting point. This example uses NVIDIA FLARE to train an image classifier using federated averaging (FedAvg) and PyTorch as the deep learning training framework.

NOTE: This example uses the CIFAR-10 dataset and will load its data within the trainer code.

These two files are where you should add your own application code. The ./samples directory contains empty templates of both and

3. Administration Console

Log into the Admin client by entering admin for both the username and password. Then, use these Admin commands to run the experiment:

set_run_number 1
deploy_app <APPLICATION_NAME> all
start_app all

4. Shut down the server/clients

To shut down the clients and server, run the following Admin commands:

shutdown client
shutdown server

NOTE: For more information about the Admin client, see here.

FLIP methods

The following methods are available to be used in training, located in

  • get_dataframe(self, project_id: str, query: str) -> DataFrame This retrieves data in the form of a Dataframe containing, at the minimum, accession IDs. The method takes in the project ID and the project query as parameters. These values are already passed in as parameters to the trainer to be used.

  • get_by_accession_number(self, project_id: str, accession_id: str) -> Path This downloads scans and places them in a directory made available for NVFlare to utilise. The method takes in the project ID as a parameter as well as an accession ID, which can be obtained from get_dataframe. It returns the path to where the scans are stored.

  • add_resource(self, project_id: str, accession_id: str, scan_id: str, resource_id: str, files: List[str]) This allows uploading scans to XNAT under the project that the model to. Scans are to be placed in the uploads directory. The method does not have a return type. It supports the following required parameters:

    • project ID
    • accession ID
    • scan ID (ID/label of the directory at the scan level)
    • resource ID (ID/label of the directory at the resource level)
    • a list of files corresponding to the names of the files that reside within the uploads directory that you wish to upload, e.g. [scan-1.dcm, scan-2.dcm, ...].

    The list of files could also point to locations in subfolders relative to the uploads directory, e.g. [subfolder/scans/scan-1.dcm, scan-2.dcm], where scan-1 has the path uploads/subfolder/scans/scan-1.dcm and scan-2 has the path uploads/scan-2.dcm.

  • update_status(self, model_id: str, new_model_status: ModelStatus) This method is for internal use only and is not to be called by the trainer.

  • send_metrics_value(self, label: str, value: float, fl_ctx: FLContext) This method raises an event which allows the sending of metrics data back to the central hub. The FL Server workflow component listens for these events and populates the data with the current global round and model id before storing. The method has no return type. It supports the following required parameters:

    • label (Any string is valid. The value will be stored against this label)
    • value Some constant values are provided under FlipMetricsLabel in utils/flip_constants but is not required to use these
  • handle_metrics_event(self, event_data: Shareable, global_round: int, model_id: str) This method is for internal use only and is not to be called by the trainer.

Import FLIP and call methods

  • Import the module: from flip import FLIP
  • Make an instance of the class: flip = FLIP()
  • Use the instance to call one of the methods: dataframe = flip.get_dataframe(project_id, query)

This will allow successful calls to any the methods in

Load config into trainer

The config.json file allows variables to be defined and utilised within the trainer files.

An example of a config file:

	"ROUND_HALF_UP": true,

To use the config file within the trainer:

import json

self.config = {}

current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
config_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "config.json")

with open(config_file) as file:
   self.config = json.load(file)

NOTE: As the sample application is a proof of concept, updating the global and local rounds in the config file will not dynamically update the global and local round values.

Note for server config

In the file config_fed_client.json under the Cross Site Validation workflow, a parameter named participating_clients is passed in with the values site-1 and site-2 in a list. This may need modifying depending on what clients you perform the training at locally. For example, if you only run the training at site-1, then the list should should reflect that. Failure to do so could end up in a loop where the server is waiting for site-2's response.


Example training application to run on FLIP







No packages published


  • Python 99.8%
  • Shell 0.2%