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CVs update procedure

Paul J. Durack edited this page Jan 27, 2021 · 5 revisions

Procedure for updating CVs

  1. Ensure that you are working with the most recent version of the CVs master branch

    • git branch (check which branch you are on, should be master)
    • git checkout master (switch if you are not)
    • git fetch --all -p (grab all relevant changes before a pull, along with pruning dead branches)
    • git pull (finally pull all changes to bring your master up-to-date)
  2. Create branch

    • git checkout -b issue<number>_<username>_<issue description> (create new branch)
  3. Make changes via src/ script and review differences to master (git diff master)

  4. Push changes to GitHub and create a pull request

    • git push -u origin HEAD:issue<number>_<username>_<issue description> (push to a new branch from the repo master, -u keeps the local branch to track remote changes)
    • create a pull request via GitHub web interface
  5. Review changes, merge into master and delete branch via GitHub

    • The files tab on the web page provides a GUI way to review changes across all files (and making sure that no problems have crept in)
    • git checkout master (switch if you are not)
    • git fetch --all -p (grab all relevant changes before a pull, along with pruning dead branches)
    • git pull (finally pull all changes to bring your master up-to-date)
  6. Delete local branch

    • git branch -D issue<number>_<username>_<issue description>
  7. Tag release and push to github

    • git tag -a <release number> -m "<release comment>" (make sure that you are on the master branch)
    • git push --tags
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