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The 'Hack' Computer


To build a computer from the absolute basic logical gate- NAND for all combinational chips and D Flip-Flop for all sequential chips.

Technical Specification of 'Hack'

General Architechture of 'Hack'

Setting Up

Simulation Tools

Project Structure

│   |   And: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp    
|   |   And16: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp  
|   |   DMux: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp  
|   |   DMux4Way: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp  
|   |   DMux8Way: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp  
|   |   Mux: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp  
|   |   Mux4Way16: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp  
|   |   Mux8Way16: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp  
|   |   Mux16: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp  
|   |   Not: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp  
|   |   Not16: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp  
|   |   Or: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp  
|   |   Or8Way: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp  
|   |   Or16: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp  
|   |   Xor: .hdl, .tst, .out, .cmp  
│   │   Add16: .cmo, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   ALU: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   ALU-nostat: .cmp, .tst
|   |   FullAdder: .cmp, .out, .tst
|   |   HalfAdder: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   Inc16: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   Or16Way: .hdl
|   |   Bit: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   PC: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   RAM4K: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   RAM8: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   RAM16K: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   RAM64: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   RAM512: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   Register: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   Computer: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   ComputerAdd: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   ComputerAdd-external: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   ComputerMax: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   ComputerMax-external: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   ComputerRect: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   ComputerRect-external: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   CPU: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   CPU-external: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   Memory: .cmp, .hdl, .out, .tst
|   |   Add: .asm, .hack
|   |
|   |   Makefile
|   |   Max: .asm, .hack
|   |   MaxL: .asm, .hack
|   |   Pong: .asm, .hack
|   |   PongL: .asm, .hack
|   |   README
|   |   Rect: .asm, .hack
|   |   RectL: .asm, .hack
|   |
|   |   Assembler: .bat, .sh
|   |   CPUEmulator: .bat, .sh
|   |   HardwareSimulator: .bat, .sh
|   |   JackCompiler: .bat, .sh
|   |   TextComparer: .bat, .sh
|   |   VMEmulator: .bat, .sh
|   |   Noam Nisan, Shimon Schocken - The Elements of Computing Systems_ Building a Modern Computer from First Principles-The MIT Press (2005).pdf
|   └───bin
|   └───builtInChips
|   └───builtInVMCode
|   └───OS

Hardware Description Language (HDL)

  • HDL is a functional/declarative language
  • Order of HDL statements is insignificant
  • Only prerequisite to use a build-in/user-defined chip is the knowledge of its interface

An HDL definition of a chip consists of a header section and a parts section.
The header section specifies the chip interface, namely the chip name and the names of its input and output pins.
The parts section describes the names and topology of all the lower-level parts (other chips) from which this chip is constructed. Each part is represented by a statement that specifies the part name and the way it is connected to other parts in the design.


  1. Manual Testing
  2. Script Testing

The script lists a series of testing scenarios, designed to simulate the various contingencies under which the chip will have to operate in ‘‘real-life’’ situations.

The script instructs the simulator to bind the chip inputs to certain data values, compute the resulting output, and record the test results in a designated output file.

'Hack' Assembbly Language

'Hack' Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

Memory Units




Interfacing (Input Output)

Output Device- Screen

Input Device- Keyboard

CPU Architechture of 'Hack'


  1. Digital Logic and Computer Design- M. Morris Mano
  2. The Elements of Computing Systems- Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken