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05 Samples

Igor Timoshenkov edited this page Mar 5, 2018 · 1 revision

Before the integration, please refer to installation instructions to download the library.

Including in your bundle (single-page-apps example)

After the installation, just include the code in your app's code as usual:

// load the lib
import { VXPay, VXPayConfig } from 'vxpay';

// apply config options
const config = new VXPayConfig();

// init the payment wrapper
const vxpay = new VXPay(config);

// open the login screen

Example integration

  • Include the script with the load handler
<script type="text/javascript" src="vxpay.min.js" async onload="__init()"></script>
  • In the __init() function, you'll have access to exported objects:
// build the config to init the payment frame
const config = new VX.VXPayConfig();
	  config.logging = true;
	  config.language = VX.VXPayLanguage.EN;
	  /** see below for the full list of config options */

// pass the config to the payment frame
vxpay = new VX.VXPay(config);

Please refer to example folder for fully featured example.

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