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Create spAlignRast.R
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tfrescino committed Aug 8, 2024
1 parent 22ff7bb commit 941eebb
Showing 1 changed file with 348 additions and 0 deletions.
348 changes: 348 additions & 0 deletions R/spAlignRast.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
#' Spatial - Aligns a list of raster layer(s) based on a reference raster.
#' Rasters are pixel-aligned and reprojected using the gdal warp function
#' with help from the gdalraster package. The extent of the reference
#' raster is used or a given boundary extent.
#' @param ref_rastfn String. Full path name of reference raster.
#' @param rastlst String. Full path names of one or more rasters to align.
#' @param resample_methodlst String. Resample method ('mode', 'near',
#' 'bilinear', 'cubic', 'cubicspline', 'max', 'min', 'med', 'average').
#' Suggested values: if raster type is categorical; 'mode' or 'near'.
#' if raster type is continuous; 'bilinear', 'cubic'.
#' @param clip Logical. If TRUE, subset raster to a boundary.
#' @param bnd R object or Full path name to a shapefile or layer in a database.
#' @param bnd_dsn String. Data source name of bnd, if bnd is a layer in a database.
#' @param tile Logical. If TRUE, tile the output raster.
#' @param tile_blocksize Numeric. If tile = TRUE, define the size of tile block.
#' @param makestack Logical. If TRUE, makes a raster stack with format 'GTIFF'.
#' @param outrastnmlst String. Base name of output raster (e.g., 'elev').
#' @param outfolder String. Name of folder for writing output raster. If NULL,
#' outfolder = getwd().
#' @param overwrite Logical. If TRUE, overwrite output raster.
#' @return String. List of output raster file names.
#' @export spAlignRast
spAlignRast <- function(ref_rastfn,
resample_methodlst = NULL,
clip = FALSE,
bnd = NULL,
bnd_dsn = NULL,
tile = TRUE,
tile_blocksize = 256,
makestack = FALSE,
outrastnmlst = NULL,
outfolder = NULL,
overwrite = TRUE) {
## Rasters are pixel-aligned and reprojected using the gdal warp function
## with help from the gdalraster package. The extent of the reference
## raster is used or a given boundary extent.
out_fmt <- "GTiff"


## Check input parameters
input.params <- names(as.list([-1]
formallst <- names(formals(spAlignRast))
if (!all(input.params %in% formallst)) {
miss <- input.params[!input.params %in% formallst]
stop("invalid parameter: ", toString(miss))

## Verify rasters
rastlst <- suppressWarnings(getrastlst(rastlst, gui=gui))
#if (any(rastlst == "")) stop("must write raster to file")
nrasts <- length(rastlst)
out_fmt <- "GTiff"

## Check rasample_methodlst
if (length(resample_methodlst) != nrasts) {
if (length(resample_methodlst) != 1) {
message("invalid resample_methodlst...")
} else {
methodlst <- c('mode', 'near', 'bilinear', 'cubic', 'cubicspline',
'max', 'min', 'med', 'average')
if (!any(resample_methodlst %in% methodlst)) {
message("invalid resample_methodlst... must be in following list: \n", toString(methodlst))
message("using ", resample_methodlst, " for all rasters...")
resample_methodlst <- rep(resample_methodlst, nrasts)

## define output raster name
if (is.null(outrastnmlst)) {
rastnmlst <- sapply(rastlst, basename.NoExt)
if (clip) {
outrastnmlst <- paste0(rastnmlst, "_clip")
} else {
outrastnmlst <- paste0(rastnmlst, "_align")
} else if (length(outrastnmlst) != nrasts) {
message("invalid outrastnmlst... must be a vector of length ", nrasts)

## Check tiled
tile <- pcheck.logical(tile, varnm="tile",
title="Tile output", first="YES", gui=gui)
## Check clip
clip <- pcheck.logical(clip, varnm="clip",
title="Clip output", first="NO", gui=gui)

## Check makestack
makestack <- pcheck.logical(clip, varnm="makestack",
title="Make raster stack", first="YES", gui=gui)

## check outfolder
if (is.null(outfolder)) {
outfolder <- getwd()
} else {
if (!dir.exists(outfolder)) {
stop("invalid outfolder...")

## check out_fmt
out_fmtlst <- c("vrt", "GTiff")
if (!out_fmt %in% out_fmtlst) {
stop("out_fmt must be if following list: ", toString(out_fmtlst))

## get info for ref rastfn
ref_info <- rasterInfo(ref_rastfn)
ref_crs <- ref_info$crs ## Coordinate Reference System
ref_cellsize <- ref_info$cellsize ## Cell size
ref_bbox <- rasterInfo(ref_rastfn)$bbox ## Raster extent (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)

if (clip) {
## Check bnd
bndx <- pcheck.spatial(layer = bnd, dsn = bnd_dsn,
gui = gui, caption = "Poly to clip?")

## Check projection of bndx... make sure it matches ref rastfn
bndx <- crsCompare(bndx, ref_crs)$x

outrastlst <- {}
## Loop through rasters
for (i in 1:length(rastlst)) {
rastfn <- rastlst[i]
outrastnm <- outrastnmlst[i]

## add extension to outrastfn
if (out_fmt == "vrt") {
outrastfn <- file.path(outfolder, paste0(outrastnm, ".vrt"))
} else if (out_fmt == "img") {
outrastfn <- file.path(outfolder, paste0(outrastnm, ".img"))
} else {
outrastfn <- file.path(outfolder, paste0(outrastnm, ".tif"))

## get info for raster
rast_info <- rasterInfo(rastfn)
rast_dtyp <- rast_info$datatype ## data type
rast_nodata <- rast_info$nodata_value ## nodata value

## Define a nodata value to the default value for the data type (if nodata=NA)

## data type nodata
## -------------------
## Byte 255
## Int8 -128
## UInt16 65535
## Int16 -32767
## UInt32 4294967293
## Int32 -2147483647
## Float32 -99999.0
## Float64 -99999.0

if ( {
nodata_value <- getDefaultNodata(rast_dtyp)
} else {
nodata_value <- rast_nodata

## define target coordinate reference system (t_srs)
t_srs <- ref_crs

## define arguments for warp
args <- {}

## define target extent for raster if clipping to boundary (-te)
if (clip) {
## get extent of bnd and add to argument list
bndext <- sf::st_bbox(sf::st_buffer(bnd, 100))
#bndext <- sf::st_bbox(bndx)
rast_extent <- c("-te", as.character(bndext))
args <- rast_extent
} else {
rast_extent <- NULL

## define pixel resolution based on ref_rastfn (-tr)
pixel_res <- c("\n-tr", as.character(ref_cellsize))

## define target alignment
## Align coordinates of output extent to the values of -tr
#target_align <- c("\n-tap")

## define resample_method
## -ovr = 'NONE' - uses base resolution for overview level (-wm)
resample_method <- c("\n-r", resample_methodlst[i], "-ovr", "NONE")

## define amount of memory to use for caching
#warp_memory <- c("\n-wm", "2000")

## define multithreaded warping implementation (-multi)
#multi_thread <- c("\n-multi","-wo","NUM_THREADS=4")

## define datatype (-wt)
datatype <- c("\n-wt", rast_info$datatype)

## create cl argument list
args <- c(rast_extent, pixel_res, resample_method, datatype)

if (clip) {
args_vrt <- args

## define format/compression and add to argument list
if (out_fmt == "vrt") {
#format <- c("\n-of", "VRT")
#args <- c(args, format)
} else if (out_fmt == "img") {

## only works if it is < 2GB
compress <- c("\n-co", "COMPRESSED=YES")
args <- c(args, compress)

} else {
#format <- c("\n-of", "GTiff")

## If not compressing, the default is to use if needed
if (BIGTIFF) {
compress <- c("\n-co", "COMPRESS=LZW", "-co", "BIGTIFF=YES")
} else {
compress <- c("\n-co", "COMPRESS=LZW")
#args <- c(args, format, compress)
args <- c(args, compress)

## set tile blocksize
if (tile) {
blockxsize <- paste0("BLOCKXSIZE = ", tile_blocksize)
blockysize <- paste0("BLOCKYSIZE = ", tile_blocksize)
args <- c(args, "\n-co", "TILED=YES", "-co", blockxsize, "-co", blockysize)

## define nodata
if ( {
## define nodata of source (not already defined) to ignore before resampling
args <- c(args, "\n-srcnodata", nodata_value, "-dstnodata", nodata_value)
if (clip) {
args_vrt <- c(args_vrt, "\n-srcnodata", nodata_value, "-dstnodata", nodata_value)
} else {
## define nodata of destination as defined nodata
args <- c(args, "\n-dstnodata", nodata_value)
if (clip) {
args_vrt <- c(args_vrt, "\n-dstnodata", nodata_value)

## append overwrite to argument string
if (overwrite) {
args <- c(args, "\n-overwrite")

## remove returns from argument list
cl_arg <- sub("\n", "", args)
cl_arg_vrt <- c(sub("\n", "", args_vrt), "-overwrite")

message("processing ", basename(rastfn), "...")
message("warp arguments:\n", toString(args))

## If clip = TRUE, save to a temporary file first
if (clip) {
## define temporary outrastnm
outvrtfn <- file.path(outfolder, "temp.vrt")

## Use warp to resample to same pixel size and extent
warp(rastfn, dst_filename = outvrtfn, t_srs = t_srs, cl_arg = cl_arg_vrt)

ds <- new(GDALRaster, outvrtfn, read_only = FALSE)
ds$setDescription(band = 1, desc = outrastnm)
#ds$getDescription(band = 1)

## Clip raster to boundary of AOI
spClipRast(rast = outvrtfn,
clippolyv = bndx,
clippolyv_dsn = bnd_dsn,
compress = TRUE,
compressType = "LZW",
outfn = outrastfn,
overwrite = overwrite,
showext = TRUE)

} else {

## Use warp to resample to same pixel size and extent
warp(rastfn, dst_filename = outrastfn, t_srs = t_srs, cl_arg = cl_arg)

ds <- new(GDALRaster, stacktiffn, read_only = FALSE)
ds$getDescription(band = 1)

outrastlst <- c(outrastlst, outrastfn)

## Stack rasters to a Virtual Raster
if (makestack) {
stackvrtfn <- file.path(outfolder, "stack.vrt")
buildVRT(stackvrtfn, outrastlst, cl_arg = "-separate")

## Create a geoTiff from a virtual raster
stacktiffn <- file.path(outfolder, "stack.tif")
translate(stackvrtfn, stacktiffn)

sapply(outrastlst, file.remove)

} else {

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