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Installation and Setup

  1. Install Open-LDAP development headers (debian: openldap-dev, rhel: openldap-devel)
  • via Homebrew: brew install openldap
  1. Create virtual environment and cd to it

     python3 -m venv ENV
     cd ENV
  2. Clone repo to a subdirectory (ex. git clone REPO_URL src)

  3. Activate virtual environment

     source bin/activate
  4. cd to new src directory and install requirements

     cd src
     pip install -r requirements.txt

    NOTE: if pip install returns a block of error text including fatal error: 'sasl.h' file not found upon installing python-ldap, do the following:

    1. In requirements.txt, comment out the python-ldap requirement.

    2. Re-run pip install -r requirements.txt. It should complete successfully.

    3. Run the following, replacing "VERSION" with the version number specified for the python-ldap package in requirements.txt:

       pip install python-ldap==VERSION \
       --global-option=build_ext \
       --global-option="-I$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)/usr/include/sasl"
    4. Un-comment the python-ldap requirement in requirements.txt and save the file.

  5. Set up local settings using the file

  6. Set up static_files/static/robots.txt using static_files/static/robots.templ.txt

  7. Run the deployment command: python deploy. This runs any migrations and collects the static files.

  8. Create a superuser: python createsuperuser

  9. If you don't intend on importing any existing calendar data, create a Main Calendar and assign your superuser account as the owner. Otherwise, skip this step

    python shell
    >>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
    >>> from events.models import Calendar
    >>> u = User.objects.get(pk=1)
    >>> c = Calendar(title='Events at UCF', owner=u)
    >>> exit()

Importing Data

UNL Events Import

Note that this importer should only be run on a fresh database, immediately after running python syncdb or python flush.

Before running this import, make sure that a new user has been created in Django for every non-NID-based user in the UNL system. These users' events will fail to import otherwise.

  1. cd to the new virtual environment src folder

  2. Activate virtual environment

     source ../bin/activate
  3. Add old events database information to under DATABASES name 'unlevents'. Make sure that ENABLE_CLEARCACHE are set to 'False'.

  4. Run import command

     python import-unl-events
  5. Restart the app

  6. Ban cache as necessary

Locations Import

  1. cd to the new virtual environment src folder

  2. Activate virtual environment

     source ../bin/activate
  3. Make sure that MAPS_DOMAIN and LOCATION_DATA_URL are set in, and that ENABLE_CLEARCACHE are set to 'False'.

  4. Run import command

     python import-locations
  5. Restart the app

  6. Ban cache as necessary

Code Contribution

Never commit directly to master. Create a branch or fork and work on the new feature. Once it is complete it will be merged back to the master branch.

If you use a branch to develop a feature, make sure to delete the old branch once it has been merged to master.



  • node
  • gulp-cli

Gulp Setup

This project uses gulp to handle various tasks, such as compiling and minifying sass files and minifying/uglifying javascript. Use the following steps to setup gulp for this project.

  1. Run npm install from the root directory to install node packages defined in package.json.
  2. Optional: If you'd like to enable BrowserSync for local development, or make other changes to this project's default gulp configuration, copy gulp-config.template.json, make any desired changes, and save as gulp-config.json.
  3. Run gulp default to install all front-end components and compile static assets.
  4. Run gulp watch during development to detect static file changes automatically. When a change is detected, minification and compilation commands will run automatically. If you enabled BrowserSync in gulp-config.json, it will also reload your browser when scss or js files change.
  5. Make sure up-to-date concatenated/minified files (files in static_files/static/) are pushed to the repo when making changes to static files.


All of the raw custom styles for this project are contained in separate Sass files in static_files/assets/scss/. When modifying stylesheets in this project, only modify the files in this directory; do NOT modify files in static_files/static/css/ directly! Sass files compile and write to this directory.

Partial Sass files are generally separated out by function, and must be compiled in a specific order.


Concatenation Details

This project combines vendor javascript libraries with our own so fewer files need to be delivered to the client. The list below lays out the basic concatenation/uglification scheme.

  • script.min.js
    • ucf-athena-framework/dist/js/framework.min.js - vendor
    • script.js - project
  • script-frontend.min.js
    • script-frontend.js - project
  • script-manager.min.js
    • jquery.timepicker.js - vendor
    • bootstrap-datepicker.js - vendor
    • select2.js - vendor
    • script-manager.js - project

Scripts marked *vendor* are retrieved as npm packages and concatenated into project files that include them during gulp processing.

Scripts marked *project* are scripts maintained by this project and can found in static_files/assets/js. Do NOT modify files in static_files/static/js/ directly.


In addition to the scripts listed above, the TinyMCE library is copied into its own subdirectory, static_files/static/js/wysiwyg, during gulp processing. TinyMCE, by default, expects its themes, plugins, and skins to be in subdirectories relative to the root directory of the primary TinyMCE script, so we maintain the directory structure as closely as possible while still picking out only the specific plugins/skins/themes needed for the events system to avoid bloat in the repo.

We also apply customizations to the default TinyMCE skin, "lightgray", after its directory finishes copying over from the components directory. These customizations should be modified in static_files/assets/scss/content.scss.