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Space Worm Contract

░██████╗██████╗░░█████╗░░█████╗░███████╗  ░██╗░░░░░░░██╗░█████╗░██████╗░███╗░░░███╗
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How it works:

  • There are fees in place which are:
    • An automatic Burn on every transaction, to create a hyperdeflationary token (rapid drop in Supply, which automatically updates/is removed from existence)
      • 3% Buy / 4% Sell
    • A Marketing Fee for project longevity
      • 2% Buy / 3% Sell
    • A Liquidity Fee for project longevity & higher floors
      • 1% Buy / 1% Sell
      • Liquidity is injected as only the token, directly into the LP on every transaction (saves fees and swapping)
    • 15%/25% max Buy/Sell tax restriction in functions
    • Can renounce individual functions(/groups of functions) if needed in future: Delay Timer, Fee Functions, Max Update Functions, Market Maker Pair Changes, Wallet Changes, and Exclude Include Functions
    • 180 Second Sell Delay Timer (wallets cannot sell for 180 seconds after making any transaction). Anti-whale & bot-flip function.
                      .--         --.
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                   /   o    .   (   )  \
                  / .            '-'    \ I feel so incredibly LIGHT!
                 | ()    .  O         .  | I wonder what's the
                |                         | reason for this anomaly?
                |    o           ()       |
                |       .--.          O   |
                 | .   |    |            |
                  \    `.__.'    o   .  / $WORM
                   \                   /
                    `\  o    ()      /'
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                    ██░░  ██░░██  ░░██
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                            ██░░░░░░░░████████      ██████████
                            ████          ██████████    ██████░░░░░░██

  {{            +             +                  +   @          {{
  }}   |                *           o     +                .    }}
  {{  -O-    o               .               .          +       {{
  }}   |                    _,.-----.,_         o    |          }}
  {{           +    *    .-'.         .'-.          -O-         {{
  }}      *            .'.-'   .---.   `'.'.         |     *    }}
  {{ .                /_.-'   /     \   .'-.\                   {{
  }}         ' -=*<  |-._.-  |   @   |   '-._|  >*=-    .     + }}
  {{ -- )--           \`-.    \     /    .-'/                   {{
  }}       *     +     `.'.    '---'    .'.'    +       o       }}
  {{                  .  '-._         _.-'  .                   {{
  }}         |               `~~~~~~~`       - --===D       @   }}
  {{   o    -O-      *   .                  *        +          {{
  }}         |                      +         .            +    }}
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  }}       o                          *          o           .  }}
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     -----'``"-,__(__)    *   '.____\       ~*

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