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LLM Guide

Table of Contents

Creating Conda Environment

Copy all text and paste into your terminal at once (after changing to work directory). Note that you can also create the environment from environment.yml. Just make sure to do the module load if you are on ARC (and haven't already added it to your ~/.bashrc). Make sure to change abc123 to your id.

cd /work/abc123
module load gcc/9.3.0
conda create -p ./env python=3.8 -y && \
conda activate ./env && \
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia -y && \
conda install -c anaconda git -y && \
conda install -c conda-forge git-lfs -y && \
pip install transformers && \
pip install sentencepiece && \
pip install datasets && \
pip install accelerate && \
pip install deepspeed && \
pip install protobuf==3.20

Cloning Code

Since this is a private repo, make sure to check out SSH keygen with Git if you have not already. After setting up SSH access to git, you can now clone the private repo.

git clone
cd LLM-Workshop

Running Code Interactively

Grab a GPU Node (If you haven't already). You have to reactivate your conda environment when you switch to a compute node.

srun -p gpu2v100 -n 1 -t 02:00:00 -c 40 --pty bash
conda activate ./env
cd scripts
# configure script to your needs

Or Running Code as a batch job (preferred for longer jobs)

After adjusting the slurm script in the scripts folder. You can now run it with sbatch. (Note, you do not need to grab any nodes when using sbatch)

cd scripts
sbatch arc_job_training.slurm

You can check the status of the job

squeue -u abc123

If you want to attach to that gpu node while it is running to check nvidia-smi, or check the progress of the job.

# gpu node name is shown by doing squeue -u abc123
ssh <gpu_node_name>

You can also see the current output of the job by doing:

# Control - C to exit
tail -f /work/abc123/arc_training_job_%j.out


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