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MS4 project as part of the Code Institute Diploma in Full-stack Software Development Programme

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The Inner Purr

Please note: To open any links in this document in a new browser tab, please press CTRL + Click.

Various Devices

The Inner Purr is a Milestone 4 project, it is part of the Fullstack Software Development Course of Code Institute.

For testing the following credentials can be used:

  • User Credentials:

  • Card payments:

    • Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
    • Zip & CCV must be filled out with any integers

Table of Contents

Project overview



Technologies Used


Database Structure




Project Overview

The Inner Purr is an e-commerce site for the center of the same name. The Inner Purr is the public face of PCR(Phibsboro Cat Rescue), a charity that rescues stray cats around Dublin. The Inner Purr is a place where people can interact with cats under PCR supervision. The Inner Purr also houses a shop and cafe.
The purpose of the site is to sell the products on offer by the Inner Purr.

User Stories

As a/an... I want the ability to...
--- ---
Casual User easily navigate the site to find what I am looking for quickly
Casual User view the site on all screen sizes
Casual User view information on the cafe such as opening hours and social media
Casual User Sign up to recieve news from the Inner Purr
Casual User search, filter and sort products
Casual User view details on products
Casual User purchase products and see my actions throughout the process,
Casual User review my order at checkout, make secure payments & receive email confirmation of my order
Casual User access contact details
Casual User learn how I can help the work of the Inner Purr
Casual User register for a user profile account by choosing a username and password
--- ---
Registered user log in and log out of my profile account
Registered user update my details, store my address and order history
--- ---
Site admin/superuser add new products, menu items, volunteering roles etc...
Site admin/superuser update and delete products
Site admin/superuser add notices for each page
Site admin/superuser change the status of cats so that they can be categorized properly

Opportunities arising from user stories

Opportunities Importance Viability / Feasibility
Simple Clean UI 5 5
Clearly indicate purpose 5 5
Clear Simple Instructions 5 5
Simple creation of products 5 5
Simple edit of products 5 5
Search/filter/sort Feature 2 5

UX Planes

Strategy Plane

  • Business Goals: Provide a revenue stream for the Inner Purr through online purchases as well as raising awareness for the work done at the Inner Purr and by it's parent charity Phibsboro Cat Rescue.

  • Audience: The audience are cat lovers throughout Dublin and across Ireland, capitalizing on the existing audience of social media channels of Phibsboro Cat Rescue.

Scope Plane

  • The site is fully responsive and intuitive with prompts to provide users with information such as grand total of shopping bag in the nav, toasts to display product info of items in bag and modal to inform user that they have successfully registered for the newsletter.

  • Unregistered users will be able to make purchases on the site. Registered users will have the added benefit of being able to change their delivery information as required and view previous ordres.

  • Admin users will have a high degree of customisation available to them without needing access to the source code. From the Django admin they may edit menu items, products or cat details. They may alter email adresses in the 'Contact' page and volunteering and donation options for the 'Help Us' page.

Structure Plane

  • The site uses a consistent structure, a navbar is at the top of the page which allow a user to navigate the site and login if needed. A burger menu is used for small devices.
  • The products page has a search bar, filter and sort feature.
  • The content is consistant with text kept to a minimum.
  • A footer at the bottom provides copyright information and links to social media pages and newsletter signup.
  • The number of clicks needed to reach any page is kept to a minimum. Sections such as user profiles will not be visible to users who are not logged in.
  • Buttons/modals/links are consistant in design.

Skeleton Plane


I used Figma to create the wireframes.

Various alterations were made along the way such as removing the parallax above the footer for all pages except the home page and the additon of a page for information about donations and volunteering.

Surface Plane

  • The number is fonts is kept at a minimum as well as using a limited and consistant color scheme.


A standard layout is fully responsive on mobile devices and larger screens.

Color Scheme

Colors are kept to a minimum and reflect the existing branding of the Phibsboro Cat Rescue. Color scheme can be found on my Coolors profile: Coolors

Color Palette


2 Google Fonts were used across the site:


Home page slider and parallax images were sourced from Pexels. All other images are the authors own unless uploaded by users. Logo and favicon are also produced by the author using Affinity Design using the existing Phibsboro Cat Rescue Logo as a template.

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Existing Features

Elements on every page



  • The navigation bar features a logo and name in the top left corner, both are links to the home page. Navigation links are in the top right. On loading the homepage Mr.Buttons, the PCR mascot will raise his head from the bottom of the nav. While the mouse is moving his eyes and paws follow the mouse.

  • For all visitors to the site list item links are available for them to use.

    1. Catfe
    2. Cats
    3. Shop
    4. Help Us
    5. Contact

When a link is hovered over Mr.Buttons will reach out a paw towards it.

Small Navbar

On the smaller resolutions (tablet, mobile) the navbar is collapsed into a burger icon. A slide out menu opens when the burger icon is clicked. The navbar is fixed to the top on small devices.

  • On all resoltions a drop down menu provides links to profile pages. For users who are not logged in the options are:

    1. Login
    2. Register
  • For Logged in users the options are:

    1. My Profile
    2. Logout
  • For Logged in superusers the options are:

    1. Product Management
    2. My Profile
    3. Logout
  • On all resoltions a basket icon represents a link to the user's bag and a grand total will be displayed next to the bag.



The footer features: - Newsletter signup: Users may submit an email to request a newsletter. - Opening Hours - Links to social media platforms.

Individual Pages


  • An Image slider highlights aspects of the Inner Purr.
  • The home page offers information about the Inner Purr as well as Phibsboro Cat Rescue.
  • A menu title is displayed over a parralax image.
  • Menu items added through the django admin are displayed in the menu section
  • Resident cats of the Inner Purr as defined through the django admin are displayed in a carousel.
  • An instagram feed displays instagram posts.
  • A parrallax containing a quote is above the footer.


  • An Image slider highlights cats currently residing in the purr as defined through the django admin. The images are links to individual profiles.
  • Cat cards of cats currently awaiting adoption as defined through the django admin. The images are links to individual profiles.
  • A grid of images of adopted cats as defined through the django admin. The images are links to individual profiles.


  • Product cards of products added through the django admin or via the add_product page are displayed here. The images are links to individual products. A super user has options to edit or delete products here.
  • The index page has a search bar, filter and sort feature. The search feature searches for keywords in titles and descriptions. If a user performs a search they will be able to sort the search results.
  • The sort feature allows users to sort the results by A-Z, Z-A, price, category and rating.
  • The filter allows users to display products under the categories set out using django admin.

Help Us

  • Volunteering roles as well as Donation options as defined through django admin are listed on this page along with links to the relevant pages of the Phibsboro Cat Rescue website.


  • Various email addresses as set out using django admin are listed on this page along with a map outlining the location of the Inner Purr using the PCR logo as the pin. The map is API key is restricted to the deployed site.

My Profile

  • A form allows users to update their personal details and an order history section lists previous orders.


  • The bag page gives information on the products in a user's bag as well as details on the grand total and shipping, links bring users back to the products page or the checkout page.

Features Left to Implement

Color Select

  • In the future I would like to allow users to select different colors for products where available.
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Technologies Used

  • HTML - HTML5 is the latest version of Hypertext Markup Language, the code that describes web pages.
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) - CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen.
  • Python - Used throughout the site
  • Django - a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design
  • JavaScript - Used for various animations and functions.
  • Materialize - Used to aid responsive design and for componants such as sliders and carousels.
  • Heroku - Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud.
  • Heroku PostGres - Heroku Postgres is a managed SQL database service provided directly by Heroku.
  • Google Fonts - Google Fonts is a library of free licensed font families.
  • Stripe payments - Stripe offers payment processing software and application programming interfaces for e-commerce websites and mobile applications.
  • Gitpod - Code Editor used to create the site.
  • GitHub - Used to host repos for the site.
  • Autopep - Used to aid python validation.
  • Screen Recorder - Used to make GIFs for README.
  • Chrome/Firefox/Bing DevTools - Regularly used to test the site (Primarily Chrome).
  • W3C Markup Validation Service - Used to test code for errors.
  • Affinity Designer - Illustration software used to create logos and icons.
  • Figma - Collaborative interface design tool used for creating wireframes as well logos and SVGs.
  • Tinypng - Used to compress images.
  • Croppola - Used to crop images.
  • Randomkeygen - Used to generate random keys.
  • Kaffeine - Used to keep Heroku app from falling asleep.
  • Elfsight - Used to provide an instagram widget on the homepage (omitted).
  • Google Maps - Used to provide a map in the contact page.


  • Materialize - is a framework for building responsive, mobile-first websites. I used materialize to create grid layouts, navbar, cards, forms, buttons and modals as well as features such as collapsibles, materialbox, tooltips and tabs.

  • JQuery - is a Javascirpt library. I primarily used JQuery to add and remove classes on hover states as well as run various Materialize functions.

  • Jinja - is a templating language for Python. I primarily used it to display data from the backend in HTML.

  • dnspython - is a DNS toolkit for Python.

Version Control

  • Git - used for version control

  • Branches were used to experiment with autopep.



  • HTML5 Semantics used throughout (header, nav, main etc...)
  • Titles used throughout
  • Language is set to english (<html lang="en">)


  • Aria labels used throughout eg <button id="submit" aria-label="submit" type="submit">
  • Alt Text: Alt text dynamically applied to images eg alt="{{...}} image"


  • All pages have been checked for contrast issues using Lighthouse and contrast adjusted as necessary throughout.


  • All clickable elements are focusable with classes such as .focus-outline, .focus-background etc... added in style.css in order to make the site smoothly navigable without the use of a mouse.


All testing and validation is contained within a separate .md file.


Database Structure

During development SQLite3 was used as the database, which is the default database used by Django. For deployment of this project, PostgreSQL database was used, as an add-on using Heroku.

Using Django Allauth and it's default django.contrib.auth.models, provided me with the the User model used in the profile app.

The structure of the Product and Checkout apps are guided by the Code Institute's walkthrough project, Boutique Ado.


Data Models

Cats app

Sex model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Sex sex models.CharField max_length=254

Product model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Name name models.CharField max_length=254
Sex sex models.ForeignKey 'Sex', null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL
Age age models.CharField max_length=254, help_text="Age when rescued"
Rescued rescued models.DateField null=True, blank=True
Description description models.CharField max_length=254, help_text="Physical Description", null=True blank=True
Profile profile RichTextField null=True, blank=True
Neutered neutered models.BooleanField null=True, blank=True
Microchipped microchipped models.BooleanField null=True, blank=True
Vaccinated vaccinated models.BooleanField null=True, blank=True
Adopted adopted models.BooleanField null=True, blank=True
Resident resident models.BooleanField null=True, blank=True
Tagline tagline models.CharField max_length=254, help_text="One line character description...", null=True, blank=True
Health_checked health_checked models.BooleanField null=True, blank=True
Image url image_url models.URLField max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True
Image image models.ImageField null=True, blank=True

Notice model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Notice notice models.TextField null=True, blank=True

Checkout app

Order model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Order number order_number models.CharField max_length=32, null=False, editable=False
User profile user_profile models.ForeignKey UserProfile, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True,related_name='orders'
Full name full_name models.CharField max_length=50, null=False, blank=False
Email email models.EmailField max_length=254, null=False, blank=False
Phone number phone_number models.CharField max_length=20, null=False, blank=False
Country country CountryField blank_label='Country *', null=False, blank=False
Postcode postcode models.CharField max_length=20, null=True, blank=True
Town or city town_or_city models.CharField max_length=40, null=False, blank=False
Street address1 street_address1 models.CharField max_length=80, null=False, blank=False
Street address2 street_address2 models.CharField max_length=80, null=False, blank=False
County county models.CharField max_length=80, null=True, blank=True
Date date models.DateTimeField auto_now_add=True
Delivery cost delivery_cost models.DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
Order total order_total models.DecimalField max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
Grand total grand_total models.DecimalField max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
Original Bag original_bag models.TextField null=False, blank=False, default=''
Stripe pid stripe_pid models.CharField max_length=254, null=False, blank=False, default=''

Order Line Item model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Order order models.ForeignKey Order, null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='lineitems'
Product product models.ForeignKey Product, null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE
Product Size product_size models.CharField max_length=2, null=True, blank=True
Quantity quantity models.IntegerField null=False, blank=False, default=0
Line Item Total lineitem_total models.DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, blank=False, editable=False

Contact app

EmailContacts model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Directory directory models.CharField max_length=254
Email Email models.CharField max_length=254

Notice model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Notice notice models.TextField null=True, blank=True

Help app

Volunteer model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Role role models.CharField max_length=254
Description description RichTextField null=True, blank=True
Image url image_url models.URLField max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True
Image image models.ImageField null=True, blank=True

Donations model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Donation Option donation_option models.CharField max_length=254
Description description RichTextField null=True, blank=True

Notice model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Notice notice models.TextField null=True, blank=True

Home app

Drink model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Name name models.CharField max_length=254
Price price models.DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2
Category category models.CharField max_length=254, null=True, blank=True

Food model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Name name models.CharField max_length=254
Price price models.DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2
Category category models.CharField max_length=254, null=True, blank=True
Description description RichTextField null=True, blank=True

Treats model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Name name models.CharField max_length=254
Price price models.DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2
Category category models.CharField max_length=254, null=True, blank=True
Description description RichTextField null=True, blank=True

Notice model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Notice notice models.TextField null=True, blank=True

Products app

Category model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Name name models.CharField max_length=254
Friendly name friendly_name models.CharField max_length=254, null=True, blank=True

Product model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Category category models.ForeignKey 'Category', default='', blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL
Sku sku models.CharField max_length=254, null=True, blank=True
Name name models.CharField max_length=254
Description description models.TextField
Has sizes has_sizes models.BooleanField default=False, null=True, blank=True
Price price models.DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2
Rating rating models.DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=True, blank=True
Image url image_url models.URLField max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True
Image image models.ImageField null=True, blank=True

Notice model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
Notice notice models.TextField null=True, blank=True

Profiles app

UserProfile model

Name Database Key Field Type Validation
User user OneToOneField 'User' on_delete=models.CASCADE
Phone Number default_phone_number models.CharField max_length=20, default='', blank=True
Street Address 1 default_street_address1 models.CharField max_length=80, default='', blank=True
Street Address 2 default_street_address2 models.CharField max_length=80, default='', blank=True
Town or City default_town_or_city models.CharField max_length=40, default='', blank=True
County default_county models.CharField max_length=80, default='', blank=True
Postcode default_postcode models.CharField max_length=20, default='', blank=True
Country default_country models.CharField blank_label='Select Country', null=True, blank=True


Local Deployment

  1. This repository may be cloned directly into an editor by pasting the following command into the terminal:
    git clone

Alternatively, you can save a copy of this repository by clicking the green button "Clone or download" , then "Download Zip" button, and after extract the Zip file to your folder.

  1. In the terminal window change directory (CD) to the correct file location (directory that you have just created).

  2. Install all requirements from the requirements.txt file putting this command into your terminal:

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Note: GitPod does not require sudo, so if you use another IDE, you will need to include sudo in the beginning of the command: sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt.

  1. Set up the following environment variables to use the full functionality of the site.

    • DANGO_SECRET_KEY = your secret key.

    • STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY = your stripe public key.

    • STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = your stripe secret key.

    • STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET = your stripe webhook secret.


    • Your stripe variables can be found on your stripe dashboard.

    • You can generate a Django secret key here. Django Secret Key Generator

  2. Then migrate:

    $ python migrate
  3. Populate the products, cats, contact, home, help apps with relavant fixtures:

    $ python loaddata fixtures/<filename>.json
  4. Create a superuser:

    $ python createsuperuser
  5. You will now be able to run the application using the following command

    $ python3 runserver

Deployment to Heroku

The app may be deployed to Heroku using the following ste:

  • Create an app on the Heroku website.

    • Click on the new button.
    • Click on the create a new app.
    • Give the app a name and chose current region.
    • Select create app.
  • Set up Postgres Database

    • Heroku

      • In the app resources search for Postgres
      • Add to the project and, choosing the free plan.
      • To use Postgres install 2 dependencies.
        • dj_database_url
        • psycopg2
    • In Project.

      • Install the two packages needed

            pip3 install dj_database_url
            pip3 install psycopg2_binary
      • Add them to the requirements.txt file

        pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
      • In import dj_database_url

        import dj_database_url
      • Comment out the current database settings.

      • Replace them with the settings for the Postgres database.

            DATABASES = {
                'default': dj_database_url.parse('DATABASE_URL')
      • Get database URL from app config settings. (I haven't shown it above as its and environmental variable and shouldn't be shown in version control)

      • Then migrate:

        $ python migrate
      • Populate the products, cats, contact, home, help apps with relavant fixtures:

        $ python loaddata fixtures/<filename>.json
      • Create a superuser:

        $ python createsuperuser
      • Commit changes making sure to remove my database URL beforehand so it isn't saved in version control.

      • Create an if-else statement in the to use Postgres if the DATABASE_URL variable is available and if not use the default database

            if "DATABASE_URL" in os.environ:
                DATABASES = {
                    "default": dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL'))
                DATABASES = {
                    'default': {
                        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
                        'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3',
      • The Postgres database is now ready for use.

    • Gunicorn

      • For the app to work install Greenunicorn.
      • To install:
        pip3 install Gunicorn
      • Create a Procfile to let Heroku know how to run the app:
            touch Procfile
      • Then in Procfile place the following code:
            web: gunicorn <app name>.wsgi:application
    • Heroku in the command line.

      • Log into Heroku using the terminal.

            heroku login -i
      • Temporarily disable the static files until they have been set up on Amazon Aws.

            heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 --app <app name>
        • Use the --app command if you have more than one Heroku app.
      • Then in settings I added Heroku into allowed hosts, and localhost so my project can still be run locally.

            ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["<heroku app name>", "localhost"]
      • Commit changes to Github.

      • Then set up pushing to Heroku

            heroku git:remote -a <heroku app name>
      • Then push the project to Heroku

            git push heroku master
      • Heroku will now build your app.

    • Heroku Website

      • Connect app to GitHub by opening the Deploy section.
      • Searched for the repository.
      • Connect and then enabled Automatic Deploys.
      • This now means that any changes pushed to GitHub will be automatically pushed to Heroku as well.
  • Amazon AWS

    • Amazon AWS was used to store both static files and media files.

    • Firstly create an AWS account and work through the sign-up process. Once account is set up set the project up on AWS.

    • Create a bucket.

      • Create the bucket

        • Create a new bucket on the AWS S3 service.
        • From the main dashboard search for S3 and then click to get started.
        • Click on the Create bucket button.
        • Give the bucket a name and select region.
        • Then uncheck the block public access and acknowledge that the bucket will now be public.
        • Then click create bucket.
      • Bucket settings.

        • Properties
          • Navigate to the bucket properties settings.
          • Turn on static website hosting.
          • In the index and error add index.html and error.html.
          • Click Save.
        • Permissions
          • Click on the buckets Permissions tabs.
          • Firstly paste in the following cors config.
                    "AllowedHeaders": [
                    "AllowedMethods": [
                    "AllowedOrigins": [
                    "ExposeHeaders": []
          • Then in the bucket policy tap, click on generate policy.
          • Policy
          • Select S3 bucket policy
          • Add * to the principal field to select all principals
          • Set the action to get object.
          • Paste in your ARN which is available on the previous page.
          • Click, add statement
          • Then click, generate policy.
          • Now copy and paste your new policy into the bucket policy.
          • Add /* onto the end of the resources key
          • Click Save.
        • Access control list
        • In the access control list tab set the list objects permission to everyone.
    • Create a User.

      • To create a user for the bucket search for IAM and select it.

      • Create a Group.

        • Firstly create a group to put user in.
        • Click create a new group and name it.
        • Click through to the end and save the group.
        • Create a policy.
          • In the group click, policy and then, create policy.
          • Select the JSON tab and then import managed policies.
          • Search S3 and select AmazonS3FullAccess and import.
          • In the resources section paste in the arn from before.
          • click through to review the policy.
          • Fill in name and description and then click generate policy.
        • Back in your group click permission and then attach the policy.
        • Find the policy you've just created and attach it.
      • Create the User.

        • Select Users from the sidebar and then click, add user.
        • Create a user name and select programmatic access then click next.
        • Then select the group to add user to.
        • Click through to the end and then click create user.
        • ** Make sure to now download the CSV file as it contains the users keys needed to access from our app.**



  1. Google Fonts for font styles;

  2. Youtube; Various resources for Materialize taken from The Net Ninja

  3. Button icons sourced from Fontawesome

  4. Code for eyes and paws following mouse in header modified from Daily Dev Tips

  5. Square image code for various images modified from Youtibe tutorial by Tyler Potts

  6. This project is based on an existing charity, as such much of the text is taken with permission from Phibsboro Cat Rescue

  7. Images for home page slider and parallaxes taken sourced from Pexels


  1. My mentor Adegbenga Adeye for his support and input.

  2. My peers on slack for their generosity in sharing their knowledge and experience.

This project is for educational use only

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MS4 project as part of the Code Institute Diploma in Full-stack Software Development Programme






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