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Bias correction of climate change projections

miturbide edited this page Jun 20, 2018 · 9 revisions

In the next example CORDEX climate change projections (period 2081-2100 and rcp8.5) are corrected using as observational reference VALUE station data (type ?VALUE_Iberia_pr, ?CORDEX_Iberia_pr and CORDEX_Iberia_pr.rcp85.

# precipitation
y <- VALUE_Iberia_pr
x <- CORDEX_Iberia_pr
newdata <- CORDEX_Iberia_pr.rcp85
cal <- biasCorrection(y = y, x = x,
                          newdata = newdata,
                          precipitation = TRUE,
                          method = "eqm",
                          extrapolation = "constant",
                          window = c(30, 15),
                          wet.threshold = 0.1)

Plot the resulting time series for Igueldo station with function temporalPlot:

# time series plotting for Igueldo station
VALUE.obs <- subsetGrid(y, = "000234") # observation <- subsetGrid(cal, = "000234") # CORDEX RCP8.5 corrected
CDX.hist <- interpGrid(x, getGrid(VALUE.obs)) # CORDEX historical
CDX.raw <- interpGrid(newdata, getGrid(VALUE.obs)) # CORDEX RCP8.5
temporalPlot(VALUE.obs, CDX.hist,, CDX.raw, 
             cols = c("black", "red", "green", "red"))

Red series are the non-corrected CORDEX data (historical and rcp8.5), the black line is the observation and the green one is the corrected CORDEX rcp8.5 data.

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Session info

print(sessionInfo(package = c("transformeR", "downscaleR")))

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