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A restaurant application to demonstrate the concept of shared memory and semaphores.


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A restaurant application with IPC, shared memory and semaphores

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This application demonstrates the concept of IPC, POSIX shared memory and semaphores. The build is supported in both linux and darwin/OSX systems.


$ make all


Only one coordinator and server should be invoked. However, multiple number of cashiers (Which is under MaxNumOfCashiers) and clients can be invoked. Each command arguments are discussed in the implementation below.

Once the binaries are created, run the following scripts in different terminal sessions. Note: make sure MaxTimeWait is a large number when invoking the coordinator to have enough time to invoke the other participants.

# run in terminal 1
$ ./coordinator -n MaxNumOfCashiers -p MaxPeople -t MaxTimeWait
# run in terminal 2
$ ./server -m shmid
# run in terminal 3
$ ./cashier -s serviceTime -b breakTime -m shmid
# run in terminal 4
$ ./client -i itemId -e eatTime -m shmid

Data on individual clients and orders are saved in the db folder while the summary statistics such as average waiting time for all customers, total visiting clients, total revenue and top five most popular dishes are displayed when all clients have been served and the coordinator exits and saved in the stats folder as well.

Clean build artifacts

$ make clean

Notes on each program

1) Coordinator

When the coordinator is invoked with the command below. It creates a shared memory and named semaphores under the POSIX standards, finally printing out the shmid. The other participants/processes access this shared memory through the shmid.

Note: The shmid is defined as global constant SHMID in common.h

$ ./coordinator -n MaxNumOfCashiers -p MaxPeople -t MaxTimeWait
  • MaxNumOfCashiers is the maximum number of cashiers that can be operating and invoked after the coordinator begins operation for the restaurant app.
  • MaxPeople is the maximum number of clients that can be present in the restaurant at any given time. If more clients attempt to join, they will simply exit.
  • MaxTimeWait is the maximum time that the restaurant waits before closing the shop given that no new clients have entered and all current clients have left the restaurant.

2) Server

The server needs access to the menu data structure in the shared memory segment with id shmid initialized by the coordinator.

$ ./server -m shmid

3) Cashier

A cashier checks the MaxNumOfCashiers value in the shared memory (shm) with id shmid initialized by the coordinator. The cur_n_cashiersinshmmust be less than MaxNumOfCashiers.

$ ./cashier -s serviceTime -b breakTime -m shmid
  • serviceTime = maximum service time for dealing with one client
  • breakTime = maximum break time when the cashier_client_wait_queue is empty after which cashier returns back to station and goes back into break if there are no clients to serve again.

4) Client

A client checks the MaxPeople value in the shared memory (shm) with id shmid initialized by the coordinator. Thecur_n_clients_wait_cashierinshmmust be less than MaxPeople. Otherwise client exits the restaurant.

$ ./client -i itemId -e eatTime -m shmid
  • itemId = id of item available in menu inside db\diner_menu.txt
  • eatTime = maximum eating time of the client


All the participating programs run on the following pseudocode logic:

Semaphore Initialized
    CaS = 1    // Cashier Sem
    CaCiQS = 1 // Cash Cli Que Sem
    DeqC = 0   // Deq Cashier Block Sem
    SeS = 0    // Server Sem
    SeCiQS = 1 // Serv Cli Que Sem
    DeqS = 0   // Deq Server Block Sem
    ShutS = 0  // Shutdown Sem
    WriteS = 1 // Write lock Sem

    Open all named semaphores
    Initialize shared memory
    while (1)
        wait (ShutS)
        send SIGTERM to server
        set shutdown flag in shm to 1
        Generate statistics and save in stats/statistics_UNIX_time.txt
        Close and unlink all open semaphores
        Close and unlink shared mem

    Check if CaQue is more than CaMax then leave

    while (1)
        if shutdown (shutdown)
        wait (CaS)
        if (CaCliQue head is NULL):
            signal (CaS)
            wait (CaCiQS)
            // Write to shared memory
            wait (DeqC)
            dequeue_first_Cli from CaCiQS
            signal (CaS)
            signal (CaCiQS)
            // Process client / wait with client
            sleep ([1...serviceTime])

Client with Cashier
    Check if CaCiQue is max then leave
    wait (CaCiQS)
    signal (CaCiQS)

    // small (insignificant) wait with the cashier to get serve time
    signal (DeqC)
    // Interact start with Server

    while (1)
        wait (SeS)
        // check the front of the queue to find the current Client Pid
        // write server food prep to shared memory
        sIgnal (DeqS)

Client with Server
    Enqueue _itself_to_ServerQ // no need for lock as this prevents race conditions
    while (1)
        wait (SeCiQS) // ensures only one client deals with the Server at a time
        If (getpid() != ServerQ_head)
            signal (SeCiQS)
        else // getpid() == ServerQ_head
        signal (SeS)

        wait (DeqS)
        sleep( [menu_min_time...menu_max_time] )
        dequeue_itself _from_ServerQ
        signal (SeCiQS)

The shared memory itself has the following structure, defined in common.h

typedef struct Shared_memory_struct {
    /* We will deploy three custom array based queues with a
        maximum capacity of MAX_REST_QUEUE_CAP (The maximum num of clients the
        restaurant can handle )
        They are client cashier queue, client server queue and a client record queue */
    int front_client_Q;
    int rear_client_Q;
    int size_client_Q;
    struct Client_CashQ_item client_cash_queue[MAX_REST_QUEUE_CAP];

    int front_server_Q;
    int rear_server_Q;
    int size_server_Q;
    struct Client_ServQ_item client_server_queue[MAX_REST_QUEUE_CAP];

    /* client_record_cur_size cannot exceed MAX_REST_QUEUE_CAP */
    int client_record_cur_size;
    struct Client_record_item client_record_queue[MAX_REST_QUEUE_CAP];

    /* static constants */
    int MaxCashiers;
    int MaxPeople;

    /* dynamic values */
    pid_t server_pid; // pid of current server program
    int totalCashierNum; // current number of cashieers
    int totalClientNum; // current number of total clients
    int totalClientOverall; // overall number of clients processed must be less than MaxPeople
} Shared_memory_struct;

We load up the menu of available items from a diner_menu.txt file in the db folder.

To represent the menu items we use a custom C struct Item.

typedef struct Item {
    int menu_itemId;
    char menu_desc[MAX_ITEM_DESC_LEN];
    int menu_price;
    int menu_min_time;
    int menu_max_time;
} Item;

To represent the client and server queues with cashiers we use a custom C struct Client_Queue_item.

typedef struct Client_Queue_Item {
	pid_t client_pid;
	int menu_item_id;
} Client_Queue_Item;

And to represent the struct for storing client records, we use another custom C struct Client_Record_Item.

typedef struct Client_Record_Item {
    pid_t clien_pid;
    int client_id;
    int menu_itemId;
    char menu_desc[MAX_ITEM_DESC_LEN];
    float menu_price;
    int eat_time;
    int time_with_cashier;
    int time_with_server;
} Client_Record_Item;



  • Linux man pages


A restaurant application to demonstrate the concept of shared memory and semaphores.








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