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Set of modules designed for Microservice architecture.

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RefurbMe Shared utils

Set of modules designed for Microservice architecture.

We recommend to fork this, instead of importing this module (it's subject to change anytime)


Start all services (sequentially) with graceful exit handler.

Full Example:

const serviceLoader = require('@refurbme/shared/lib/service_loader');

return serviceLoader()
.publisher(config.amqUrl, ['exchange-name1', 'exchange-name1'])
.then(() => {
  /* Some logic here */
  return Promise.resolve(true);
  pgUrl: config.pgUrl,
  pgDatabase: config.pgDatabase,
.express(() => require('./express_app.js'), config.httpPort)

Available functions chains:

  • ping(hostList, [options]): Check if hostnames are alive
    • hostList (array of host to ping) host format: hostname:port
    • options.failureMax (integer, how many attempts should we try before we exit the process, default: 5)
    • options.frequency (integer, how many milliseconds should wait before checking again hostnames, default: 30000)
  • db([options]): Initiate database, checks if database is alive and destroy knex on exit
    • options.pgUrl (string, postgres url, default: set in ./lib/db/config.js)
    • options.pgDatabase (string, database to query, default: postgres)
    • options.failureMax (integer, how many attempts should we try before we exit the process, default: 5)
    • options.frequency (integer, how many milliseconds should wait before checking again the database, default: 30000)
  • cache(redisUrl): Start cache for @refurbme/shared/lib/cache
    • redisUrl (required string, redis url)
  • publisher(amqUrl, publisherExchanges): Connect to RabbitMQ and assert exchanges for @refurbme/shared/lib/publisher, and close it when exit
    • amqUrl (required string, amq url)
    • publisherExchanges (required array, list of exchanges to assert)
  • coworkers(options): Connect to RabbitMQ using coworkers, and close it when exit. options is required.
    • options.amqUrl (required string, amq url)
    • options.consumer (required function that returns coworkers app,
    • options.consumerExchange (required string, exchange name where the consumer queue is binded)
    • options.consumerQueue (required string, consumer queue name)
    • options.publisherExchanges (optional array, list of publisher exchange name)
  • express(expressApp, port): Start express HTTP server, and close it when exit
    • expressApp (required function that returns express app, - We advice you to use the require inside this function.
    • port (integer, HTTP port. default: 80)
  • then(customPromise): Run a custom process on the process
    • customPromise (function that returns a Promise)
  • done([callback]): Add this at the end of the chain to start the service. it can take a callback function as parameter that executes when everything is loaded.
  • onExit(customPromise): Action to perform when closing Gracefully
    • customPromise (function that returns a Promise)


Monitoring using Google Stackdriver: Debug, Trace, Errors.

Full Example:

const gcloud = require('@refurbme/shared/lib/gcloud');

// Environment variable:
// - GCLOUD_PROJECT: "my-project"

gcloud.init(process.cwd(), {
  trace: {
    ignoreUrls: [/^\/assets/, /\/~*health/],

Available methods:

  • init(projectRootDirectory, [options]): Initiate gcloud
    • options: (optional object) more details below
    • projectRootDirectory: (required, string) Project root directory (where package.json is located)
  • reportError(): Report an error to gcloud-errors, error must be an Error object
  • expressMiddleWare(): gcloud-errors express middleware
  • startSpan(): gcloud-trace startSpan (see trace documentation)
  • endSpan(): gcloud-trace endSpan (see trace documentation)
  • runInSpan(): gcloud-trace runInSpan (see trace documentation)
  • runInRootSpan(): gcloud-trace runInRootSpan (see trace documentation)

Available options:

Environment variables:

  • GCLOUD_STACKDRIVER_CREDENTIALS: required string, base64 of the gcloud json key
  • GCLOUD_PROJECT: required string: gcloud project name
  • ENABLE_GCLOUD_TRACE: option binary: Enable gcloud trace
  • ENABLE_GCLOUD_ERROR: option binary: Enable gcloud error reporting
  • ENABLE_GCLOUD_DEBUG: option binary: Enable gcloud debug
  • GCLOUD_DEBUG_LOGLEVEL: Log level for gcloud/debug (default: 1)
  • GCLOUD_TRACE_LOGLEVEL: Log level for gcloud/trace (default: 1)
  • GCLOUD_ERRORS_LOGLEVEL: Log level for gcloud/error (default: 1)


Log data on the console (using winston), and report errors to gcloud/error if enabled

Full Example:

const logger = require('@refurbme/shared/lib/logger');

logger.error(new Error('Something broke'));

// You can use middlewares for express

// Request logs

// Error logs
if (logger.gcloudErrorsMiddleWare) {

Exported methods:

  • requestLogger: Express middleware to log requests
  • errorLogger: Express middleware to log errors
  • gcloudErrorsMiddleWare: Express middleware to report express errors to gcloud
  • error
  • warn
  • info
  • log
  • verbose
  • debug
  • silly


Connect to a Postgres database using knex.

Check section @refurbme/shared/lib/service_loader for details to initiate the database

Full Example:

const serviceLoader = require('@refurbme/shared/lib/service_loader');
const dbLoader = require('@refurbme/shared/lib/db');

  pgUrl: 'postgres://root:@localhost',
  pgDatabase: 'postgres',
.done(() => {
  db.raw('SELECT 1;')
  .then((data) => {
    const db = dbLoader.getKnexObject();

Used environment variables

  • POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR: Postgres hostname
  • POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT: Postgres port
  • POSTGRES_ENV_POSTGRES_USER: Postgres username
  • DB_NAME: Postgres database


  • run(action, database): Run a task to the database
    • action: can be createdb, dropdb, migrate, seed, init (createdb + migrate + seed), refresh (dropdb + init)
    • database: database name
  • createdb(database): Create database
  • dropdb(database): Drop database
  • migrate(database): Migrate database
  • seed(database): Seed database