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(Work In Progress) A package manager that uses Lua programming language to manage out-of-the-box resource packages


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!!! 正在开发中 | Work In Progress

This repository is a work in progress. Some of the features are missing and major changes can happen.


  • qua-runtime
  • qua-package-manager
    • scan project and write manifest
    • resolve manifests to lock
    • download packages according to lock
  • qua-cli

廓 | Qua


A package manager that uses Lua programming language to manage out-of-the-box resource packages , eg. pure Lua script packages, game asset packages, etc. that do not require extra build steps.

特点 | Features

  • 依赖树结构
    • 每个包可以设置接口文件以允许其他包依赖
    • 每个包可以依赖其他包中的接口文件
  • 中心化或自定义的包仓库
    • 手动将网络上的资源制作成包注册项,提交到仓库中供他人搜索
    • 通过CLI从指定仓库(默认是中心仓库)搜索包,并下载到本地以供使用
  • Dependency tree
    • Each package can specify interface files as provisions
    • Each package can rely on interface files from other packages as dependencies
  • Centralized or customized registry
    • Manually make a package version spec from a public resource, and submit it to a registry to make it available for anyone accessing the registry
    • Using the CLI, search the desired packages from a registry (the centralized one as the default), and download it to a local storage for further use

构成 | Structure

  • 命令行界面(CLI)
    • 用于便捷管理当前Lua工程所用包
    • 设置远程仓库
    • 按名称、概述、说明或标签搜索包
    • 安装、卸载或升级包
  • 运行时库
    • 纯Lua编写
    • 供脚本包或宿主环境使用
    • 控制包间依赖而不污染全局package.loaded
    • 读取包下数据
  • 包管理器库
    • 为自定义工具增加包管理功能
    • 扫描项目,将所需依赖项列出为manifest.quaspec清单文件
    • 将清单文件根据各包要求版本区间锁定依赖项版本为lock.quaspec锁定文件
    • 根据锁定文件从远程仓库下载所需的依赖项到本地
  • Command Line Interface(CLI)
    • Can be used for managing dependency packages of the current working Lua project
    • Set from which remote registry to download packages
    • Search packages by name, summary, description or tag
    • Add, remove and upgrade dependency packages
  • Runtime Library
    • Written in pure Lua
    • Can be used by a script package or the host environment
    • Import other packages without polluting global package.loaded
    • Load files inside the current package
  • Package Manager Library
    • Can be used by tools to gain the ability of managing packages
    • Sniff the dependencies from the source project and list them in a manifest file manifest.quaspec
    • Lock the demanded actual version of each dependency, by calculating from the ranges given by each package, and write these versions to the lock file lock.quaspec
    • Download according to a remote registry the locked versions of dependencies to a local storage

使用范例 | Usage Examples

!!! TODO !!! 可以先看看单元测试里的用例:src/qua-runtime-unittest !!! Currently, you can check the use cases in the unit tests under src/qua-runtime-unittest

安装 | Installation

!!! TODO !!! src/qua-runtime可以直接复制过来用。之后等CLI写好也许会有通过CLI操作的方法。 !!! Copy the src/qua-runtime folder for use. Would be smoother using CLI when CLI is complete later.

详情 | Details

!!! TODO < 中文文档 | English Documentation >

开源协议 | License



(Work In Progress) A package manager that uses Lua programming language to manage out-of-the-box resource packages







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