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Notifications implementation for Telegram

Telegram configuration

  1. Create a telegram group in Which you will receive Elena related messages
  2. Set up the telegram Bot:
    1. Search BotFather chat in Telegram
    2. Send /newbot command and give it a name and username
    3. Store the HTTP API token
  3. Get the chat ID of the group:
    1. Add the bot to the group you created in step 1
    2. Send this message to the group: /my_id <@your_bot_username>
    3. Go to<YourBOTToken>/getUpdates and get the chat ID from the response.
    4. If you didn't receive any message, send again the step 3.2. message to the group and try again.
    5. Copy the chat ID and store it from field
  4. Edit your secrets.yaml file in ELENA_HOME directory with the values you got in steps 2 and 3:
      class: elena_notifications_telegram.adapters.notifications_manager.telegram_notifications_manager.TelegramNotificationsManager

Installation for developing

  • On Pycharm clone elena and elena_notifications_telegram.
  • Create a virtual env on elena_notifications_telegram and from the Pycharm terminal (making sure that the venv is active) run make install
  • To run integration test, on /test/integration/test_home copy the sample file secrets-sample.yaml to secrets.yaml and configure your Telegram access configuration as explained before (it doesn't need real exchange info)