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Little project to play with Spark Structured Streaming, Scala, Avro and Kafka, PostgreSQL.


to run the project, you need Spark which can be download here

I use also ksql-datagen. It's a tool available in the Confluent platform which ben be download here. I use the version 6.0.0 of the Confluent Platform (currently the last).

Create some environment variables which point to the home folder of the project. I have CONFLUENT_HOME to use ksql-datagen and SPARK_HOME to use Spark.

How to run

Clone the repository of this project.

You need to run the Kafka cluster. Use docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

How to run the JSON version

To run the project, run :

  • sbt package . It will generate you a JAR which will be used by Spark. You can find it in the target/scala-2.12 folder with the name spark-structured-streaming_2.12-0.1.jar.
  • $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.0.1 --class "JsonConsumer" --master local ./target/scala-2.12/spark-structured-streaming_2.12-0.1.jar. The JsonConsumercorresponds to the name of the Scala Consumer located in the src folder.
  • After, we will generate some data with the ksql-datagen tool.
  • $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/ksql-datagen schema=schemas/transactions.avro format=json topic=transactions-json key=transationid iterations=1000
  • The transactions.avro schema will let to ksql-datagen to create data with a specified format.
  • If you return on the window of Spark, you will see data appear.

How to run the AVRO version

To run the project, clone it and run :

  • sbt assembly . It will generate you a JAR which will be used by Spark. You can find it in the target/scala-2.12 folder with the name spark-structured-streaming.jar.
  • First, we need to generate some data with the ksql-datagen tool to create the schemas in the Registry. The Avro consumer and Spark need them to correctly run.
  • $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/ksql-datagen schema=schemas/transactions.avro format=avro topic=transactions-avro key=transactionid iterations=1
  • $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/ksql-datagen schema=schemas/clients.avro format=avro topic=clients-avro key=clientid iterations=1
  • Now, we can launch the consumer
  • $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.0.1 --class "AvroConsumer" --master local ./target/scala-2.12/spark-structured-streaming.jar. The AvroConsumercorresponds to the name of the Scala Consumer located in the src folder.
  • Because of the latest configuration of the consumer, it will no re-read previously pushed events, so you have to re-launch the two commands of ksql-datagen.
  • The Avro consumer read two different sources (or topics) : clients and transactions. The two topics are linked by a clientIdfield. I configure a kind of join function between the two sources, on the clientId field.
  • If you return on the window of Spark, you will see data appear, but only when the transaction.clientId = client.clientId :)
  • if you look the code, you can see a dropDuplicates function. We need this function to avoid the streams to become too big. Without it, it can wait a long time to have two linked entities. I choose to just drop the previous entry, if two clients have the same Ids, the old one is dropped. (it not the best behaviour but it's just a test, I will work to improve that)
  • You have another way to do it, with a kind of eventTime field. You put as value the moment when you push the event, and if the event is too old, it will be remove of the stream. I think it's a better way of do what I want, I will work on that.


Some scripts are available in the scripts folder. For example, to add transactions for the JSON consumer, you can use (since the scripts folder) :

  • sh json

For Avro consumer, just replace json by avro.

How to run the PostgreSQL version

  • First, we need the PostgreSQL driver (can be found here). I use in this repository the 42.2.18 version.
  • I put the JAR at the root of the repository
  • After, I use a tool called pgcli to create my table and to insert data. The command lines can be found in the script folder.
  • After, go to script and launch

How to run the Parquet version

  • First, you need 9 JARS. The list can be found in the file and get them on Maven repository. I put them in a jars folder. If you want put them in another folder, don't forget to update the path in the script (the jars/XXX of each jar)
  • After that, you just have to run the script
  • We can play with the Data (in the Seq dataHeroes and/or dataCities in the ParquetConsumer Scala file) to add more data or update it. We also can play we the SQL requests.
  • I had some problems of compilation with the toDf and to toDs functions. It seems the position of the import of the implicits has an importance, I can't understand it for the moment, but I continue to search :)