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Initial setup

  1. Clone the repository code from
  2. Copy backend/.env/template to backend/.env/local
  3. Open backend/.env/local and change DJANGO_CONFIGURATION value to Local
  4. Run make run, wait until Nest local is responding
  5. Run make load-data to populate the database from data/ fixtures
  6. Go to and create a free account. Create an Algolia app and update DJANGO_ALGOLIA_API_KEY and DJANGO_ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID in your .env/local file
  7. Now you should be able to run make index
  8. Check the data is available via API endpoints: projects and issues

Optional steps (if you're going to manage or fetch data):

  1. Run make setup to create a super user
  2. Create a GitHub personal access token
  3. Open backend/.env/local and update GITHUB_TOKEN value
  4. Now you should be able to run make sync command that updates your local DB data