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UIKitPin is a Swift package that provides an extension to UIView for easier and more concise constraint-based layout management in UIKit. It simplifies the process of setting constraints for common layout tasks such as pinning to edges, centering, and setting sizes.


  • Pin views to any side of their superview with or without constants.
  • Center views horizontally or vertically in their superview.
  • Set width and height constraints with ease.
  • A clean and readable API for managing constraints.


You can add UIKitPin as a dependency using Swift Package Manager:

.package(url: "", from: "0.0.9")


Import UIKitPin into your Swift file:

import UIKitPin

Pinning to Superview

The pin(to: _:) method pins the view to the specified edges of its superview: superview, [.top, .leading])

You can also add constants to each side: superview, [.top: 10, .leading: 20])

Centering in Superview

To center a view horizontally or vertically:

myView.pinCenterX(to: superview)
myView.pinCenterY(to: superview)

To center both horizontally and vertically:

myView.pinCenter(to: superview)

Setting Width and Height

Set width and height constraints using:

myView.setWidth(to: 100)
myView.setHeight(to: 50)

Enjoy ❤️