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Matteo edited this page Apr 7, 2023 · 5 revisions

MSCHAT is an open-source software, you can read, download, edit and share the source code freely (see LICENCE).

If you want to use the source code you have to follow this procedure.

How to create a virtual enviroment

  1. Open the command prompt
  2. Run python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment

What files you need to download

Source code

  1. Go to src folder on GitHub
  2. Download all the files
  3. Put them in your virtual enviroment root folder

Server files

  1. Go to server folder on GitHub
  2. Download all .txt files (check this this list, but ignore the .exe files)
  3. Put them in the same folder of


You can find here the list of modules you need to download

  1. Open the command prompt
  2. Run start activate.bat from the "Scripts" folder
  3. Install each module using pip install ModuleName==Version
  4. Put and in Lib/site-packages folder
  5. Find "pydispo" module folder and replace "" with the one you downloaded before

Run the scripts

  1. Open the command prompt
  2. Run start activate.bat from the "Scripts" folder
  3. Run python or python