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Starting the server :

./ircserv <port> <password>

Client actions Execution
Change username : /user
Change nickname : /nick
Messaging actions Execution
To send a private message : /msg
To switch between/to a private message channel : /query
To leave the private message channel : /query
Channel actions Execution
To join/create a channel : /join
To leave the channel : /leave
Kick (operator privilage) : /kick
Invite a user to the channel : /invite
Change channel topic : /topic
Set/remove the invite-only channel : /mode +i/-i
Set/remove the restriction of the TOPIC to operator : /mode +t/-t
Set/remove the channel key (password) : /mode +k/-k
Set/remove the user limit to channel : /mode +l/-l

Channel rules:

  1. If the channel does not exist, the one joining it first, Creates the channel and becomes the channel operator
  2. If the channel has no password set, anyone can join
  3. If the password is set, a client connecting to the channel has to specify it
  4. If the channel is set to invite-only, password is not necessary but the client has to be invited by someone inside the channel
  5. If the client limit set is to a lower limit then the current amount of joined Clients, nobody will be kicked but if someone leaves, they cant connect back, same applies to new join tries
  6. Operator only commands : MODE & KICK

IRC can be tested with nc(netcat) as well.

Linux instalation : sudo apt-get install netcat

NC usage Connecting with NC (Steps 2-4 need no order):

Step Execution
1. nc <ip adress> <port>
2. NICK <nickname>
3. USER <username>
4. PASS <password>
Action Command
Join a channel JOIN <#channelname>
Leave a channel PART <#channelname>
Direct private message PRIVMSG username :message
Channel message PRIVMSG #channelname :message
Set/remove channel password MODE #channelname +k/-k password
Set/remove channel limit MODE #channelname +l/-l limit
Add/remove channel operator MODE #channelname +o/-o nickname
Set/remove channel topic privilege MODE #channelname +t/-t
Set/remove channel to invite only MODE #channelname +i/-i
Kick client from a channel KICK #channelname nickname :reason


Internet Relay Chat







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