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Repository files navigation

Welcome in this repo!

This is the place where we are saving our WIP files for website.

For this particular restyle we are using a Jekyll theme called Hyde made by Mark Otto.

How to deploy changes

phase 1: update the repository

First we need to update this git repository the usual way, using git add, git commit and git push.

phase 2

Than we need to compile the site an upload it to the server usign Filezilla.

The command to use to compile is

bundle exec jekyll build

Possibly you can use the --future argument.

Then you need to open FileZilla and upload the _site folder content.

Use the following options which makes the job easier:

  • toggle synchronized browsing on;
  • toggle directory comparison on;
  • "overwrite if different size or source newer" + "Always use this action";

How to create a page

If you want the page to appears inside the sidebar you have to give that page a front matter like the one shown below

	layout: page
	title: myAwsomwTitle

where you explicitly define the title for the page.

If you don't want your page to appear in the sidebar, simply put the title of the page outside the front matter:

  	layout: page
	# myAwsomwTitle

How to create a post

to create a post put relevant information inside the front matter such as:

  • title
  • date
  • excerpt
  • categories

A post cannot avoid having at least one category since categories provides the site navigation logic. If you want your post to have more than one category, simply put all of them inside square brackets, comma separeted. For example:

category: [installation, issue]

A post can also have a shortcut image that will be shown at the bottom of the homepage.

shortcut: shortcut-jags.png

If you don't specified a dedicated image for the post, the post will be given a default image accoring to its belonging to a particular category.

In this case you will not see the post listed in the homepage but you can access the post browsing its category page.


Here a list of the categories currently in use:

  • sound-design: work, tool
  • installation: none, soundface, issue
  • coding: math, physics, graphics, physical-computing, sound
  • game: experiment, scumm, technique, abandonia(?)
  • teaching: none
  • linuxday2016: installation

How to create Tables

Here you can find more information, but in general below the code you can use to creare a simple table with an header and content centered:

header cell 1 | header cell 2 | header cell 3
| :-: | :-: | :-: |
data 1 | data 2 | data 3

How to create a NOTE section

To create a note section, simly put this line of code after the paragraph end (on a new line):

{: .note}

How to create a .png shortcut from a font awesome character

Use font-awesome-png-converter, an interesting utility to convert vectorial fonts into png images.

Donwload the last Font awesome archive and browse inside it.

Use the following command to generate the IMAGE from the corresponding CHARACTER:

icon-font-to-png --css ../css/font-awesome.css --ttf ./fontawesome-webfont.ttf --size 110 CHARACTER --filename IMAGE

How to render Math formulae inside a post

We can use MathJax as explained in the Jekyll Documentation here.

If you want to write a mathematical formula you have to create a math latex block (here some info on how to create latex formulae), than you have to surround it with two dollar sign:

$$ x+y = 5 $$

How to create a LaTeX formula inside an Inkscape images

Use the Extensions -> Render -> LaTeX formula... extension. In the editable field add LaTeX formulae like the one shown below:


How to have synthax highlighted

Use these liquid tags before and after code blocks. Here's a list of supported languages.

{% highlight c %}

	[code blocks]

{% endhighlight %}


Because of the filesystem structure of the website,

website structure{: width="40%"}

we are usign 2 important YAML variable inside the config.yml file:

  • url:
  • baseurl: /website

We have to pay attention when we create:

links to posts inside Liquid block code

Use the folling code for links:

<h3 class="post-title"><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{post.url}}">{{ post.title }}</a></h3>

instead of this:

<h3 class="post-title"><a href="{{post.url}}">{{ post.title }}</a></h3>

internal link between posts

Use this synthax:

[here'a link between post]({{ site.baseurl }}{% post_url 2015-02-01-name-of-the-post %})

instead of this:

[here'a link between post]({% post_url 2015-02-01-name-of-the-post %})


Use the following code in inserting images:

![image]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/petunia-la-rana/festa-mondiale-zanzare-2011.jpg)

instead of this one:


Loading Problems

Because we want to load MathJax and FontAwesome scripts only when it is necessary, we inserted inside the head.html file some Liquid Code to prevent these scripts to be loaded in each page of the web site.

Thisi code checks if the page/post contains special variables inside the Front Matter so to decide if the corresponding script has to be loaded.

Here's the code:

{% if page.usefa %}
<!-- Font Awesome -->
<script src=""></script>
{% endif %}

{% if page.usemath %}
<!-- MathJax for matemathics formulae rendering -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
{% endif %}

If you want your page to use math formulae remember to insert the variable usemath in the Front Matter like this:

usemath: true

How to deploy the site

Here you will find a useful link!


We use Open Web Analytics. Direct link to our site analytics. Wiki

Useful links

Install bundler

The following instructions worked for me:

  • sudo apt-get install ruby-dev;
  • sudo gem install bundler;
  • bundle install;


a repo to backup our restyle work on our website.







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