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#1. What it does: The webcam script is designed to take a photo, make thumbnails, add a logo and put it on a webserver via lftp. additionally it adjusts the iso parameter from camera at night. it runs takes as many photos as possible.

#2. Todo ###First of all please Install the Newest Firmware of the Raspary pi. Execute this:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo rpi-update

=> after installation please Reboot

###you must be shure, the Camera is switched to enabled in

sudo raspi-config

###set your timezone with

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

###We need to install some Things like ImageMagick, lftp and other stuff. So we need to execute:

sudo aptitude install imagemagick lftp sed at 

###if you want the automatic iso Change you also need the tool "SUN" - you will get it from the homepage


Please Build and compile it (i don't explain it here ;)

###now we need to download the script and place it into a Directory witch fits. in this case i use the /usr/bin/

make the file executable

chmod +x /usr/bin/

and use your favourite Editor to adjust the Parameters

The Parameters are:

WebcamPicture=/tmp/webcam.jpg								# where to place the original webcam picture
LogoPicture1=/home/pi/logo.png								# a logo-file for the full size picture
LogoPicture2=/home/pi/logo.png								# a logo-file for the thumbnail size picture
WorkPicture=/tmp/webcam_tmp.jpg								# a workfile to prevent the original from editing 
WorkPictureThumbnail=/tmp/webcam_thumb.jpg					# a workfile for the thumpnail 
LOGFILE=/var/log/								# a logfile
ISOFILE=/etc/isowert										# the "iso" Parameter of the camera (and more)
RASPISTILLPARAM=" -n -e jpg -q 100 "						# default parameters for the raspistill command 
THUMPPARAM=" -resize 640x480 -type Optimize -quality 100 "	# Thumbnail Parameters 
WEBSERVERFILE1="webcam.jpg"									# how the file on web/ftp server is named
WEBSERVERFILE2="webcam_thumb.jpg"							# how the thumbnailfile on web/ftp server is named
PIDFILE=/tmp/webcam.running									# just a pid file

FTPServer=""												# ftp-server
FTPUser=""													# ftp-user
FTPPass=""													# ftp-password 
FTPPATH="/"													#  path at the ftp server 

Now we must add some entrys at the Crontable in order to run the script automatic. i desided to start the script every minute. but it doesnt matter. because if the script iss running, it aborts automaticly.

Edit the file /etc/crontab with your favorite editor and add the following lines

* * * * *       root    /usr/bin/
5 0     * * * root      echo 'echo "800 -ex auto " >/etc/isowert' | at $(sun rise -q Heilbronn -t civil )
0 14    * * * root      echo 'echo "4000 -ex night " >/etc/isowert' | at $(sun set -q Heilbronn -t astro )
0 10     * * * root      echo "200 -ex auto " >/etc/isowert
Let me explain.
Lets get sure , the file is always running.
* * * * *       root    /usr/bin/ 
We want , after the sunrise to lower the iso parameter and switch the mode to automatic mode. So at 00:05 it checks the time for the sunrise and the location.
5 0     * * * root      echo 'echo "800 -ex auto " >/etc/isowert' | at $(sun rise -q Heilbronn -t civil )
At afternoon at 2 pm it checks, when the sunset hits the city and switch to an incredably high iso parameter. :)
0 14    * * * root      echo 'echo "4000 -ex night " >/etc/isowert' | at $(sun set -q Heilbronn -t astro )
at 10am set the "normal" iso parameter. in our region the sunrise is never later than that.

so. almost done.

#3. Forecast i want to add a temperature into the picture and some other text. it would be done soon :)

any suggestions ? please send me an e-mail tkloppholz <@>

greetings from earth









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