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Delphi binding for OpenCV

  • Experimental Delphi binding for OpenCV 4.10.0
  • Development environment - Delphi 10.4, 11, 12
  • x64 platform only


  1. Download the current state of the project as zip or as git
  2. Download OpenCV 4.10.0, run and unpack to the selected directory.
    The following DLLs are required to work properly
    From <opencv>\build\x64\vc16\bin\ or from redist\
  • opencv_videoio_ffmpeg4100_64.dll - release
  • opencv_videoio_msmf4100_64.dll - release
  • opencv_world4100.dll - release
  • opencv_videoio_msmf4100_64d.dll - debug
  • opencv_world4100d.dll - debug
    From redist\
  • opencv_delphi4100.dll - release
  • opencv_delphi4100d.dll - debug

For the library to work properly, you need

  • place next to the executable file of your program. To run examples - in <project>\bin\
  • copy to C:\Windows\System32\
  1. Set Delphi environment setting

Add the Library path for the modules of the project in Delphi IDE:
Tools-Options -> Language-Delphi-Library-"Windows 64-bit"-Library path add path
<project>\source\ and <project>\packages

To run demo examples

  1. Change path OpenCVRootPath in module CVResource.pas to path to unpacked OpenCV <opencv>. This is only needed to run examples from samples.
  2. Open <project>\samples\Samples.groupproj

To instal components

  1. For components, install the packages from
    <project>\packages\<Delphi Version>\CVClassGroup.groupproj
  2. Run demo from <project>\samples\Component\

If VCRUNTIME is missing

Use the advice (Source) The lack of these DLLs can be fixed by installing "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 - 2022 Redistributable" Probably the application that is showing this error depends on it installed Download and install both the x86 and x64 versions

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