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Before using this Terraform code, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Terraform installed on your local machine.
  • Azure subscription and proper authentication credentials.
  • Optional: Azure DevOps pipeline for automated deployment.


To run provision the environment use below commands to start Below metioned command will initialize the terraform instance, locking the version of providers

terraform init

To check the changes that will be made by the terraform modules use below command

terraform plan '-var client_id -var client_secret -var subscription_id -var tenant_id'

And finally if everything seems right run the below command to apply the changes

terraform apply '-var client_id -var client_secret -var subscription_id -var tenant_id'

In any situation if you have to demolish/destroy the infrastructure. Please execute the below command

terraform plan -destroy '-var client_id -var client_secret -var subscription_id -var tenant_id'
terraform destroy '-var client_id -var client_secret -var subscription_id -var tenant_id'

Folder Structure

The folder structure of this Terraform project is organized as follows:

  • The main Terraform configuration file containing resource definitions.
  • Variables and their descriptions, which can be customized.
  • Output variables that provide information after provisioning.
  • modules: This folder defines all the modules that are created
  • This file holds the details for dependencies versions
  • This documentation file.

Terraform Modules

Each module has a specific task which is defined below

az-base Module

This module represents the base infrastructure for the project. It sets up the Terraform state storage and resource group for the project.


module "az-base" {
   source = "./modules/az-base"
   tfstate_resource_group_name = var.tfstate_resource_group_name
   tfstate_storage_account_name = var.tfstate_storage_account_name
   tfstate_container = var.tfstate_container


  • tfstate_resource_group_name (required): The name of the resource group where the Terraform state will be stored.

  • tfstate_storage_account_name (required): The name of the storage account where the Terraform state will be stored.

  • tfstate_container (required): The name of the container within the storage account where the Terraform state will be stored.

tfmod-az-resource-group Module

This module creates an Azure resource group for the project


module "tfmod-az-resource-group"{
    source                  = "./modules/resource-group"
    resource_group_name     = var.resource_group_name
    location                = var.location    
    depends_on              = [ ]            


  • resource_group_name(required): The name of the Azure resource group

  • location(required): The location where the resource group will be created

tfmod-az-virtual-network Module

This module creates an Azure virtual network.


module "tfmod-az-virtual-network"{
    source                  = "./modules/virtual-network"
    vnet_name               = var.vnet_name
    address_space           = var.address_space
    resource_group_name     = module.tfmod-az-resource-group.resource_group_name
    location                = module.tfmod-az-resource-group.resource_group_location                 
    depends_on              = [, module.tfmod-az-resource-group ] 


  • vnet_name (required): The name of the Azure virtual network.

  • address_space (required): The address space for the virtual network.

  • resource_group_name (required): The name of the resource group where the virtual network will be created.

  • location (required): The location where the virtual network will be created.

tfmod-az-apim Module

This module creates an Azure API Management service.


module "tfmod-az-apim" {
    source                  = "./modules/api-management"
    apim_name               = var.apim_name
    sku_name                = var.sku_name
    vnet_name               = module.tfmod-az-virtual-network.virtual_network_name
    depends_on              = [, module.tfmod-az-resource-group, module.tfmod-az-virtual-network ]


  • apim_name (required): The name of the Azure API Management service.

  • sku_name (required): The SKU (size) of the API Management service.

  • vnet_name (required): The name of the virtual network to which the API Management service will be connected.

tfmod-az-appgw Module

This module creates an Azure Application Gateway.


    module "tfmod-az-appgw" {
    source                  = "./modules/application-gateway"
    apim_name               = var.apim_name
    sku_name                = var.sku_name
    vnet_name               = module.tfmod-az-virtual-network.virtual_network_name
    apim_private_ip_address = module.tfmod-az-apim.api_management_private_ip_address
    resource_group_name     = module.tfmod-az-resource-group.resource_group_name
    location                = module.tfmod-az-resource-group.resource_group_location
    depends_on              = [, module.tfmod-az-resource-group, module.tfmod-az-virtual-network, module.tfmod-az-apim ]


  • apim_name (required): The name of the Azure API Management service.

  • sku_name (required): The SKU (size) of the Application Gateway.

  • vnet_name (required): The name of the virtual network to which the Application Gateway will be connected.

  • apim_private_ip_address (required): The private IP address of the API Management service.

  • resource_group_name (required): The name of the resource group where the Application Gateway will be created.

  • location (required): The location where the Application Gateway will be created.

tfmod-az-aks Module

This module creates an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster.


module "tfmod-az-aks" {
    source                  = "./modules/azure-k8s"
    aks_cluster_version     = var.aks_cluster_version
    kubernetes_cluster_name = var.kubernetes_cluster_name
    node_count              = var.node_count
    rbac_enabled            = var.rbac_enabled 
    vnet_name               = module.tfmod-az-virtual-network.virtual_network_name
    resource_group_name     = module.tfmod-az-resource-group.resource_group_name
    location                = module.tfmod-az-resource-group.resource_group_location
    depends_on              = [, module.tfmod-az-resource-group, module.tfmod-az-virtual-network ]


  • aks_cluster_version (required): The version of the AKS cluster.

  • kubernetes_cluster_name (required): The name of the AKS cluster.

  • node_count (required): The number of nodes in the AKS cluster.

  • rbac_enabled (required): Whether RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is enabled for the AKS cluster.

  • vnet_name (required): The name of the virtual network in which the AKS cluster will be created.

  • resource_group_name (required): The name of the resource group where the AKS cluster will be created.

  • location (required): The location where the AKS cluster will be created.

tfmod-az-sql-mi Module

This module creates an Azure SQL Managed Instance.


module "tfmod-az-sql-mi" {
    source                       = "./modules/azure-sql"
    sql_name                     = var.sql_name
    administrator_login          = var.administrator_login
    administrator_login_password = var.administrator_login_password
    license_type                 = var.license_type
    sql_sku_name                 = var.sql_sku_name
    vcores                       = var.vcores
    storage_size_in_gb           = var.storage_size_in_gb
    vnet_name                    = module.tfmod-az-virtual-network.virtual_network_name
    resource_group_name          = module.tfmod-az-resource-group.resource_group_name
    location                     = module.tfmod-az-resource-group.resource_group_location
    depends_on                   = [, module.tfmod-az-resource-group, module.tfmod-az-virtual-network, module.tfmod-az-aks, ]


  • sql_name (required): The name of the Azure SQL Managed Instance.

  • administrator_login (required): The login username for the SQL Managed Instance.

  • administrator_login_password (required): The login password for the SQL Managed Instance.

  • license_type (required): The license type for the SQL Managed Instance.

  • sql_sku_name (required): The SKU (size) of the SQL Managed Instance.

  • vcores (required): The number of virtual cores for the SQL Managed Instance.

  • storage_size_in_gb (required): The storage size in GB for the SQL Managed Instance.

  • vnet_name (required): The name of the virtual network in which the SQL Managed Instance will be created.

  • resource_group_name (required): The name of the resource group where the SQL Managed Instance will be created.

  • location (required): The location where the SQL Managed Instance will be created.

tfmod-app-svc-env Module

This module creates an Azure App Service Environment.


module "tfmod-app-svc-env" {
    source                       = "./modules/app-service-env"
    app_svc_env_name             = var.app_svc_env_name
    OS_type                      = var.OS_type
    vnet_name                    = module.tfmod-az-virtual-network.virtual_network_name


  • app_svc_env_name (required): The name of the Azure App Service Environment.

  • OS_type (required): The operating system type for the App Service Environment.

  • vnet_name (required): The name of the virtual network in which the App Service Environment will be created.


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