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Arduino Projects


This code is in the dca folder, generates a SPWM with Arduino. The following figure shows the scheme.

And the other figures show the generated signals.

2. Position PID control at Stepper Motor

This code is in the stepperPIDcontrol folder has position control with a PID. The sensor that measures the position is a potenciometer and the output signals is by using the ULN2003 driver.

3. XBEE send a DATA

This code is in the xbee_sendData, sends a string DATA with Zigbee protocol.

4. XBEE PID position control

This code is in the xbeePIDServo360control folder, has a position controller for a continuous servo. The feedback sensor is a rotative encoder, the senpoint is sending by a computer with ZigBee Protocol and the arduino send to computer the encoder position data. The figure shows the prototype.

5. Treadmill Prototype

In the folder you can see two fields, the arduino code and the Proteus field for the simulation. In this project is used: -Arduino MEGA 2560 -LCD 16X2 -DS1307 -DC Motor -Optical Encoder This Treadmill Prototype has differents tranining modes, before it starts the user enters his weight and calculates the calories of user. The EPROM saves a history of data and the DS1307 manages time for up to a week. The followinf figure shows some functions.

6. Energy calculation and send it by NRF24L01

With an Arduino, voltage and current sensors, the code calculates the energy and sends that data with NRF24L01 antenna. This code receives a message of RPI and sends the energy. The RPI code is in the following link:

The next figure shows the energy sent with NRF24L01.

7. Contact with me

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