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new grand_mean
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MaximilianPi committed Jun 11, 2021
1 parent cbdbeaa commit 5bea3af
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Showing 91 changed files with 605 additions and 442 deletions.
305 changes: 149 additions & 156 deletions D_simulated.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,173 +1,166 @@
grand_mean = function(fit, mountain, beta, weighted = TRUE, z_statistic = FALSE, mode = "old") {

ind = (mountain+1):(2*mountain)
covariance = vcov(fit)[ind,ind]
effect = summary(fit)$coefficients[ind, 1]

if(!weighted) weights = rep(1/mountain, mountain)
else weights = (1/apply(covariance, 1,sum))/ (sum(1/apply(covariance,1,sum)))
if(mode == "old") weights = (apply(covariance, 1,sum))/ (sum(covariance))
effect_sizes = effect
eff = weighted.mean(effect_sizes, weights)
var1 = 0
for(i in 1:mountain){
for(j in 1:mountain){
var1 = var1 + covariance[i,j]*weights[i]*weights[j]
var2 = sum((weights/(mountain-1))*(effect_sizes-eff)^2)
se = sqrt(var1 + var2)

if(z_statistic) {
p_value = 2*pnorm(abs(eff/se), lower.tail = FALSE)
confs = cbind( eff -1.96*se, eff + 1.96*se)
} else {
p_value = 2*pt(abs(eff/se),df=mountain-1, lower.tail = FALSE)
bound = qt(0.975, df = mountain-1)
confs = cbind( eff - bound*se, eff + bound*se)
# c("estimate_effect", "p_value_effect","se_effect", "Slope_in_conf")
return(c(eff, p_value, se, as.integer(beta > confs[1,1] & beta < confs[1,2])))

simulate_lm_re = function(groups = c(20, 20, 20), group_center = TRUE, sd_re = 0.5) {
g = as.factor(unlist(sapply(1:length(groups), function(i) rep(i, groups[i]))))
x = runif(sum(groups), -1, 1)
X <- matrix(c(rep(1, sum(groups)), x), nrow = sum(groups))
beta = 0.0
beta0 = 0.0
randintercep <- rnorm(length(groups), mean = beta0, sd = sd_re)
randslope <- rnorm(length(groups), mean = beta, sd = sd_re)
mu <- sapply(1:sum(groups), FUN = function(j) X[j,] %*% c(randintercep[g[j]],randslope[g[j]]))
sigma <- 0.3
y <- rnorm(sum(groups), mu, sd = sigma)
if(group_center) {
data = data.frame(iv = X[,2], id = g)
d <- data %>%
mutate(iv.gmc = iv-mean(iv)) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate( = mean(iv),
iv.cwc = %>%
ungroup %>%
mutate(iv.cmc =
d$y = y
fit_lm = lm(y ~ 0+id+iv.cwc:id, data = d)
} else { fit_lm = lm(y ~ 0+x:g + g) }
ind = (length(groups)+1):(2*length(groups))
sim = list(means = coef(fit_lm)[ind], V = vcov(fit_lm)[ind, ind])

mountains = 100
balanced = runif(120, 0, 0.9)

parameter = data.frame( mountain = mountains, balanced = balanced)
colnames(parameter) = c("mountains", "balanced")
parameter$sd = NA
parameter = data.frame(parameter)
parameter$min = NA
parameter$max = NA
parameter$TypeIold = NA
parameter$TypeInew = NA
parameter$TypeMeta = NA

cl = snow::makeCluster(30L)
snow::clusterEvalQ(cl, {library(lme4); library(lmerTest)})
snow::clusterExport(cl, list("grand_mean", "parameter"), envir = environment())

results_list = vector("list", 5)
res_sd = vector("list", 3)
for(sd in 1:3) {
sd_re = c(0.1, 0.5, 2.0)
snow::clusterExport(cl, list( "sd_re"), envir = environment())
for(m in 1:5) {
parameter$mountains = c(3, 5, 10, 50, 200)[m]
snow::clusterExport(cl, list("grand_mean", "parameter"), envir = environment())

tmp =
snow::parLapply(cl, 1:nrow(parameter), function(i) {

n_each <- 25
n_groups = number_groups = parameter[i,]$mountains
n = (number_groups)*n_each
balanced = parameter[i,]$balanced
range = (1 - balanced)/2
continue = TRUE
while(continue) {
prob = runif(n_groups, range, 1-range)
g <-, n_each*n_groups, replace = TRUE, prob = prob)
if(min(table(g)) > 2) continue = FALSE
} # Grouping variable (mountain range)
group = as.factor(g)
min_max = c(min(table(g)), max(table(g)))
parameter[i,]$min = min_max[1]
parameter[i,]$max = min_max[2]

nonSing2 = 1
abort2 = 1
res = matrix(NA, 2000, 3)
while(nonSing2 < 2001){
abort2 = abort2 + 1
if( (abort2 == 20000)) break

x <- runif(n, -1, 1) # Temperature
X <- matrix(c(rep(1, n), x), nrow = n) # Intercept, Temperature

sd_randeff = sd_re # sd for random effects

beta = 0.0 # Temperature effect meaning when the temperature increases 1 degree the respective variable also does
beta0 = 10.0 # Intercept: the mean height of a reporductive plant

randintercep <- rnorm(n_groups, mean = beta0, sd = sd_randeff) # random intercept
randslope <- rnorm(n_groups, mean = beta, sd = sd_randeff) # random slope

mu <- sapply(1:n, FUN = function(j) X[j,] %*% c(randintercep[g[j]],randslope[g[j]]))

sigma <- 0.5
y <- rnorm(n, mu, sd = sigma)

# lme4 - REML
if(nonSing2 < 2001) {
fit_lmm <- lmer(y ~ x + (1|group) + (0+x | group), REML = TRUE)
}, silent = TRUE)

# linear model w mountain range as grouping variable
if(is.null(fit_lmm@optinfo$conv$lme4$messages)) {
fit_lm = lm(y ~ 0+x*group-x)
res[nonSing2, 1] = grand_mean(fit_lm, n_groups, beta, mode = "old")[2]
res[nonSing2, 2] = grand_mean(fit_lm, n_groups, beta, mode = "new")[2]
ind = (n_groups+1):(2*n_groups)
covariance = vcov(fit_lm)[ind,ind]
meta = summary(fit_lm)$coefficients[ind, 1], V = covariance, method = "FE", test = "t" )
res[nonSing2, 3] = meta$pval
}, silent = TRUE)
nonSing2 = nonSing2 + 1

parameter$sd = sd_re
TypeOne = c(mean(res[,1] < 0.05, na.rm=TRUE), mean(res[,2] < 0.05, na.rm=TRUE), mean(res[,3] < 0.05, na.rm=TRUE))
parameter$TypeIold[i] = TypeOne[1]
parameter$TypeInew[i] = TypeOne[2]
parameter$TypeMeta[i] = TypeOne[3]
mountains = c(1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100)
sd_re = c(0.1, 0.5, 1.0)
unbalanced = c(TRUE, FALSE)
t = c(TRUE, FALSE)
center = c(TRUE, FALSE)
parameter = expand.grid(mountains, sd_re, unbalanced, t, center)
colnames(parameter) = c("mountains", "sd_re","unbalanced","t","center")

cl = snow::makeCluster(36L)
snow::clusterEvalQ(cl, {library(lme4); library(lmerTest); library(tidyverse)})
snow::clusterExport(cl, list("grand_mean", "parameter", "simulate_lm_re"), envir = environment())

results =
snow::parLapply(cl, 1:nrow(parameter), function(i) {
pars = parameter[i,]
last = 30
if(pars$unbalanced) last = 1000
results =
sapply(1:10000, function(k) {
sim = simulate_lm_re(c(rep(30, pars$mountains), last), group_center = pars$center, sd_re = pars$sd_re)
return(grand_mean(sim$means, sim$V, 0, t = pars$t))
tmp =, tmp)
tmp$balanced2 = scales::rescale(tmp$max/tmp$min - 1)
results_list[[m]] = tmp
res = t(results)

return(list(pars = pars, result = res))

saveRDS(results, "boot.RDS")


# t-test, centered, sd = 0.1
vars = as.integer(rownames(parameter[parameter$sd_re=="0.1" & parameter$t & parameter$center & parameter$unbalanced,]))

# 1:6 unbalanced
# 7:12 balanced
par(mfrow = c(6, 6), mar = c(1, 2, 1, 1), oma = c(5, 2, 2, 1))
mounts = c(1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100) +1
ylab = c("0.1", "0.5", "1.0")
counter = 1
for(sd in c(0.1, 0.5, 1.0)) {
vars = as.integer(rownames(parameter[parameter$sd_re==sd & parameter$t & parameter$center & parameter$unbalanced,]))
yy = paste0("SD: ", ylab[counter])
counter = counter + 1
for(i in 1:6) {
if(i > 1) yy = ""
if(sd=="0.1") hist((results[[vars[i]]][[2]][,2]), main = paste0(mounts[i], " mountains"), xlab = "", col = "blue", ylab = yy, xpd = NA)
else hist((results[[vars[i]]][[2]][,2]), main = "", xlab = "", col = "blue", ylab = yy, xpd = NA)
res_sd[[sd]] = results_list
counter = 1

for(sd in c(0.1, 0.5, 1.0)) {
vars = as.integer(rownames(parameter[parameter$sd_re==sd & parameter$t & parameter$center & !parameter$unbalanced,]))
yy = paste0("SD: ", ylab[counter])
counter = counter + 1
for(i in 1:6) {
if(i > 1) yy = ""
hist((results[[vars[i]]][[2]][,2]), main = "", xlab = "", col = "red", ylab = yy, xpd = NA)
legend(-0.5, y = -200, xpd = NA, legend = c("unbalanced", "balanced"), horiz = TRUE, pch = 15, col = c("blue", "red"))
text(-3.5, y = -200, xpd = NA, labels = "t-test + centered groups", pos = 1, font = 2)

results =, res)
results50 = results
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
plot(results$TypeIold~results$balanced, ylim = c(0.0, 0.1))
plot(results$TypeInew~results$balanced, ylim = c(0.0, 0.1))
plot(results$TypeMeta~results$balanced, ylim = c(0.0, 0.1))

results100 =, res100)
par(mfrow = c(2, 3))
results100$balanced2 = scales::rescale(results100$max/results100$min - 1)

plot(TypeIold~balanced2,data=results100, ylim = c(0.0, 0.15))
plot(TypeInew~balanced2,data=results100, ylim = c(0.0, 0.15))
plot(TypeMeta~balanced2,data=results100, ylim = c(0.0, 0.15))

plot(TypeIold~balanced2,data=results100[results100$min > 20,], ylim = c(0.0, 0.15))
plot(TypeInew~balanced2,data=results100[results100$min > 20,], ylim = c(0.0, 0.15))
plot(TypeMeta~balanced2,data=results100[results100$min > 20,], ylim = c(0.0, 0.15))

# z-stat
par(mfrow = c(6, 6), mar = c(1, 2, 1, 1), oma = c(5, 2, 2, 1))
mounts = c(1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100) +1
ylab = c("0.1", "0.5", "1.0")
counter = 1
for(sd in c(0.1, 0.5, 1.0)) {
vars = as.integer(rownames(parameter[parameter$sd_re==sd & !parameter$t & parameter$center & parameter$unbalanced,]))
yy = paste0("SD: ", ylab[counter])
counter = counter + 1
for(i in 1:6) {
if(i > 1) yy = ""
if(sd=="0.1") hist((results[[vars[i]]][[2]][,2]), main = paste0(mounts[i], " mountains"), xlab = "", col = "blue", ylab = yy, xpd = NA)
else hist((results[[vars[i]]][[2]][,2]), main = "", xlab = "", col = "blue", ylab = yy, xpd = NA)
counter = 1

for(sd in c(0.1, 0.5, 1.0)) {
vars = as.integer(rownames(parameter[parameter$sd_re==sd & !parameter$t & parameter$center & !parameter$unbalanced,]))
yy = paste0("SD: ", ylab[counter])
counter = counter + 1
for(i in 1:6) {
if(i > 1) yy = ""
hist((results[[vars[i]]][[2]][,2]), main = "", xlab = "", col = "red", ylab = yy, xpd = NA)
legend(-0.5, y = -200, xpd = NA, legend = c("unbalanced", "balanced"), horiz = TRUE, pch = 15, col = c("blue", "red"))
text(-3.5, y = -200, xpd = NA, labels = "z-stat + centered groups", pos = 1, font = 2)

# t+ non-centered
par(mfrow = c(6, 6), mar = c(1, 2, 1, 1), oma = c(5, 2, 2, 1))
mounts = c(1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100) +1
ylab = c("0.1", "0.5", "1.0")
counter = 1
for(sd in c(0.1, 0.5, 1.0)) {
vars = as.integer(rownames(parameter[parameter$sd_re==sd & parameter$t & !parameter$center & parameter$unbalanced,]))
yy = paste0("SD: ", ylab[counter])
counter = counter + 1
for(i in 1:6) {
if(i > 1) yy = ""
if(sd=="0.1") hist((results[[vars[i]]][[2]][,2]), main = paste0(mounts[i], " mountains"), xlab = "", col = "blue", ylab = yy, xpd = NA)
else hist((results[[vars[i]]][[2]][,2]), main = "", xlab = "", col = "blue", ylab = yy, xpd = NA)
counter = 1

for(sd in c(0.1, 0.5, 1.0)) {
vars = as.integer(rownames(parameter[parameter$sd_re==sd & parameter$t & !parameter$center & !parameter$unbalanced,]))
yy = paste0("SD: ", ylab[counter])
counter = counter + 1
for(i in 1:6) {
if(i > 1) yy = ""
hist((results[[vars[i]]][[2]][,2]), main = "", xlab = "", col = "red", ylab = yy, xpd = NA)
legend(-0.5, y = -200, xpd = NA, legend = c("unbalanced", "balanced"), horiz = TRUE, pch = 15, col = c("blue", "red"))
text(-3.5, y = -200, xpd = NA, labels = "t-test + non-centered groups", pos = 1, font = 2)

par(mfrow = c(1, 3))

plot(TypeIold~balanced2,data=res_sd[[1]][[5]], ylim = c(0.0, 0.35))
plot(TypeInew~balanced2,data=res_sd[[1]][[5]], ylim = c(0.0, 0.35))
plot(TypeMeta~balanced2,data=res_sd[[1]][[5]], ylim = c(0.0, 0.35))

plot(TypeIold~balanced2,data=results50[results50$min > 10,], ylim = c(0.0, 0.15))
plot(TypeInew~balanced2,data=results50[results50$min > 10,], ylim = c(0.0, 0.15))
plot(TypeMeta~balanced2,data=results50[results50$min > 10,], ylim = c(0.0, 0.15))
28 changes: 20 additions & 8 deletions Figures.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1511,9 +1511,6 @@

########## __Figure S5 Variance estimates lmm REML imbalanced vs REML balanced ##########
cols = viridis::viridis(5)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1817,9 +1814,9 @@ sub$balanced = ((sub$balanced))
sub$balanced2 = scales::rescale(sub$balanced2)
form = function(resp) paste0(resp, "~ sd + moutain + nobs + balanced2 + sd:moutain + sd:nobs + moutain:nobs")
form = function(resp) paste0(resp, "~ sd + moutain + nobs + balanced2 + sd:moutain + sd:nobs + moutain:nobs + balanced2:sd + balanced2:moutain + balanced2:nobs")
powerLM = (lm( form("PowerLM") , data = sub))
powerLM = (lm( form("PowerLM_MLE") , data = sub))
powerLMM = (lm(form("PowerLMM") , data = sub))
TypeLM = (lm(form("TypeOneLM - 0.05"), data = sub))
TypeLM = (lm(form("TypeOneLM_MLE - 0.05"), data = sub))
TypeLMM = (lm(form("TypeOneLMM - 0.05"), data = sub))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1849,12 +1846,12 @@ sub$moutain = scale((sub$moutain))
sub$balanced2 = scales::rescale((sub$balanced2))
#form = function(resp) paste0(resp, "~ sd + moutain + nobs + balanced2+ sd:moutain + sd:nobs + moutain:nobs")
#form = function(resp) paste0(resp, "~ .^2")
powerLM = (lm( form("PowerLM") , data = sub))
powerLM = (lm( form("PowerLM_MLE") , data = sub))
powerLMM = (lm(form("PowerLMM") , data = sub ))
TypeLM = (lm(form("TypeOneLM - 0.05"), data = sub ))
TypeLM = (lm(form("TypeOneLM_MLE - 0.05"), data = sub ))
TypeLMM = (lm(form("TypeOneLMM - 0.05"), data = sub))

plot(NULL, NULL, ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(-0.1, 0.1), yaxt="n", las = 1)
plot(NULL, NULL, ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(-0.015, 0.015), yaxt="n", las = 1)
coefsType = cbind(coef(TypeLMM), coef(TypeLM))
seType = cbind(coef(summary(TypeLMM))[,2], coef(summary(TypeLM))[,2] )
plotEffects(coefsType, seType, cols = cols,XX = -0.016, labels =labels_y)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1887,3 +1884,18 @@ sapply(results_lmm, function(l )mean(l$results_w_lme4_reml$Singularity, na.rm=TR
sapply(results_lmm, function(l )mean(l$results_w_lme4_ml$Singularity, na.rm=TRUE)),
sapply(results_glmm, function(l )mean(l$results_w_lme4_ml$Singularity, na.rm=TRUE))

par(mfrow = c(1,3))
plot(TypeOneLM~balanced2, data = test, ylim = c(0.0, 1.0))
plot(TypeOneLM_GM~balanced2, data = test, ylim = c(0.0, 1.0))
plot(TypeOneLM_Uni~balanced2, data = test, ylim = c(0.0, 1.0))

plot(CoverLM~balanced2, data = test, ylim = c(0.0, 1.0))
plot(CoverLM_GM~balanced2, data = test, ylim = c(0.0, 1.0))
plot(CoverLM_Uni~balanced2, data = test, ylim = c(0.0, 1.0))

plot(PowerLM~balanced2, data = test, ylim = c(0.0, 1.0))
plot(PowerLM_GM~balanced2, data = test, ylim = c(0.0, 1.0))
plot(PowerLM_Uni~balanced2, data = test, ylim = c(0.0, 1.0))
Binary file modified Figures/Fig_5.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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