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João's Environment Settings 👨‍💻

This repository contains the configurations dotfiles and my NeoVim environment with Lua, optimized for development. Below are some of the key features and shortcuts that I use.



  • , is configured as the mapleader.


  • <C-j>, <C-k>, <C-h>, <C-l>: Navigation between splits.
  • <leader><space>: Clears the search highlight.

Vim-Plug Plugins

  • coc.nvim: Autocompletions and language integration (supports various languages including JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Ruby, and more).
  • fzf.vim: FZF integration for efficient file search.
  • vim-airline: Elegant status bar.
  • nerdtree: File navigation in tree style.


  • :Gblame, :Gedit, :Gdiff, :Gstatus: Fugitive commands for Git operations.
  • <Leader>s: Shows Git blame for the current line.


  • <leader>t: Runs the nearest test.
  • <leader>T: Runs all tests in the file.
  • <leader>l: Runs the last test.

Formatting and Code Style

  • <leader>f: Formats the selected code with the Coc plugin.
  • <leader>mf: Runs MixFormat in the Elixir environment.
  • <leader>df: Dart code formatting.

Other Useful Shortcuts

  • <C-t>: Toggles the quickfix window.
  • <leader>b: Switches between buffers.
  • <C-p>: Searches files using FZF.
  • <leader>q": Replaces the word under the cursor with double quotes.
  • <leader>q': Replaces the word under the cursor with single quotes.
  • <leader>qd: Deletes the word under the cursor, considering escapes.


Feel free to contribute or suggest improvements to my Vim environment. Contributions are welcome!


João Antonio Maruti Milagres