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API Activity tracker item

Elena edited this page Apr 5, 2021 · 8 revisions

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The model stores Activity Tracker logs with user actions from associated TaskTracker plugins in the database. When the user clicks Submit, the plugin POSTs the Activity Tracker log and obtains its ID from the server, then POSTs the solution file(s) with this activityTrackerKey. Activity Tracker and TaskTracker files are stored in the database as pairs. After sending, the user files on the workstation are purged and ready to register user activity data for another solution.

When sent to the TaskTracker server, Activity Tracker actions are filtered and include only those that were made when working with task files (automatically created by TaskTracker plugin); all paths, the username, and project name are removed. Then the Activity Tracker log on the user workstation is purged, and new subsequent actions are registered from scratch.


Field Type Description
id String Internal MongoDB ObjectId.
externalAtiId Integer External ID collected from the file id in public fields.
codePath String Path to the Activity Tracker log.
createdAt Date Creation date.

Public fields

Field Type Description
id Integer External ID.
codePath String Path to the Activity Tracker log. Can be null.
createdAt Date Creation date.


Create an Activity Tracker item


Endpoint Method Description
/api/activity-tracker-item POST Save an Activity Tracker log in the database.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
activitytracker File Activity Tracker log (in .csv format).


The external ID of the submitted Activity Tracker log.

Request example in Postman

Get Activity Tracker items


Endpoint Method Description
/api/activity-tracker-item/all GET Get metadata for all Activity Tracker logs.

Request parameters

Empty body.


List of Activity Tracker logs with metadata—public fields of the activity-tracker-item model.

Get an Activity Tracker item


Endpoint Method Description
/api/activity-tracker-item/:id GET Get metadata for an Activity Tracker log by its external ID.

Request parameters

Empty body.


Metadata for the respective Activity Tracker log—public fields of the activity-tracker-item model.