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Coinbase Transactions

For the following Project we used the following modoles

import pandas as pd
from Adhoc.sql_calls import bitcoin_sqlite3, check_database, check_max
from Adhoc.rpc_calls import getblockhash, getblock, getrawtransaction, getblockcount
from Adhoc.decrypt import address, hex_to_ascii

The Script Header

Let's initialize our Script be defining some variables.

    min_height = check_max() + 1
    insert_type = 'append'
    min_height = 1
    insert_type = 'replace'

max_height = getblockcount()
all_blocks = pd.DataFrame()
i = 0
  1. The first thing to to is to check if we already have any block on our Database, if so then what is the higher block and sum 1 to get the next valid block (Append), if no number is found then we need to create a new Database and the starting block is 1(Replace).
  2. Save the highest valid block number in Bitcoin to a variable.
  3. Create an empty Dataframe to save the information retrieved.
  4. Initialize the starting number for looping trough the blocks until the highest valid block.

Interacting with the Bitcoin Blocks

After defining the minimum height Block in our Database (If it exists) we can start interate trough the blocks until the last block validated by the miners.

for block_height in range(min_height,max_height):
    i += 1
    coinbase_txid = getblock(getblockhash(block_height))['tx'][0]
    tx_coinbase= getrawtransaction(coinbase_txid)
    series_tx = pd.Series([],dtype=pd.StringDtype())
    series_tx['block_height'] = block_height
    series_tx['txid'] = coinbase_txid

Each time we interate trough a block we are going to count the blocks we are treating (we will see at then end why! Stay tune).

We are bringing the Hash of each block we are checking by using the getblockhash. With that Hash we check the information inside of that specific block by using getblock.

We want information only regarding the transaction (['tx']) and we only want the first Transaction information because is the one related to the reward

So the variable coinbase_txid will give us the Hash of the Coinbase reward transaction. By using getrawtransaction we can access all the attributes for the specific given Hash and save them in a Dictionary object called tx_coinbase.

We create a Series object that is going to accomudate all attributes for each Transaction. We save in the Series the Block height that we are currently working on, and the respective Hash of that transaction

Inputs of a Coinbase Transaction

Inside of the previous IF statement we are going to access the elements/items of the saved Dict tx_coinbase.

for key, value in tx_coinbase.items():
    if key == "vin" :
        for vin_dict in value:
            for vin_key, vin_value in vin_dict.items():
                if vin_key == "coinbase":
                    series_tx['coinbase_hex'] = vin_value
                    series_tx['coinbase_decoded'] = hex_to_ascii(vin_value)

We can see that we are looking for the key in the dict with the key == "vin" that represents all inputs of that transaction, and by itself it's another dictionary. For the Block reward we are going to save two attributes:

  • The coibase_hex (Represents the Coinbase message but encoded in Hex)
  • The coinbase_decoded (it's the previous attibute but decoded using ASCII table) Both attributes are saved in the previous Series object created.

Outputs of a Coinbase Transaction

Has for the next ELIF in our IF statement we are going to find information about the outputs of a Block reward Transaction.

elif key == "vout":
    a_value, b_value = []
    for tx_cb_receiver in value:
        sc_dict = tx_cb_receiver['scriptPubKey']
        if sc_dict['type'] == 'pubkeyhash':
        elif sc_dict['type'] == 'nonstandard':
        elif sc_dict['type'] == 'pubkey':
            asm_list = sc_dict['asm'].split()
            b_value.append(address(asm_list[0], False))
    series_tx['value'] = sum(list(map(float,a_value)))
    series_tx['address'] = ','.join(b_value)

Its a little more complex but easy to understand, let's see step by step:

  1. First we identify the Attibute with a dict of output information.
  2. We create empty lists that we are going to use to save Addresses and Values respectively.
  3. For the attribute Value we want it to be treated has a Float with a maximum of 8 decimal places, and append the values to the list created.
  4. Now we need to identify the type of the pubkey that is inside of the attribute scriptPubKey.
  • If type = pubkeyhash then append the address attribute into the list.
  • If type = nonstandard then append the string "nonstandard" (Not possible to estimate the address, very few cases).
  • if type = pubkey then pick the atribute "asm", and Split the value, however we save the first value of that split and Decode it by using the function address.
  1. At last we save the Value by summing up all values inside of the list into a single float number, and for the other list we concat all identified addresses for the specific Block reward by adding a comma at the end of each adress.

Preparing the Dataframe

Ok, so by now we already have the info we need from one block, lets save it into a Dataframe.

df = series_tx.to_frame()   
df_T= df.transpose()
df_T.set_index("block_height", inplace = True)
all_blocks = pd.concat([all_blocks, df_T])
  • First we need to pick our Series and convert it into Dataframe.
  • However we have only 2 columns, one for the Attribute name and the other for the Value of that sttribute, let's transpose that information so we have only one line by transction.
  • Now it's easy to identify that the Block Height is going to be our Index, it's unique for each block reward.
  • Finnaly we append this information into the empty Dataframe we created on the Script Header, one by one this Dataframe is going to append all Transactions and then pass to the next block or next interaction on the for loop.

Saving Coinbase Transactions into a Database

Remeber in the beggining we created a variable to increment each time we go trough a interationt in the for loop (each block)? We created it so we can save our progress.

if i==100 or block_height == (max_height - 1):
    all_blocks = pd.DataFrame() 

Each time we have 100 transactions in our Dataframe or we reached the highest valid block height se save the Dataframe in a SQLite Table. Reset the Dataframe and also the incremental variable.


Retrieve all Bitcoin reward Transactions







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