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Preconfigured Terraform module for github_organization.

pre_commit trufflehog

This module creates a preconfigured GitHub organization.


This repository uses the Conventional Commits.

For more information please see the Conventional Commits documentation.


This repository uses the pre-commit.

Please be respectful while contributing and after cloning this repo install the pre-commit hooks.

> pre-commit install --install-hooks -t pre-commit -t commit-msg

For more information please see the pre-commit documentation.


Name Version
github 6.2.0


Name Version
github ~> 6.0


Name Type
github_organization_settings.settings resource


Name Description Type Default Required
advanced_security_enabled_for_new_repositories Whether advanced security is enabled for new repositories. bool false no
billing_email The email address associated with the billing account. string n/a yes
blog The blog URL. string "" no
default_repository_permission The default repository permission. string n/a yes
dependabot_alerts_enabled_for_new_repositories Whether dependabot alerts are enabled for new repositories. bool true no
dependabot_security_updates_enabled_for_new_repositories Whether dependabot security updates are enabled for new repositories. bool true no
dependency_graph_enabled_for_new_repositories Whether dependency graph is enabled for new repositories. bool true no
description The description of the organization. string "" no
email The email address associated with the organization. string n/a yes
has_organization_projects Whether the organization has projects. bool false no
has_repository_projects Whether the organization has repository projects. bool false no
location The location of the organization. string "" no
members_can_create_internal_repositories Whether members can create internal repositories. bool false no
members_can_create_pages Whether members can create pages. bool false no
members_can_create_private_pages Whether members can create private pages. bool false no
members_can_create_private_repositories Whether members can create private repositories. bool false no
members_can_create_public_pages Whether members can create public pages. bool false no
members_can_create_public_repositories Whether members can create public repositories. bool false no
members_can_create_repositories Whether members can create repositories. bool false no
members_can_fork_private_repositories Whether members can fork private repositories. bool false no
name The name of the organization. string n/a yes
secret_scanning_enabled_for_new_repositories Whether secret scanning is enabled for new repositories. bool true no
secret_scanning_push_protection_enabled_for_new_repositories Whether secret scanning push protection is enabled for new repositories. bool true no
twitter_username The twitter username. string "" no
web_commit_signoff_required Whether web commit signoff is required. bool false no


No modules.


Name Description
out Organization settings object github_organization_settings.


This module is created by Inetum Poland. Feel free to contribute to it.