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Daniel Torren Peraire edited this page Aug 20, 2020 · 1 revision

Guidance Button

Help button.


Image of Guidance Button

This is an interactive element that the developer should use to display associated with the components it is contianed within or near too. Works in conjunction with the guiadanceSystem.

API Reference


  • guidanceIdentifier- String, used to link a specific guidanceButton to a specific object within the guidance_branch_list/branch_data
  • buttonStyle, Boolean, default = true, removes styling if false


  • guidance-button-click - emmited on button click along with guidanceIdentifier, guidanceSystem then handels what modal to show associated with guidanceIdentifier


<iv-toggle-hotspot id="iv-toggle-hotspot-topleft" position="topleft" title="TOP LEFT">
            <iv-guidance-button guidanceIdentifier="A4"/>
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