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Repository files navigation

Assignment Workflow:

1. Header: - Done

  • Change name of logo

  1. Landing Page:

Banner Section : - Done

  • Change text

Job Category Section: - Done

  • Add 4 category data. Design custom data using json.

Featured Jobs Section: Done

  • Initially show 4 jobs information from custom json data.
  • View Deatils Button: (When click on this button show details about this job on a different route called job-details)
  • Add a show more button.

3. Footer: - Done

  • Same design as figma

Job Details Page: Done

  • Load data from the job.json file: (Left Side)
  • Load data from the job.json file (Right Side)
  • Job Deatils:
  • Contact Information:
  • Apply Now Button: (When click on this button it will store data to the local storage and show this data in a different location called Applied).

Applied Job Page: Done

  • Show the appllied job data from the local storage:
  • Left section: logo
  • Middle section: Data
  • Right section:
  • View details button

Statisties Page: -Done

  • Deasign a chart : (Without line or bar charts)
  • Show X or Y axis
  • Show Tooltip

404 Page: - Done

  • Deasign a 404 page

Bonus Marks:

Blog Page: - Done

  • Answer 4 questions:
    1. When should we use context api?
    1. What is a custom hook in react?
    1. What is useRef?
    1. What is useMemo?

Homepage: - Done

  • Mobile responsive

10 Meaningfull commit message -Done

Create a file: - Done

  • Write what i have done (features) using bullet points
  • Add live website link
  • Fix reload issues on live website

By default show 4 data in landing page and when click on see all jobs show the all jobs from the data api - Done

Show a dropdown button or button : filter applied jobs by filting - Done

  • Remote
  • Onsite

Optionally: - Done

  • Add page title


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