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Script(s) to generate datasets for probing tasks of BERT (project TINSE)

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Script(s) to generate datasets for probing tasks of BERT (project TINSE)


Make sure you have access to the docker daemon.

conda create -n tinse python=3.8
conda activate tinse
pip install -r requirements.txt

To install neuralcoref from source:

git clone
cd neuralcoref
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Download needed spacy pipelines:

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm


Start elasticsearch container in another Terminal:

docker run -p 12375:9200 -p 12376:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" --detach --name es -v esdata1:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data:rw

Once created you only need to make sure the container is running before you call the script to create datasets. If it is not running start it via:

docker container start es

To finally run the dataset creation script:

conda activate tinse
python -t=<tasks> -s=<size> -sq=<samples_per_query> ...

Naming of Datasets saved in /datasets: {source}_{task}_{size}_{samples_per_query}_{timestamp}.json


Option Description Default
-s, --size Size of the generated dataset(s) 10000
-sq, --samples_per_query Determines the maximumn number of passage samples with the same query in the generated dataset 5
-src, --source Source Dataset msmarco
-t, --tasks Tasks to generate datasets for. Possible tasks are: ['bm25', 'tf', 'semsim', 'ner', 'corefres', 'factchecking']. Should be comma seperated bm25,semsim,ner,tf
-sp, --sample_path Reuse an existing sample of a dataset. You need to specify the name of the file in ./datasets/samples/. Every time a dataset is newly sampled it is saved in csv format. Naming format: {src}{size}{samples per query}_{timestamp}.csv. If set --size and --samples_per_query are ignored) -
-ph, --port_http Http Port for elasticsearch container, should correspond to the port the docker container is bound to 12375
-pt, --port_tcp TCP Port for elasticsearch container, should correspond to the port the docker container is bound to 12376
--split Only relevant for Factchecking Task. Train, val and test split ratio. Must add up to 100 70,15,15
--neg_sample_ratio Only relevant for coreference resolution. Ratio of negative sampling containing easy and hard examples. First number corresponds to percentage * 100 of easy examples (random word from the passage), second for harder (other entities in the passage). Must add up to 100 50,50
--id_pairs Flag whether ID pairs (MSMARCO) from csv (assets/msmarco/passage_re_ranking/msm_id_pairs.csv) should be used to create the datasets -

Directory Contents


source datasets (msmarco, fever, glove) Mappings from key to files are made in src/ If another dataset should be added one should follow this schema.


generated datasets in json format


generated samples to construct datasets which use the same query/document pairs

Other useful commands

Run detached script on server:

  1. tmux

  2. run script

  3. To quit tmux session: Ctrl + b then d

  4. To reattach to tmux session: tmux attach


Script(s) to generate datasets for probing tasks of BERT (project TINSE)






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