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Meeting Notes

LindsayKnight edited this page Jul 27, 2020 · 14 revisions

Monday 7/27/2020 1:30 - 2:00


  • Fix tool bar (remove scissors, add space for punch out card)
  • Take out and replace chute that Mike designs
  • Readjust elements of background as needed (aka make mailboxes bigger, move poster positioning)
  • Animation for Maggie of the conveyor belt
  • Start screen


  • Redesigning trash chute (with reference photos from Yeji)
  • Graphics for control menus (two different menus: the "?" menu at the end of the toolbar and the "General Controls" menu found in the start screen and the pause menu)


  • Adjust elements of game as needed to fit to background
  • Add Start Screen and Controls Menu when available
  • Possibly add sounds? I'll see what I can find for sounds

Friday 7/24/2020 1:30 - 2:00


  • inverted colors in Illustrator, then edited in Photoshop
  • Did Xray Goggles, Punch out card, rejection stamp
  • Making punch out card into 8bit was difficult


  • has updated background/ideas to toolbar


  • The Xray thing works!
  • Maybe less objects in box (gradually get harder, but start with 1 or 2 is ok?)
  • Doesn't have to be full screen, depends on what background looks like

Wednesday 7/21/2020 1:30-2:00


  • Add chute for boxes
  • Add punchout cards, rejection tools/stamps
  • Toolbar almost?
  • Shift clock up a bit
  • Add cabinets


  • Painting
  • Get the time to move? Good way to keep time and let them know how long they have left
  • Rejection stamp/punch out cards
  • Xray machine (like goggles)
  • Lindsay: send hex colors for XRay machine


  • PMs should test game
  • Wants to start on Xray mechanics for Friday
  • Scenes / dialogue?


  • Continue editing How to Play

For next week:

  • Start Screen

Monday 7/20/2020 1:30 - 2:00

  • Lindsay will post inspiration pictures for the contraband items we think would be good to have in the packages for the player to scan
  • Discussed slight changes to package design - need label area


  • Work on rejection stamp mechanism
  • Finalizing letter and packages mechanics


  • Designing contraband items and their x-ray versions


  • Finalizing design for background

Friday 7/17/2020 1:30 - 2:00


  • Did some work on Grim Reaper
  • Lindsay liked letters instead of open letters For next week:
  • Background for labels
  • Close up of front of envelopes
  • Would probably be good to have a little label to show they are already labelled


  • Finished posters but couldn't get background done For next week:
  • Aim to have background done next week
  • Add pictures to Github


  • Did sorting
  • Dragging into the mailboxes work really cool!
  • Maintenance on compound For next week:
  • Thinking about Xray mechanics
  • Rejection Stamp

If we have time:

  • Animation fire in the beginning as conversation is going on?
  • Mechanics for how the game gets progressively harder over time (through timing)

Wednesday 7/15/2020 1:30 - 2:00 Mike:

  • Files are on Github
  • Lindsay: change eyes on Grim Reaper, adjust face a bit, likes the clothes/style
  • Adding dimension but color
  • Play around with cool/warm colors, simple plates of color
  • Using line weights like with drawing but with color
  • Claw/chute: depends on background color Yeji:
  • Started background, but haven't really started pixelating it
  • Did a couple more stamps for the location (has 4-6 done)
  • can isolate/change colors/elements for symbols to make it more random Maggie:
  • Added buttons for poster/punch out cards, and able to close it
  • Conveyor belt and text on packages

Tasks for Next Week: Maggie:

  • Sorting
  • Rejection Stamp Mike:
  • NPCs?
  • object for actual letters
  • updates to packages, have the label somewhere (white patch?)
  • new iterations for designs Yeji:
  • location symbols
  • poster
  • prioritize getting background done

Monday 7/14/2020 1:30 - 2:00

  • Lindsay threw down sender/recipient names for package labels
  • Lindsay put down design ideas for Grim Reaper
  • Lindsay put threw ideas down for the beginning of the game

Grim Reaper Character

  • Art Style Inspo: more comfortable, modern look for Grim Reaper, but likes the pixelated design (reference doc)
  • Bones and stuff but with more human clothing (skull)

Labeling System

  • Label Objects
  • Maggie needs to look up how to set sizes correctly for labels
  • Yeji wanted to work on Location Symbols (official, and small changed version)
  • Help/needs: Posters in background and they can see all the info. Like you pause the game while you view the info
  • We need to do designs for posters

What goes on table?

  • Xray machine will go on table
  • A tool on the table (ex. punch out card) brings you back to the menu

Things to get done this week:

  • Maggie: Randomizing of addresses, and can start adding symbols, menu things/punch out card
  • Mike: Work on objects, mockup of Grim Reaper
  • Yeji: Location symbols

Friday 7/11/2020 1:30 - 2:10

  • Introductions with Yeji!
  • Meetings will be scheduled regularly MWF 1:30

Mike sharing initial frame

  • Lindsay: wants conveyor belt to stretch across entirety (the packages go out of frame if you miss them)

  • Lindsay: thinking more pixel-y art style

  • Lindsay: likes the colors and are bright

  • Lindsay: You could have a chute instead of just a trash can

  • Yeji: Font of numbers

  • Vivian: How to incorporate the colors with the theme

  • Vivian: UI would be interesting with parcel size, may need to fix

  • Lindsay: Want perspective to be more angled (top down)

  • Claw puts parcels into mailboxes/trashcan

  • Need more room

  • Lindsay: likes color of packages

  • Connecting visuals: Mike and Yeji should decide what they each want to work on

  • Connecting visuals: Use same color codes

  • Location symbols: each associated with locations

  • how should each symbol be related to location?

  • Fine with just rejection stamp, approval would be mailboxes

Maggie SD:

  • Has conveyor belt working
  • Has score working
  • Timed to 60 seconds, score resets if you don't have 10 packages
  • Issues: 2 boxes close together, you should just pick up one box at a time
  • Package should be taken off conveyor belt when selected
  • X ray for looking into package: cool visuals going on

Labels for Shipping Label

  • Number of sender/recipient names to have for randomizer: we should discuss next week
  • Better without images so don't have to worry about text wrapping

Wednesday 7/9/2020 1:30 - 2:00

  • Talked about Lindsay's Inspo doc with ideas
  • Story Doc - Lindsay has started a story doc which will be added to Inspo (linked under story section of ideas doc)

Tech Specifics

  • Conveyor Belt - when you drag item over, what you're looking at is visible on the top. You can stamp with approval or not.
  • Package - Does the person cut open or scan the package? Depends on Maggie's capabilities.
  • You would see different packages/letters and would be randomized. The conveyor belt should be slow enough at least initially.
  • Mailboxes - Packages and letters would be associated with a symbol.
  • Tasks - depends on how many correct tasks you do. Points on and off (can subtract points if wrong).
  • Mailboxes: Symbols v letters v numbers?
  • Need to determine what's on shipping label and how players can check


  • Lindsay posted a rough drawing of what she imagined the screen to look like in Discord
  • Not just drab, flashes of color.

Tasks for Next Meeting/Where to Start

  • Mike: Background, general where things will be so Maggie can code it in.
  • Mike: Concept for background art (scale, placement) based off Lindsay's drawing. Make a base version for Maggie so she can start coding
  • Maggie: Start with conveyor belt that players can interact with, randomized letters for the end of the week
  • Lindsay: Will work more on Grim Reaper
  • Lindsay: Determine what is on shipping label, devise up symbols

Monday 7/6/2020 1:30-2:00

  • Everyone introduced themselves, and traded contact information
  • Visual inspiration was discussed!
  • Gameplay discussed - basic mechanics of
  • Schedules discussed - Vivian sent out a When2Meet to see when it would be best to schedule meetings
  • Starting a google docs to consolidate ideas and concepts, as well as visual inspirations for the game
  • Decided on Godot for project, but may switch to Unity if major problems come up
  • Meetings decided to likely occur on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays
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