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Swaliga Foundation App made by Hack4Impact-UMD

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone <repository-url>
    cd swaliga-foundation-app
  2. Install Dependencies
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

Overview of the Swaliga Foundation App

The Swaliga Foundation App is designed to streamline interactions between students and staff, facilitate data collection and analysis, and provide various functionalities to enhance the overall user experience. Below is a high-level overview of its key features:

Student Functions

  • Profile Data Entry: Students can enter personal information such as their name, city, school, parent contact information, etc.
  • Surveys: Students can participate in surveys before and after participating in programs. Students will be able to see any surveys that have been assigned to them and answer them from the Swaliga website. Students can also see the names of all the other surveys that they have filled out in the past.
  • Student ID Numbers: Each student is assigned a student ID number, which uniquely identifies them throughout the website. An email can also be used as account login.
  • Student Login: Students login either through linking their accounts with Google or by creating their own username and password.

Staff Functions

  • Student Outreach: Staff can routinely reach out to students after they complete programs, prompting them to update their profiles with new information.
  • Email Nudges: Staff can send emails to select students via the admin dashboard, encouraging them to engage with the platform.
  • Survey Administration: Staff can administer surveys before and after programs to select students.

Data Collection & Analysis

  • Integrated Forms: The platform integrates with Google Forms, allowing forms to be created and managed within the Admin's Google Drive.
  • Data Export: Data collected through the platform can be exported into spreadsheets for manual data analysis.

Admin / Swaliga Foundation Account

  • Permissions: Admin users have access to the admin dashboard, where they can view all student accounts, send email nudges to graduated and current students, distribute surveys to specific students, edit student information, and access website data and metrics. They can also export data to spreadsheets for further analysis.
  • IMPORTANT: GOOGLE REFRESH TOKEN: Google issues a refresh token, which is what allows the website to access the admin's Google account, where it creates and manages surveys through Google Forms. Currently, the refresh token for the admin account is stored in the database. However, sometimes, this token can expire, for example, when the admin account's Google password is reset. When this happens, the website will be unable to sync with Google Forms to get new student responses since the refresh token is expired. In this case, all that needs to happen is someone log into the admin account on the Swaliga website. There is code currently in place to check whether the refresh token has expired and request a new one from the Google servers.