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VueJs + SpringBoot + MyBatis-Plus VueJs + SSM

2022/6/24: Init the HUSTZL orgnization and build ManagementSystem.

2022/6/28: Change to use VueJs + SpringBoot + MyBatis-Plus and complete login.

2022/6/30: Complete the Apartment part and half of Job part. Write tons of CRUD. Tired.

2022/6/31: Complete the Job part and Employee part. The main structure of ManagementSystem has been built. Start to write Doc of project.

2022/7/01: We finish the Project ManagementSystem basically, apart from some DEBUG and UPDATE. We update some services to record data, and finish Report part. Write doc.

2022/7/04: Add some beautifying and Complete doc.

by HUSTZL, School of Software Engineering, Huazhong University of Technology and Science, Wuhan, China.

Team Leader: Haofei Hou.

Team member: Mingchen Liu, Fengxuan Gan.

