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Xiaodong Ming edited this page May 4, 2022 · 7 revisions

Key references:

  1. Liang Q, Borthwick AGL, Stelling G (2004) Simulation of Dam and Dyke-break Hydrodynamics on Dynamically Adaptive Quadtree Grids. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 46: 127-162.
  2. Liang Q, Du G, Hall JW, Borthwick AGL (2008) Flood Inundation Modelling with an Adaptive Quadtree Grid Shallow Water Equation Solver. ASCE - Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134(11): 1603-1610.
  3. Liang Q (2012) A simplified adaptive Cartesian grid system for solving the 2D shallow water equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 69(2): 442-458.
  4. Liang Q (2010) Flood Simulation Using a Well-Balanced Shallow Flow Model. ASCE - Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 136(9): 669-675.
  5. Smith LS, Liang Q (2013) Towards a generalised GPU/CPU shallow-flow modelling tool. Computers & Fluids, 88: 334-343.
  6. Liang Q, Smith LS (2015) A high-performance integrated hydrodynamic modelling system for urban flood simulations. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 17(4): 518-533.
  7. Amouzgar R, Liang Q, Clarke PJ, Yasuda T, Mase H (2016) Computationally Efficient Tsunami Modelling on Graphics Processing Units (GPU). International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 26(2): 154-160.
  8. Xia X, Liang Q, Ming X (2019) A full-scale fluvial flood modelling framework based on a high-performance integrated hydrodynamic modelling system (HiPIMS). Advances in Water Resources, 132: 103392.
  9. Xia X, Liang Q (2018) A new efficient implicit scheme for discretising the stiff friction terms in the shallow water equations. Advances in Water Resources, 117: 87-97.
  10. Xia X, Liang Q, Ming X, Hou J (2017) An efficient and stable hydrodynamic model with novel source term discretization schemes for overland flow and flood simulations. Water Resources Research, 53: 3730-3759.
  11. Xia X, Liang Q (2018) A new depth-averaged model for flow-like landslides over complex terrains with curvatures and steep slopes. Engineering Geology, 234: 174-191.
  12. Li Q, Liang Q, Xia X (2020) A novel 1D-2D coupled model for hydrodynamic simulation of flows in drainage networks. Advances in Water Resources, 137: 103519.
  13. Xiong Y, Mahaffey S, Liang Q, Rouainia M, Wang G (2019) A new 1D coupled hydrodynamic discrete element model for floating debris in violent shallow flows. Journal of Hydraulic Research, DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2019.1671513.
  14. Cui Y, Liang Q, Wang G, Zhao J, Hu J, Wang Y, Xia X (2019) Simulation of Hydraulic Structures in 2D High-Resolution Urban Flood Modeling. Water, 11: 2139 (12 pages).
  15. Ming X, Liang Q, Xia X, Li D, Fowler H.J (2020) Real‐Time Flood Forecasting Based on a High‐Performance 2‐D Hydrodynamic Model and Numerical Weather Predictions. Water Resources Research. 56.
  16. Ming X, Liang Q, Dawson R, Xia X, Hou J (2022) A quantitative multi-hazard risk assessment framework for compound flooding considering hazard inter-dependencies and interactions. Journal of Hydrology, 607, 127477.

The algorithms used in the current release are documented in 8-11, the other papers reflect historic development or future releases, please cite relevant ones if you use the code for your publications.