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Time gap detector for AIS position messages.


Not all AIS messages that are broadcast by vessels are recorded by receivers for technical reasons, such as signal interference in crowded waters, spatial variability of terrestrial reception, spatial and temporal variability of satellite reception, and dropped signals as vessels move from terrestrial coverage to areas of poor satellite reception. So, as a result, it’s not uncommon to see gaps in AIS data, for hours or perhaps even days [1].

Other causes of AIS gaps are:

  • The AIS transponder is turned off or otherwise disabled while at sea.
  • The AIS transponder has a malfunction.
  • The ships systems are powered off while the vessel is at anchor or in port.

AIS gaps detection is essential to identify possible intentional disabling events, which can obscure illegal activities, such as unauthorized fishing activity or unauthorized transshipments [1][2].

Definition of gap

We define an AIS gap event when the period of time between consecutive known good AIS positions from a single vessel, after de-noise and de-spoofing), exceeds a configured gap_threshold (typically 12 hours).

When the period of time between last known good position and the present time exceeds the gap_threshold, we call it an opened gap event.



We still don't have a package in PYPI. First, clone the repository.


pip install .

If you want to use apache beam integration:

pip install .[beam]

Using from python code

Gap detection core process

Currently, the core algorithm takes about (1.75 ± 0.01) seconds to process 10M messages.
Tested on a i7-1355U 5.0GHz processor.

import json
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from pipe_gaps.core import GapDetector

messages = [
        "ssvid": "226013750",
        "msgid": "295fa26f-cee9-1d86-8d28-d5ed96c32835",
        "timestamp": datetime(2024, 1, 1, 0).timestamp(),
        "receiver_type": "terrestrial",
        "lat": 30.5,
        "lon": 50.6,
        "distance_from_shore_m": 1.0
        "ssvid": "226013750",
        "msgid": "295fa26f-cee9-1d86-8d28-d5ed96c32835",
        "timestamp": datetime(2024, 1, 1, 1).timestamp(),
        "receiver_type": "terrestrial",
        "lat": 30.5,
        "lon": 50.6,
        "distance_from_shore_m": 1.0

gd = GapDetector(threshold=timedelta(hours=0, minutes=50))
gaps = gd.detect(messages)
print(json.dumps(gaps, indent=4))

BigQuery integration pipeline

First, authenticate to bigquery and configure project:

docker compose run gcloud auth application-default login
docker compose run gcloud config set project world-fishing-827
docker compose run gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project world-fishing-827

Then you can do:

from pipe_gaps import pipeline
from pipe_gaps.utils import setup_logger


pipe_config = {
    "inputs": [
            "kind": "query",
            "query_name": "messages",
            "query_params": {
                "source_messages": "pipe_ais_v3_published.messages",
                "source_segments": "pipe_ais_v3_published.segs_activity",
                "start_date": "2024-01-01",
                "end_date": "2024-01-02",
                "ssvids": [412331104, 477334300]
            "mock_db_client": False
    "core": {
        "kind": "detect_gaps",
        "threshold": 1,
        "show_progress": False,
        "eval_last": True
    "outputs": [
            "kind": "json",
            "output_prefix": "gaps"
    "options": {
        "runner": "direct",
        "region": "us-east1",
        "network": "gfw-internal-network",
        "subnetwork": "regions/us-east1/subnetworks/gfw-internal-us-east1"

pipe = pipeline.create(pipe_type="naive", **pipe_config)

Using from CLI:

(.venv) $ pipe-gaps
usage: pipe-gaps [-h] [-c ] [--pipe-type ] [--save-stats | --no-save-stats] [--work-dir ] [-v] [--threshold ] [--sort-method ] [--show-progress | --no-show-progress]
                 [--eval-last | --no-eval-last] [--norm | --no-norm]

    Detects time gaps in AIS position messages.
    The definition of a gap is configurable by a time threshold.

  -h, --help                           show this help message and exit
  -c  , --config-file                  JSON file with pipeline configuration (default: None).
  --pipe-type                          Pipeline type: ['naive', 'beam'].
  --save-stats, --no-save-stats        If passed, saves some statistics.
  --work-dir                           Directory to use as working directory.
  -v, --verbose                        Set logger level to DEBUG.

pipeline core process:
  --threshold                          Minimum time difference (hours) to start considering gaps.
  --sort-method                        Sorting algorithm.
  --show-progress, --no-show-progress  If passed, renders a progress bar.
  --eval-last, --no-eval-last          If passed, evaluates last message of each SSVID to create an open gap.
  --norm, --no-norm                    If passed, normalizes the output.

    pipe-gaps -c config/sample-from-file-1.json --threshold 1.3

Apache Beam integration

Just use --pipe-type beam option:

pipe-gaps --pipe-type beam -c config/sample-from-file-1.json --threshold 1.3

This will run by default with DirectRunner. To run on DataFlow, add --runner dataflow option.

Beam integrated pipeline will parallelize grouping inputs by SSVID and year.


[1] Welch H., Clavelle T., White T. D., Cimino M. A., Van Osdel J., Hochberg T., et al. (2022). Hot spots of unseen fishing vessels. Sci. Adv. 8 (44), eabq2109. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abq2109

[2] J. H. Ford, B. Bergseth, C. Wilcox, Chasing the fish oil—Do bunker vessels hold the key to fisheries crime networks? Front. Mar. Sci. 5, 267 (2018).