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Geta Mapping

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Geta Mapping is a project for common mapping logic. It consists of two libraries: Geta.Mapping and Geta.AutoMapper.



Geta.Mapping is a library with abstractions for common mapping logic.


dotnet add package Geta.Mapping

DI Configuration

For StructureMap or Lamar, configure interfaces to connect to implementations automatically:

Scan(x =>


Then create a mapping class you want to map one object to another. Inherit from IMapper<TFrom, TTo>.

public class MyPocoToMyDtoMapper : IMapper<MyPoco, MyDto>
    public virtual void Map(MyPoco from, MyDto to)
        to.Name = from.Name;

This mapping implementation will work for any classes, even for those that have a constructor with parameters.

If your destination class has a parameter-less constructor, then you can implement Mapper<TFrom, TTo>.

public class MyPocoToMyDtoMapper : Mapper<MyPoco, MyDto>
    public override void Map(MyPoco from, MyDto to)
        to.Name = from.Name;

Now you can use this mapper by injecting it.

When you want to map one object to another, then use IMapper<TFrom, TTo> interface.

public class MyController
    private readonly IMapper<MyPoco, MyDto> _myMapper;

    public MyController(IMapper<MyPoco, MyDto> myMapper)
        _myMapper = myMapper;
    public IActionResult Index()
        var myPoco = // Get a source object from DB or somewhere else
        var myDto = new MyDto(true); // Instantiating _myDto_ manually as there is no parameter-less contructor
        _myMapper.Map(myPoco, myDto);

        // ...

When you want to create one object from another, and a destination object's class has a parameter-less constructor, your mapper should implement Mapper<TFrom, TTo> and you should inject ICreateFrom<TFrom, TTo>.

public class MyController
    private readonly ICreateFrom<MyPoco, MyDto> _myDtoCreator;

    public MyController(ICreateFrom<MyPoco, MyDto> myDtoCreator)
        _myDtoCreator = myDtoCreator;
    public IActionResult Index()
        var myPoco = // Get a source object from DB or somewhere else
        var myDto = _myDtoCreator.Create(myPoco);

        // ...



Geta.AutoMapper is a small addition for Automapper library to simplify mapping configuration. It scans for existing mappings and provides a standardized way to do a custom mappings with automapper using ICustomMapping interface.


How to get started?

Install-Package Geta.AutoMapper

Make sure to call AutoMapperConfig.LoadMappings(...) on application startup.

var configExpression = new MapperConfigurationExpression();

/* can add custom configurations if needed */

AutoMapperConfig.LoadMappings(configExpression, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());

var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(configExpression).CreateMapper();


You can use two ways how to configure the mapping between two types:

  1. Decorate destination type with AutoMap attribute (functionality already available in AutoMapper);
  2. Destination type implementing ICustomMapping interface.
public class AttributeMappingTestModel
	public int SomeProperty { get; set; }

	public AttributeMappingTestChildModel Child { get; set; }


public class AttributeMappingTestChildModel
	public string Property { get; set; }

public class AttributeMappingTestViewModel
	public int PropertyA { get; set; }

	public string ChildProperty { get; set; }

You can then simply call AutoMapper's mapper.Map<AttributeMappingTestViewModel>(modelToMap); to map from a AttributeTestModel to an AttributeTestViewModel.

Note: `SourceMember` attribute isn't working for child object property mapping configurations. If destination object propery isn't following naming pattern {PropertyName}{ChildPropertyName} you will have to use custom mapping approach.

Use ICustomMappings for more advanced mapping scenarios.

public class CustomMappingTestModel
	public int SomeProperty { get; set; }
	public DateTime OtherProperty { get; set; }

	public CustomMappingChildModel Child { get; set; }


public class CustomMappingChildModel
	public string SomeProperty { get; set; }

public class CustomMappingTestViewModel : ICustomMapping
	public int Property { get; set; }
	public DateTime OtherProperty { get; set; }
	public string ChildProperty { get; set; }
	public void CreateMapping(IMapperConfigurationExpression configuration)
		configuration.CreateMap<CustomMappingTestModel, CustomMappingTestViewModel>()
			.ForMember(d => d.ChildProperty, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.Child.SomeProperty))
			.ForMember(d => d.Property, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.SomeProperty));