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API Documentation


This API provides endpoints for managing Unity Objects, Trainings, Sessions, and Activities. It supports CRUD operations for each entity, allowing you to create, read, update, and delete resources.

How to Run


Ensure you have Docker installed and running on your machine.


  1. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Start Docker containers:

    make compose-up
  3. Generate Prisma client:

    make prisma-generate
  4. Apply database migrations:

    make prisma-migrate
  5. Run the development server:

    npm run start:dev

Base URL



Health Check

  • GET /health
    • Description: Check the health of the API.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK

Unity Objects

Create a Unity Object

  • POST /unityObjects
    • Description: Create a new Unity Object.
    • Request Body:
        "name": "Glasses",
        "type": "Head",
        "posX": 10.0,
        "posY": 20.0,
        "posZ": 5.0
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 201 Created
      • Body: Returns the created Unity Object.

List All Unity Objects

  • GET /unityObjects
    • Description: Retrieve a list of all Unity Objects.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Body: Returns an array of Unity Objects.

Get a Unity Object by ID

  • GET /unityObjects/{id}
    • Description: Retrieve a Unity Object by its ID.
    • Path Parameters:
      • id (integer) - The ID of the Unity Object.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Body: Returns the Unity Object with the specified ID.

Update a Unity Object by ID

  • PUT /unityObjects/{id}
    • Description: Update a Unity Object by its ID.
    • Request Body:
        "name": "Helmet",
        "type": "Head",
        "posX": 10.0,
        "posY": 20.0,
        "posZ": 5.0
    • Path Parameters:
      • id (integer) - The ID of the Unity Object.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Body: Returns the updated Unity Object.

Delete a Unity Object by ID

  • DELETE /unityObjects/{id}
    • Description: Delete a Unity Object by its ID.
    • Path Parameters:
      • id (integer) - The ID of the Unity Object.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 204 No Content


Create a Training

  • POST /training
    • Description: Create a new Training.
    • Request Body:
        "name": "New Training",
        "description": "Details about the training",
        "unityObjectIds": [1, 2]
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 201 Created
      • Body: Returns the created Training.

List All Trainings

  • GET /training
    • Description: Retrieve a list of all Trainings.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Body: Returns an array of Trainings.

Get a Training by ID

  • GET /training/{id}
    • Description: Retrieve a Training by its ID.
    • Path Parameters:
      • id (integer) - The ID of the Training.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Body: Returns the Training with the specified ID.

Update a Training by ID

  • PUT /training/{id}
    • Description: Update a Training by its ID.
    • Request Body:
        "name": "Updated Training",
        "description": "Updated details about the training",
        "unityObjectIds": [1, 3]
    • Path Parameters:
      • id (integer) - The ID of the Training.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Body: Returns the updated Training.

Delete a Training by ID

  • DELETE /training/{id}
    • Description: Delete a Training by its ID.
    • Path Parameters:
      • id (integer) - The ID of the Training.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 204 No Content


Create a Session

  • POST /session
    • Description: Create a new Session.
    • Request Body:
        "code": "ABC123",
        "trainingId": 1
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 201 Created
      • Body: Returns the created Session.

List All Sessions

  • GET /session
    • Description: Retrieve a list of all Sessions.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Body: Returns an array of Sessions.

Get a Session by ID

  • GET /session/{id}
    • Description: Retrieve a Session by its ID.
    • Path Parameters:
      • id (integer) - The ID of the Session.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Body: Returns the Session with the specified ID.

Get a Session by Code

  • GET /session/code/{code}
    • Description: Retrieve a Session by its Code.
    • Path Parameters:
      • code (string) - The code of the Session.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Body: Returns the Session with the specified Code.

Update a Session by ID

  • PUT /session/{id}
    • Description: Update a Session by its ID.
    • Request Body:
        "code": "SESSION12346",
        "trainingId": 2
    • Path Parameters:
      • id (integer) - The ID of the Session.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Body: Returns the updated Session.

Delete a Session by ID

  • DELETE /session/{id}
    • Description: Delete a Session by its ID.
    • Path Parameters:
      • id (integer) - The ID of the Session.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 204 No Content


Create an Activity

  • POST /activities
    • Description: Create a new Activity.
    • Request Body:
        "name": "HOLD",
        "posX": 10.0,
        "posY": 20.0,
        "posZ": 5.0,
        "unityObjectId": 2,
        "sessionId": 5
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 201 Created
      • Body: Returns the created Activity.

List All Activities

  • GET /activities
    • Description: Retrieve a list of all Activities.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Body: Returns an array of Activities.

List All Activities by Session ID

  • GET /activities/session/{id}
    • Description: Retrieve a list of all Activities by a Session.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Body: Returns an array of Activities.

Get an Activity by ID

  • GET /activities/{id}
    • Description: Retrieve an Activity by its ID.
    • Path Parameters:
      • id (integer) - The ID of the Activity.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Body: Returns the Activity with the specified ID.

Update an Activity by ID

  • PUT /activities/{id}
    • Description: Update an Activity by its ID.
    • Request Body:
        "name": "HOLD",
        "posX": 15.0,
        "posY": 25.0,
        "posZ": 35.0,
        "unityObjectId": 2,
        "sessionId": 5
    • Path Parameters:
      • id (integer) - The ID of the Activity.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Body: Returns the updated Activity.

Delete an Activity by ID

  • DELETE /activities/{id}
    • Description: Delete an Activity by its ID.
    • Path Parameters:
      • id (integer) - The ID of the Activity.
    • Response:
      • Status Code: 204 No Content



  • id: integer (readonly) - The unique identifier of the Unity Object.
  • name: string - The name of the Unity Object.
  • type: string - The type of the Unity Object.
  • posX: float - The X coordinate position.
  • posY: float - The Y coordinate position.
  • posZ: float - The Z coordinate position.


  • id: integer (readonly) - The unique identifier of the Training.
  • name: string - The name of the Training.
  • description: string - A description of the Training.
  • createdAt: string (ISO 8601) - The date and time when the Training was created.
  • unityObjects: array of UnityObject - The list of Unity Objects associated with the Training.


  • id: integer (readonly) - The unique identifier of the Session.
  • code: string - The unique code of the Session.
  • createdAt: string (ISO 8601) - The date and time when the Session was created.
  • training: Training - The Training associated with the Session.
  • trainingId: integer - The ID of the Training associated with the Session.
  • Activity: array of Activity - The list of Activities associated with the Session.


  • id: integer (readonly) - The unique identifier of the Activity.
  • name: string - Activity name.
  • posX: float - The X coordinate position.
  • posY: float - The Y coordinate position.
  • posZ: float - The Z coordinate position.
  • createdAt: string (ISO 8601) - The date and time when the Activity was created.
  • unityObject: UnityObject - The Unity Object associated with the Activity.
  • unityObjectId: integer - The ID of the Unity Object associated with the Activity.
  • session: Session - The Session associated with the Activity.
  • sessionId: integer - The ID of the Session associated with the Activity.