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Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes documentation

The documentation for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes is provided in this repository in markdown (MD) format.

Note: This documentation is still a work in progress. Frequent changes and improvements are expected.

How to use the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes documentation for test-a-thon

External users only! Use the file as the table of contents. The production file provides direct linking within the repository to the corresponding files.

Open an issue to submit feedback and change requests, see the documentation issue template.

As mentioned earlier, this documentation is still a work in progress. If you have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open a documentation issue in the GitHub repository.

Internal users only

Open an issue with this BACKLOG documentation issue template.

To see the content, (until a link is available), please rely on the table of contents/navigation draft found in the file.

For Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes documentation and developers only


IMPORTANT: DOC SHUT DOWN three days before GA; please give us time to finalize our documentation and deliver on time.

To ensure product documentation is accessible, accurate, tested, complete, and follows corporate style manual, we need to shut down incoming work three days before GA. Please open issues early and doc test early.

RHACM developers: Please open an issue as normal with the file/content that needs to be added. Label your issue squad:doc and give a detailed description of your change. The clearer you are in the description, the quicker we can make the updates. Please open an issue, not a PR so that we can make updates as we transition into ASCII doc.

Issue and Pull request process

Identify documentation content updates (features, enhancements, and bug fixes) and open issues.

  • For a Dev issue where doc work is required - open up a separate ID issue in the open-cluster-management backlog. If you are not ready for a doc issue but you know you eventually need one, you can label doc_needed.
  • Describe the changes that you are making or want the Doc team to make; keep it in untriaged stage.
  • Add tags such as bug or priority.
  • Doc team can use the doc-awaiting-input label if we are waiting for input late in the release.

Link issues to commits This is important for file history and if something has to be undone. Link an issue to a commit, add a reference to the issue to the commit message and a quick note about the update. See the following syntax:

 open-cluster-management/backlog#147/#<issue_number> command updated

Pull requests

  • Dev can use PRs for small content changes. For larger changes, devs can provide the details inside the GitHub issue comment.
  • Doc team will write and edit the content after devs supply what is required to document the feature/fix. _ Reviews on new topics, reorgs, or large changes require: Peer review, dev review, support review.
  • Doc team always uses PR to submit new changes, just as the organization requires in the playbook.

UI content or PII

It is very important to get the doc team to help with UI content.

  • For Program integrated information (PII) review requests (content in the UI), such as tooltips and error messages, label the design or UI dev issue squad:doc and use that issue to get the content reviewed.
  • The doc team can also branch from the developer's property files and create a PR with recommended changes or the developers can do the same.

Known issues or limitations

Please squad:doc issues where we have a known issue or limitation in the product that you want us to document in the Known issues section.

Branch strategy

  • Work from the doc_stage branch. The doc_prod (production) branch will be updated regulary by the doc team.
  • We don't have a master branch because devs and doc team should target changes by opening branches from a release branch.
  • Hold all changes that you cannot merge on your own branch.
  • Please start your branch with a letter so your branch is not confused with a release branch: good: josh-update not great: 3.1.1-update
  • Place all changes that are relevant for the next release in the doc_stage (our default branch).
  • "Be kind; delete your branch." Delete your branch after you have merged your changes.

Note for UI guild: We have set up numerous doc links from the UI in the course of the product evolution. For LR, these docs will not be live. Brandi will follow up with how these icons/links will be updated for GA. Ping for questions.

Note: Moving to AsciiDoc is a text document format.

Writer assignments

  • Chris: Lead, Cluster Lifecycle and all squads within, Foundation, Install
  • Brandi: Architect for doc, UI Guild writer, KUI, Multitenancy / Multicluster Service Mesh, Cluster application and all squads within.
  • Mikela: Support doc focal, GRC (GDPR readiness included), search and all squads within.

Understanding the board

We use the following milestones to triage issues:

  • Product: Next release/future issues
  • Release: GA after any limited or beta issues
  • Sprint: Immediate release issues
  • In progress: What we have started these issues
  • Awaiting Verification: In peer/dev/support review issues

Working with the doc files

  • Keep directories as short as possible. Example: manage_apps/ is easy for linking, readability, usability, etc... Without some regulation, things can get out of control with extra folders. For example: managing/manage_all_the_things/manage_this_specific_thing/
  • File names. Keep product abbreviations out of file names. Keep filenames as short and as intuitive as possible.
  • If you create a new file, remember to add a link to it in its parent/container topic and add a reference to it in the navigation file.
  • Remember to include necessary build tags. (not needed until the transition).
  • If you refer to a product name, use a conref from the conrefs.yml file. (not needed until the transition-hard code instead

Transforming the docs (doc team future)



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