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dync 1.0.0


A simple DynDNS client.


dync is fully compatible with Linux and other Unix-like systems. Except for the daemon mode, it's also compatible with Windows.

Supported protocols

Protocol name Specification URL Internal name Maximal hosts
DynDNS2 dyndns2 20

Command-line arguments

Common layout: dync [global parameters] [module] [module-specific parameters]

Global parameters

Name Shorthand Longhand Type Value Default Mandatory Description Example
-v --verbosity Single-value {DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL} INFO No Sets the verbosity level of the logger. --verbosity INFO
-c --config Single-value Absolute filepath /etc/dync.yaml No Changes the used configuration file. --config /root/dync.yaml



The app module is responsible for the execution of dync as app.
Currently, it can be only used to start dync as app. The command parameter is mandatory to ensure compatibility with further versions.

Name Shorthand Longhand Type Value Default Mandatory Description Example
command Single-value start Yes Defines the action / command to be executed by dync. ... app start


The daemon module handles the execution as daemon.
Please note, that dync only allows one daemonized process simultaneously.

Name Shorthand Longhand Type Value Default Mandatory Description Example
command Single-value {start, stop, restart} Yes Defines the action / command to be executed by dync. ... daemon restart


The version module shows the version information.
This module has no parameters at all.

Name Shorthand Longhand Type Value Default Mandatory Description Example


The help module prints the help of a specified module.

Name Shorthand Longhand Type Value Default Mandatory Description Example
target Single-value {main, app, daemon, version, help} help No Selects a specific module. ... help daemon
A note regarding the target parameter: The value main refers to the global options.


dync uses PyYaml (see dependencies.yml) to parse the configuration file. All yaml specific syntax rules supported by PyYaml can be used here, provided the values are still evaluable for the program.

instance: [List]

This key contains the configuration for all DynDNS instances as a list. Each instance is represented as a single list item and uses the following keys: uid, ip, server, mode.

uid: [String]

The uid should specify a unique name for this instance. It may consist out of the following characters: [A-Z], [a-z], [0-9], [-_+].

ip: [Dictionary]

This section defines the IP source. It must contain the following keys: origin, pattern, group.
A side note regarding matches: A single pattern may match multiple IP addresses.

origin: [String]

The origin field defines the source from which the IP address is fetched. This address is used for two things: On the one hand, it's used as a reference to determine whether the current address has changed or not. On the other hand, this IP is used as an update-address which will be sent to the server.
There are three types of origins:

  • iface://[name]: specifies an interface as IP source; substitute [name] with the interface's name
  • http(s)://[address]: defines a web address / API as IP source; substitute [address] with the API's address
  • sock://[ip]: declares a socket using UDP as IP source; substitute [ip] with the server's address
pattern: [String]

The pattern key sets the regular expression to find the IP address. All IP addresses are compared with the pattern independently from each other. This field uses Python 3 regex syntax.
A side note regarding IPv6 addresses: IPv6 addresses are always expanded before they are compared with the pattern. For example the IPv6 address fd00:25a:c::25:7c:e turns into fd00:025a:000c:0000:0000:0025:007c:000e.

group: [Integer]

Specifies the group number in the regex pattern to use for the IP address.
If the value is set to -1, the entire match is used as the IP address.
If the value is set to -2, the entire string is used as the IP address.

server: [Dictionary]

This section defines the communication for the update process. The following keys must be present as subkeys: protocol, address, domain, user, password, retries.

protocol: [String]

The protocol field determines the used protocol. See 'Supported protocols' for more details. If a server uses a supported protocol with a customization, please open an issue on GitHub.

address: [String]

The address defines the used server address to send the update request to.

domain: [String], [List]

This represents the domain to update during a request.
If this field is a string, then this string will be passed to the server. You can directly use the server's list format if you're familiar with it.
If this field is a list, then all values will be joined according to the used protocol, provided the protocol supports multiple hosts. See 'Supported protocols' for more details.

user:, password: [String]

These keys define the credentials used for the request.

retry: [Integer]

This key sets the amount of retries after a server error occurred.
If the value is set to -1, infinite retries will be executed.

mode: [Integer]

This key currently can only be an integer and defines the wait time in seconds until the local IP address will be checked again for an update.


dync stores it's log file under /var/log/dync. The used format was kept relatively simple, and an entry looks like this:
[2020-10-05 11:05:19 / INFO] @ 120419(Server) : A sample log message was sent.

  • 2020-10-05 11:05:19: time of occurrence
  • INFO: verbosity level
  • 120419: PID of the logging process
  • Server: thread name (equals to instance name)
  • A sample log message was sent.: log message


SocketProvider implementation

A short sample implementation to provide the current IP address over a socket can be found under ./sample/
Important: Make sure to bind the server-side socket to the client-side configured address, especially when using IPv6 connectivity. Otherwise, the client may ignore the received addresses, because they were seemingly sent from another machine even if that's not the case.


Sander Marechal - A simple unix/linux daemon in Python


Version 1.0.0

  • Common
    • Added execution mode app
    • Added execution mode daemon
    • Added command-line interface
    • Added YAML configuration file
    • Added daemon PID file
    • Added logging mechanism
    • Added file logger
    • Added OS specific path selection
  • Functionality
    • Added basic update mechanism
    • Added interface address provider
    • Added socket address provider
    • Added web address provider
    • Added DynDNS2 address updater


Another DynDNS client written in Pyton 3.








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