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Releases: Exodia-OS/exodia-home-ISO

2024.02.21 Release: Exodia Home 2024.02.21

21 Feb 22:50
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Free Palestine πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ



Recommend to read wiki


  • update the pkgs
  • update bspwm config
    • add new themes
    • update monitors-layouts = in exodia.conf file for passing user custom monitors config if you keep it empty exodia will configure the monitors automatically with bspmonitors
  • update .zshrc for loading user custom profile, if you want to add your custom profile like Alias, etc.
    • create .custom-profile in home dir ~
    • ~/.custom-profile , and add your config

2023.07.06 Release: Exodia Home 2023.07.06

06 Jul 20:46
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Recommend to read wiki

Changelog :-

  • Just fixed the blank screen issue during booting

If the blank screen appears again during booting
just wait about 2:5 mins and the system will boot up Inshallah

2023.07 Release: Exodia Home 2023.07.03

03 Jul 23:38
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Recommend to read wiki

Changelog :-

  • updated (regular update)
    • Updated ISO with the latest packages with a new structure
    • Updated exodia-NvChad, PowerShell, plymouth
    • Change sddm theme with sddm-theme-corners
    • F4 open terminal here and F5 PowerShell in thunr.
    • Added new pkg tgpt
    • fix grub theme
    • Updated .zshrc config
    • use btrfs as the default filesystem
    • Updated calamares config to choose which window manager to use
      • desktops
    • Updated exodia-welcome
    • replaced exodia-helper with exodia-assistant
    • Updated bspwm config with a new structure (exodia-bspwm 7.3-4)
      • new structure for exodia-bspwm, that allows you to create your own theme easily
      • update rofi menus
      • update polybar themes and Fix polybar padding (when changing theme)
      • update bspwm themes see more info here
      • add more picom config
      • add bspmonitors script to setup all connected external monitors
      • add exodia.conf config file for bspwm to load background, theme, icons, etc...
      • add a config file for each theme theme.conf that is easy to change the background, theme, icons, etc...
      • see more info here
    • Added exodia-dwm and exodia-dwm-predator
    • Added exodia-i3wm and exodia-i3wm-predator with multiple themes
      • with the same structure as exodia-bspwm, which allows you to create your own theme easily

v2022.12 Release: Exodia Home 2022.12.10

11 Dec 09:26
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Recommend to read wiki

Changelog :-

  • updated (regular update)
    • updated ISO with latest PKGs
    • some config files in bspwm
    • updated Templates files
    • updated jgmenu( added PowerShell)
    • updated thunar menus ( added -> open PowerShell here)

v2022.11 Release: Exodia Home 2022.11.11

11 Nov 21:18
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Recommend to read fix GRUB Theme

Changelog :-

  • fixed

    • polybar scripts
    • rofi
    • calamares slide show config
  • updated

    • logo
    • grub
    • calamares slide show config
    • rofi themes
    • polybar themes
    • .zshrc theme (added lsd)
    • change sddm Cursor Theme to ManjaTrix
  • new

    • Added PowerShell (fully customized)
    • Added Exodia-TUI-Apps mapscii, browsh, termtyper, etc... to list all available apps run this command pacman -Sg Exodia-TUI-Apps
    • Added Files Templates, to help you to create coding files (C, C++, web Dev, python, etc...)
    • Added new theme
    • Added jgmenu (pre-configured)
    • Added xdo and xqp for jgmenu (To Toggle jgmenu while right click on desktop)
    • Added EWW pre-installed, pre-configured with exodia-eww, use mod + d to open/close EWW dashboard
    • Added plymouth, exodia-plymouth-theme

v2022.09 Release: Exodia Home 2022.09.20 [beta]

20 Sep 23:40
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Warning! This is a beta release. maybe buggy Read on to solve any issue if it exists


  • Comes with BSPWM pre-configured with 13+ fancy Themes
  • zsh (pre-installed) default shell.
  • omz (pre-installed ,community-driven framework for managing) pre-configured with a lot of plugins like git, zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting .
  • powerlevel10k (pre-installed) the default omz theme .
  • NvChad (pre-installed) neovim config written in lua that makes neovim looks like IDE, pre-configured with a lot of plugins, dashboard enabled.
  • ani-cli (pre-installed) for watching anime using terminal.
  • ytfzf (pre-installed) for watching youtube videos using terminal.
  • predator-sense (pre-installed) to control CPU/GPU Fan, Keyboard RGB(ONLY for Acer Predator Laptops).
  • Keybinding.