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HfTL-Thesis Template

This is a LaTeX template following the design recommendations for theses at the HfTL. Created by Martin Meszaros for Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig.

Download the thesis template.

See the example document for how to use it and check out the comments of the my-thesis.tex file and hftlthesis.cls file. Also have a look at the LaTeX Cheat Sheet for commonly used commands.

Getting started

  1. Install a LaTeX distribution:

  2. Install your LaTeX editor of choice, for example TeXstudio or Visual Studio Code with the LaTeX Workshop extension.

  3. (Optional) Install LanguageTool (Java required) for advanced spell- and grammar checking. See the screenshot below for the required settings to make it work with TeXstudio. TeXstudio settings for LanguageTool

  4. (Optional) For bibliography management use a tool like Zotero with the Better BibTeX extension.


  • If you use MikTeX as your LaTeX distribution, the first compilation might take some time and it might ask for administrator privileges, as it installs the required packages.

  • If TeXstudio autocompletion does not correctly work, copy the completion file hftlthesis.cwl from the archive to %APPDATA%\texstudio\completion\user (Windows) or ~/.config/texstudio/completion/user (Linux/Mac).

  • Depending on your Linux distribution, the installation of TeX Live alone might not be sufficient. For Ubuntu (>=16.04), the required packages can be installed by the command: sudo apt install texlive texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-extra texlive-science texlive-lang-german texlive-lang-cyrillic texlive-generic-extra texlive-bibtex-extra biber. If you use another distribution, make sure that the following packages have to be installed:

    • etoolbox
    • scrbook
    • inputenc
    • xifthen
    • XCharter
    • opensans
    • sourcecodepro
    • fontenc
    • babel
    • biblatex
    • graphicx
    • csquotes
    • ragged2e
    • datetime2
    • amsmath
    • multirow
    • longtable
    • tabularx
    • needspace
    • enumitem
    • booktabs
    • microtype
    • hyperref
    • glossaries

    The demo document additionally requires:

    • blindtext
    • tikz
    • pgfplots
    • listings
    • siunitx


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