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Cognitive Services Demo - Node.js

Step 0 - Prerequisites

If you have never created a Custom Vision Model please follow the instructions on building a model and getting an API Key in

For this workshop you will need to have Node.js installed as well as any text editor- my favorite is Visual Studio Code.

Fork, clone, or download this repository. From the command line, navigate to the [YOUR INSTALL LOCATION]/node/cogServ/ directory and enter npm install. To see the starting point for our project, run it by entering set DEBUG=cogServ:* & npm start if you are on a Windows machine and entering DEBUG=cogServ:* npm start if you are on a MacOS or Linux machine. The navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

For Windows:

  cd [YOUR INSTALL LOCATION]/CognitiveServicesDemo/node/cogServ
  npm install
  set DEBUG=cogServ:* & npm start

For Mac/ Linux:

  cd [YOUR INSTALL LOCATION]/CognitiveServicesDemo/node/cogServ
  npm install
  DEBUG=cogServ:* npm start

Note: From here on, all file paths are relative to [YOUR INSTALL LOCATION]/CognitiveServicesDemo/node/cogServ/

Step 1 - Load environment variables

  1. Create a new file in the root directory of this node project called .env
  2. Start by copying the contents of the .env.sample file
  3. Paste the URL and the Prediction Key you got when you set up your custom vision model on the corresponding lines. You don't need to put the values in quotes or add any spaces after the =, simply paste your values as is.

If you don't have keys yet, follow these instructions then come back to this step.

Step 2 - Make the API call

  1. Uncomment callAPI(url) on line 11 of controllers/results.js
  2. Copy the contents of codeSnippets/callAPI.txt and paste them in controllers/results.js under the "Helper Functions Here" comment at the end of the file
  3. Put a breakpoint on line 13 var results = response and run the project
  4. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/, enter the URL of a photo and hit enter

When the breakpoint is hit, you should see the Predictions array in the object returned from the API call with values for each of the three houses we trained in our model. Press continue in your debugger and wait for the results page to load. We won't see our results yet- we will only see the value of the link we passed in.

Step 3 - Parse results to find the top emotion

  1. Uncomment const top = parseResponse(results.Predictions) on line 16 of controllers/results.js
  2. Copy the contents of codeSnippets/parseResponse.txt and paste them in controllers/results.js under the "Helper Functions Here" comment at the end of the file
  3. Put a breakpoint on line 16 which we just uncommented and run the project
  4. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/, enter the URL of a photo and hit enter

When the breakpoint is hit, you should see the top tag our model predicted based on the photo. Press continue in your debugger and wait for the results page to load. We still won't see our results yet- we will only see the value of the link we passed in.

Step 4 - Display the results

  1. Uncomment const data = getTagData(top) on line 19 of controllers/results.js
  2. Copy the contents of codeSnippets/getTagData.txt and paste them in controllers/results.js under the "Helper Functions Here" comment at the end of the file
  3. Modify the object in the second parameter of res.render() on line 22 to look like
    res.render('results', {
      title: 'Results',
      description: data.description,
      probability: data.probability,
  1. Run the project without any breakpoints and navigate to http://localhost:3000/, enter the URL of a photo and hit enter

Now our site is complete! When you enter the URL of a photo you should see either the Lannister, Stark, or Targaryen sigil along with the probablity that our model got the house correct. Try it with different photos to see what you get!

Note: One of the three houses will be returned with every photo, even if the photo has nothing to do with any of the sigils, but the probablility that it is correct will be small.

Step 5 - Customize your site

Feel free to customize your site however you want! Continue tweaking your model and the images that you used to train it to try to get an even better accuracy.

Note: All static files are stored in the public folder. To change the images displayed for each result put them in the public/images/ folder and be sure to change the filename being returned by getTagData().


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