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A Versatile PowerShell-based LLM Interface


ShellLM is a feature-rich and flexible terminal application that allows users to have text-based conversations with large language models (LLMs), including GPT-4, Gemini, and Claude 3. It provides an intuitive command-based interface, enabling users to easily interact with the models and explore their capabilities.


  • Seamless communication with LLM APIs such as GPT-4, Gemini, and Claude 3
  • Colorful formatted messages for easy readability
  • Comprehensive conversation history and navigation
  • Conversation saving and loading to/from JSON files
  • Retry option to generate alternative responses
  • AskLLM mode for concise answers to specific questions
  • Supports many models from several providers:
    • OpenAI
      • GPT-3.5-turbo
      • GPT-4o
      • GPT-4o-mini
    • Google
      • gemini-pro
      • gemini-1.5-pro
      • gemini-1.5-flash
    • Anthropic
      • claude-3-haiku
      • claude-3-sonnet
      • claude-3-opus
      • claude-3.5-sonnet
  • Image generation: Generate images using the DALL-E API (requires an OpenAI API key)
  • Custom instructions: Set specific guidelines for the model to follow during conversations
  • Automatically loads conversation 'autoload.json' on startup, automatically saves last conversation


  1. Obtain an OpenAI API key:

    • Sign in to your OpenAI account and navigate to your account settings.
    • Select "API Keys" and create a new API key if you don't already have one.
  2. Set the API key as an environment variable:

    • Open a Command Prompt and enter the following command:
      [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("OPENAI_API_KEY", "sk-...", "User")
    • Replace "sk-..." with your actual API key.
  3. Clone or download the repository:

    git clone


  1. Start the ShellLM terminal interface

  2. Interact with the model

    • Type your messages and press Enter to send them to the model.
    • Use the available commands (listed below) to manage conversations, generate images, and customize the experience.
  • Alternatively, you can append your prompt after the file name to get a quick response without entering the interactive shell:
    .\ShellLM.ps1 "What is the capital of Ecuador?"


  • /bye (/goodbye): Exit the program with a farewell message.
  • /help: Display a list of available commands and their descriptions.
  • /exit (/quit): Exit the program immediately.
  • /save [filename] (/export): Save the current conversation to a JSON file.
  • /load [filename] (/import): Load a previous conversation from a JSON file.
  • /hist (/list, /ls, /history): Display the conversation history.
  • /back [number]: Go back a number of messages in the conversation.
  • /retry: Generate another response to your last message.
  • /reset (/clear): Reset the conversation to its initial state.
  • /model [model]: Change the model used for generating responses.
  • /imagine {prompt} (/generate, /image, /img): Generate an image based on a given prompt.
  • /copy [number of messages back] (/cp): Copy the last response to the clipboard (without formatting).
  • /paste [prompt] (/clipboard): Provide the model with the content of your clipboard as context.
  • /rules [instructions] (/instructions): Set custom instructions for the model to follow during the conversation.
  • /config: Change other persistent settings.


If you encounter an issue initially running the program, make sure you have enabled running scripts on your system by running this command powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope User

If you encounter any further issues, please double-check that you have correctly set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. If the problem persists, please open an issue on the GitHub repository for further assistance.

Note: This script is still under development and may undergo further changes in the future.