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Gedis is an in-memory Redis inspired database written in Go.


Just wanted to challenge myself to create a Database. + I just wanted to build a Go project since I am very much foreign with the language (not having used it in anything other than backend development)

How does this work?

Its simple, a map[string]string stored in memory, while writing to cache for persistence.

Backups are also supported. Creating a backup will take the map from meory & spit out a backup-[TIMESTAMP].(json|csv) file with the map encoded as JSON or CSV. When loading a backup, the type of the file is inferred based on the file extension. If the name of a backup file is changed to include other stuff like extra ".", it will fail. After the type is inferred of either JSON or CSV, it decodes it & then places it in memory + cache.

It also starts a server by default on port 5000 (If PORT env variable is not set, the default is 5000). This API allows for GET, SET & DELETE so it can be accessed by an application using a network request.


The database is very simple with 5 commands.

NOTE: The commands are case-insensitive, so doesn't matter if you are a SQL guy or not.

Open commands

These commands can be accessed from both the CLI and the Rest API.


Gets a value with the given key from memory.


GET <key>

# example, if the key is "foo"
GET foo


Sets a value with a given key. Also written to cache for persistence.


SET <key> <value>

# example with the key="foo" & value="bar"
SET foo bar


Deletes a value with the given key.


DELETE <key>

# example, delete the value with key "foo"

CLI-only commands


Creates a backup-[TIMESTAMP].(json|csv) in the backups folder.

Supported Backup export type

  • JSON
  • CSV
# by default, it exports as JSON

# export as CSV
create_backup --csv

# any flag not-meaningful to the database is ignored (exported as JSON)
create_backup --never-gonna-give-you-up


Loads a backup file.

It looks for backups in the backups/ folder so anything else is ignored.


load_backup <backup-file-name>

# json
load_backup backup-060623-17:12:51.json

# csv
load_backup backup-060623-17:12:51.csv

Using the Rest API

The database's server only has one endpoint, the root (/) Here you can send GET, POST (SET) & DELETE Requests to perform actions on the database. Make sure to also pass ?key=... & &value=... based on the type of action.

Getting Started

  • Clone the repo
$ git clone
  • Compile the project. Make sure you have Go installed on your system. Then run the file.
$ chmod +x

$ ./
  • Then run the binary according to your CPU architecture & OS.
$ ./bin/gedis-[VERSION]-[OS]-[ARCH]/gedis

This will start a server on your machine w/ PORT env (default 5000) + a CLI that will allow you to interact with the database.

Running with Docker

  • Pull the image from GitHub's Container Registry.
$ docker pull
  • Then pass a PORT & run the container with the "-it" flag
$ docker run -p <PORT>:8080 -it


This project is MIT licensed, see