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TEG Game Engine

Licence C++ C# Windows Terminal

TEG Game Engine - A text based game engine made in C++

Getting Started:

TEG engine is currently only Windows supported
In order to make the project into an executable, run the compile.bat file, here's the cmd command:




Documentation :

The Engine class takes care of the screen rendering and initializing the game & engine.

Sample main file:

#include "Engine/Engine.h"
#include "Game/Game.h"
#include <thread>
using namespace TEG;

int main()

	std::thread updateThread(&Engine::UpdateLoop);

	return 0;


The Engine::Init(Game game_) function starts up the Input class, and calls the start function on the game class provided to it on the main file.

Example Usage:


It doesn't have to be the Game class, can be any class that derives from the Game class

Update Loop

On the Engine::UpdateLoop() function, rendering of all of the object is being handled, mostly using the Engine::PrintScreen() function.

Print Screen

The PrintScreen() function handles rendering the screen and going through the following steps:

  • Clear the screen.
  • Go through the Object::objects refrence vector, and call the Render function on each one.


The Engine::OnStop() function handles stopping the engine, and goes through the following steps:

  • starts by calling the Exit() function on the game variable (that was passed in the Engine::Init(Game game_) function).
  • Clears the screen.
  • Prints out "Engine Stopped." for debug purposes.
  • Cleans up the Input class by calling the Input::Cleanup() function.

The Object class is an abstract class that behaves as a template for classes such as the GameObject class, and has some basic function that are the same for all the instances.

Take in notice: The Object class should NOT be used be used by itself, and instead be used by classes that derive from it.

Main Class


The constructor recives the initial position of the Object instance, saves it into memory, and assigns an ID to the object according to it's position in memory. The constructor shouldn't be used by itself most of the time, instead you might use the Instantiate()function, provided by classes such as GameObject & Text.

Object Render List

Inside of the Object class, you can find the objects refrence wrapper vector, that automatically stores refrences to all the objects that were created using Instantiate() function, and each frame of the engine calls the render function of each one of the refrences.

Enabling & Disabling An Instance

The SetEnabled(bool state) function sets the state (Enabled / Disabled) of the object its being called on. For an example in this code snippet:

GameObject *obj = GameObject::Instantiate(args...); // Replace with actual args

it disables the object & it's children from being rendered on the screen.

Child-Parent Relations

Child-Parent relations let you accomplish stuff like disabling multiple objects at the same time, or moving objects in-sync.

Adding Children

The AddChild(Object *child) function takes in a refrence to the child you want to add to the parent object, and adds it's ID to the children array, and should be used like this:

// Using the GameObject class as an example
GameObject *parent = GameObject::Instantiate(args...);
GameObject *child = GameObject::Instantiate(args...);


Every time you will call the SetPos() function on a object, it will trigger the function also for all its children, and make them move aswell, according to their initial offset from their parent.

Getting Amount Of Children

It is possible to get the amount of children of an Object class-derived instance using the GetChildCount() function, like in the following code snippet:

// Using the GameObject class as an example
GameObject *obj = GameObject::Instantiate(args...);
std::cout << obj->GetChildCount();

Getting Children Refrences

The GetChildren() function returns a vector of refrences to the children of the object its being used on, like in the following snippet:

// Using the GameObject class as an example
GameObject *parent = GameObject::Instantiate(args...);
GameObject *child = GameObject::Instantiate(args...);
parent->AddChild(child); // Adding a child

std::cout << parent->GetChildren()[0].get().GetID(); // Prints out the ID of the first child in the parent's children

Object Components

Object components are used to add more functionality to a object, outside of the Game class.

Adding Components

Using the AddComponent(shared_ptr<Object>), you can add instances of classes that derive from the Component class. Here's an example:

// component derived class
class ExampleComp : public Component
    void Start() override 
      cout << "Start() Ran";

// in the Game derived class: 
GameObject *obj = Instantiate(args...);

And then the Start() function will be called after it has been added.

Getting Components

You can get a vector of shared pointers to the components using the GetComponents() function.

Console Attributes Class

The ConsoleAttributes class holds data for coloring text and objects in the terminal, with variables such as BLACK, RED, GREEN.

The Component class is a abstract class that is derived to make object components (Explained in Object class documentation), that have a few basic functions:

Start() - Called when adding the component onto an object

Update() - Called every frame

Stop() - Called after the component / object has been disabled

The GameObject class is a class for basic rectangle-like shape rendering, which will probably have more shapes to it in the future.


Instantiation of an instance of this class is important for it to be automatically rendered into the screen, and is done by using the GameObject::Instantiate() static function, that takes in the following arguments:

  • Vector2 pos - For the initial position of the GameObject.
  • int width - For the width of the GameObject.
  • int height - For the height of the GameObject.
  • char symbol - For the symbol the GameObject will be constructed of, # for an example.
  • bool hasFill_ - For checking if the renderer should fill the shape.

The function should by used like in the following:

GameObject *obj = GameObject::Instantiate(
  Vector2(3,5), // pos
  5,            // width
  5,            // height
  '#',          // symbol
  true          // hasFill
  • Take in care, the function returns back a pointer to the actual object

The function works by:

  1. First calling the constructor on a new GameObject instance it creates
  2. Adding it to the Object::objects render array
  3. Returning back the pointer to the object it created

Render Function

The Render() function takes care of rendering the game object on the screen, and goes through the following steps:

  1. Makes sure the object used is in the Object::objects vector, and if it isn't throws an error message.

  2. Goes through the positions the GameObject's instance rendering should be in, and adds them into a char buffer.

  3. Renders the char buffer on the screen.


TEG Game Engine - A text based game engine







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