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Releases: Concordium/concordium-contracts-common

concordium-contracts-common 8.0.0

21 Aug 06:36
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This release adds support for new types and operations available in protocol 6, as well as other minor improvements.


  • Add signature and key types to concordium-contracts-common.
  • Add Display trait to VersionedModuleSchema to display the VersionedModuleSchema as a JSON template.
  • Add Display trait to SchemaType to display the SchemaType as a JSON template.
  • Add associated function from_base64_str to VersionedModuleSchema to easily parse from base64
  • Add NonZeroThresholdU8, and derived AccountThreshold and SignatureThreshold types.
  • Bump version of concordium-contracts-common-derive to 4.

concordium-contracts-common-derive 4.0.0

21 Aug 06:32
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This major release adds new convenience features to derive macros that reduce the amount of boilerplate needed in many common scenarios, and removes the StateClone derive macro.


  • Fix a bug in derivation macros for Serial, Deserial, DeserialWithState
    and SchemaType which incorrectly handled the case where the type had where
    predicates in its definition.
  • Support adding #[concordium(repr(u))] for enum types, where u is either u8 or u16. Setting this changes the integer serialization used for the variant tags in derive macros such as Serial, Deserial, DeserialWithState and SchemaType.
  • Support adding #[concordium(tag = n)] for enum variants, where n is some unsigned integer literal. Setting this attribute on a variant overrides the tag used in derive macros such as Serial, Deserial, DeserialWithState and SchemaType. Note that setting #[concordium(repr(u*))] is required when using this attribute.
  • Support adding #[concordium(forward = n)], for enum variants, where n is either an unsigned integer literal, cis2_events, cis3_events, cis4_events or an array of the same options.
    Setting this attribute on a variant overrides the (de)serialization to flatten with the (de)serialization of the inner field when using derive macros such as Serial, Deserial, DeserialWithState and SchemaType.
    Note that setting #[concordium(repr(u*))] is required when using this attribute.
  • derive(StateClone) removed completely, as StateClone trait is removed from concordium-std

concordium-contracts-common 7.0.0

16 Jun 06:23
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This release brings a number of convenience improvements and error reporting.

In particular when converting JSON and binary formats using schemas, the error reporting is much improved.


  • Implement serde::Serialize and serde::Deserialize for Duration using
    FromStr and Display implementations, when feature derive-serde is
  • Implement Serialize any HashBytes<Purpose> over any Purpose.
  • Add TryFrom implementation to convert Timestamp to chrono::DateTime.
  • Add a Serial implementation for any &A if A: Serial.
  • Set minimum Rust version to 1.65.
  • Add smart-contract feature to enable the macros which are only suitable for smart contract development using concordium-std. The feature is not enabled by default.
  • Add macros Reject, DeserialWithState, SchemaType, StateClone and Deletable, init, receive, concordium_test, concordium_cfg_test, concordium_cfg_not_test and concordium_quickcheck from concordium_std_derive with their related features wasm-test, build-schema and concordium-quickcheck.

Breaking changes

  • Add a new error type ToJsonError, which is returned when deserializing a schema type fails.
  • Add the member JsonError::TraceError to JsonError, which has trace information for the error produced when serializing a schema type fails.

concordium-contracts-common-derive 3.0.0

16 Jun 06:21
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This release brings a number of additions to the schema deriving macros to reduce the need for manual instances.


  • Set minimum Rust version to 1.65.
  • Add derive macros for Reject, DeserialWithState, SchemaType, StateClone and Deletable from concordium_std_derive.
  • Add attribute macros init, receive, concordium_test, concordium_cfg_test, concordium_cfg_not_test and concordium_quickcheck from concordium_std_derive with their related features wasm-test, build-schema and concordium-quickcheck.
  • Deriving Serial, Deserial, DeserialWithState and SchemaType now produces an implementation which adds a bound to each of the type parameters to implement the relevant trait.
    Note that Serial and DeserialWithState skips this bound for state_parameter when/if this is provided. This is not the behavior of Deserial and SchemaType since they are incompatible with DeserialWithState and therefore state_parameter is never present in these cases.
  • Deriving SchemaType will now produce an implementation even without the build-schema feature being enabled.
  • Support adding attribute #[concordium(transparent)] to newtype structs causing a derived SchemaType to use the implementation of the single field and thereby hiding the newtype struct in the schema.
  • Fix error message for deriving Deserial and DeserialWithState, for types with an invalid field attribute.

concordium-contracts-common 6.0.0

08 May 06:32
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This release brings additional functionality and removes the sdk feature.
The use of the library through concordium-std is unaffected, but uses through concordium-rust-sdk have
to be adapted. See changes below for details.


  • Remove the Copy requirement for deserialization of BTreeMap and BTreeSet.
    This allows using non-copyable (and non-clonable) types as map keys or set
  • Add the method serial_for_smart_contracts to OwnedPolicy, which serializes the policy for easy consumption by smart contracts.
  • Set minimum Rust version to 1.60.
  • Set Rust edition to 2021.
  • Remove the sdk feature.
    • Migrate by adding use concordium_rust_sdk::types::smart_contracts::concordium_contracts_common as concordium_std;
      in the files where you derive Serial or Deserial with the help from this crate.

concordium-contracts-common-derive 2.0.0

08 May 06:30
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This release removes the sdk feature. The use of the derive crate inside concordium-std is unaffected,
but uses through concordium-rust-sdk have to be adjusted. See changes for details.


  • Set minimum Rust version to 1.60.
  • Set Rust edition to 2021.
  • Remove the sdk feature.
    • Migrate by adding use concordium_rust_sdk::types::smart_contracts::concordium_contracts_common as concordium_std;
      in the files where you derive Serial or Deserial with the help from this crate.

concordium-contracts-common 5.3.1

12 Apr 11:39
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This is a minor release that adds minor helper functionality both for on and off-chain use and fixes a bug in schema JSON parsing.


  • Fix schema JSON deserialization of negative signed numbers.
  • Add PartialEq implementations for comparing ReceiveName, ContractName, and EntrypointName and their owned variants to str.

concordium-contracts-common 5.3.0

16 Mar 13:40
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This is a minor release that adds minor helper functionality both for on and off-chain use.

There are a few breaking changes, but they are minor so only the minor version is bumped. The changelog below describes the migration path if you are affected by these changes.


  • Add Display implementation for OwnedParameter and Parameter, which uses
    hex encoding.
  • Replace From<Vec<u8>> instance for OwnedParameter/Parameter with a TryFrom,
    which ensures a valid length, and the unchecked method new_unchecked.
    • Migrate from From/Into: Use new_unchecked instead (if known to be
      valid length).
  • Make inner field in OwnedParameter/Parameter private, but add a From
    implementation for getting the raw bytes.
    • Migrate from parameter.0: use parameter.into() instead (for both of the affected
  • For ModuleReference, replace AsRef<[u8;32]> with AsRef<[u8]> and make
    inner bytes public.
    • The change was necessary for internal reasons.
    • Migrate from module_reference.as_ref(): use &module_reference.bytes instead.
  • Replace OwnedParameter::new with OwnedParameter::from_serial, which also
    ensures a valid length.
    • Migrate from new(x): Use from_serial(x).unwrap() (if known to be valid length).
  • Add an empty method for both OwnedParameter and Parameter.
  • Implement Default for Parameter.
  • Move AccountBalance from concordium-std.
  • Add to_owned method to EntrypointName and ContractName types.
  • Implement Serial/Deserial instances for tuples with 4, 5, and 6 elements.
  • Add checked_sub to Amount type.

concordium-contracts-common 5.2.0

08 Feb 07:41
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This is a minor release with bugfixes for off-chain functionality and quality of life improvements.

concordium-contracts-common 5.2.0 (2023-02-08)

  • Add methods serial_value and serial_value_into on the Type.
    They are more ergonomic to use than write_bytes_from_json_schema_type which
    is marked as deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
  • Fix schema's to_json for contract addresses to that it outputs a value in
    the correct {"index": ..., "subindex": ...} format.
  • Add Display implementations for ContractName, ReceiveName, and their
    owned variants.

Release concordium-contracts-common 5.1.0

14 Dec 08:27
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concordium-contracts-common 5.1.0 (2022-12-14)

  • Implement quickcheck::Arbitrary for Timestamp, AccountAddress, ContractAddress, Address, ChainMetadata, AttributeTag, AttributeValue and OwnedPolicy.