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Proof of Concept: All the concepts of React w. Redux, Hooks & Context API


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React β€” Proof of Concept

In this repository, I've implemented (or implementing) all the concepts related to React and its related technologies (like Redux, Context API & GraphQL). Please feel free to go through this repository for your own learning/revision as I'll be doing the same if I ever need to revise/reinforce my knowledge on React (or it's related technologies).


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Table of Contents

React Basics [Making Monsters Rolodex Project] βš› + πŸ‘Ή

  1. How to use create-react-app to initialize a react project: Tutorial here | Files that are added after first init
  2. First Change in the React App: Changes Made
  3. Class Components, Initializing State in constructor() & Using setState() on an HTML Element in JSX: Changes Made
  4. Rendering a list of items in react using key prop: Changes Made
  5. props, props.children, functional components, making new components & usage of componentDidMount() life-cycle method: Changes Made
  6. Sending state from one component to another, component nesting & reason why we use components: Changes Made
  7. Handling DOM Events in JSX, Getting Data from User Input & setState()'s asynchronous behaviour: Changes Made
  8. Dynamic rendering of components due to setState() and render() methods: Changes Made
  9. Difference between .js and .jsx files, functional v. class components & destructuring props object as a parameter in a functional component: Changes Made
  10. Writing our own methods inside the App component & why are life-cycle defined normally like a function and not as an arrow function: Changes Made
  11. Deploying a static app on GitHub Pages & Finishing Touches: Deploying Static Websites to GitHub Pages, Changes Made & Monsters Rolodex App Live Here

React Core Concepts βš›β“

  1. What does create-react-app command actually does? An in-depth understanding of React & ReactDOM: Commit Changes Here & Basic File Structure for React Apps
  2. Wrapping all the basics in one example β€” props, props.children, setState(), state, React.Component, event-handling, etc: Commit Changes
  3. Using the useState() Hook for State Manipulation: Commit Changes
  4. Passing Method References b/w Components: Commit Changes
  5. Adding Two Way Binding: Commit Details
  6. Styling Components - Inline Styling using JSX & Importing External Style Scripts: Commit Details
  7. Overall wrap-up of all the basics: Assignment Solution in Javascript & Assignment Solution in Typescript

Working with Lists & Conditionals πŸ“œ

  1. Rendering Content Conditionally
    1. Using the ternary operator: Commit Details
    2. Using control flow if-else [recommended way]: Commit Details
  2. Outputting Components in a List using map(): Commit Details
  3. Affecting state from a generated List of Components
    1. Updating State Directly (flawed approach, can lead to unknown behaviour of the apps): Commit Details
    2. Updating State Immutably (correction to the flawed approach) using splice() or ... [Spread Operator]: Commit Details
  4. Lists & Keys
    1. Usage of key prop: Commit Details
    2. Making Lists Flexible w. <input> element inside the component: Commit Details
  5. Section wrap-up & Assignment: My Solution in JavaScript, Instructor's Solution in Javascript & My Solution in TypeScript (Use App)

Styling React Components & Elements πŸ©°πŸŽ€πŸ‘š

  1. Setting Styles Dynamically: Commit Details
  2. Setting Class Names Dynamically: Commit Details
  3. Adding & Using Radium β€” npm i --save radium
    1. Implementing pseudo-classes like :hover: Commit Details
    2. Implementing Media Queries @media using {StyleRoot} from 'radium': Commit Details
  4. Adding & Using Styled Component β€” npm i --save styled-components πŸ’„
    1. Styling components using Tagged Templates with styled-components library: Commit Details
    2. How styled-components library generates the CSS required for the respective component: Commit Details
    3. Dynamic styling with props inside a tagged template string: Commit Details & Do the same in TypeScript
  5. Working with CSS Modules
    1. Why do we need CSS Modules? Commit Details
    2. Using CSS Modules: & Commit Details
    3. Media Queries using CSS Modules: Commit Details
  6. Using ErrorBoundaries if an Error occurs in the react app, using componentDidCatch(err, info) method: Commit Details πŸš«βœ…

Deep Dive Into Components & React Internals πŸŠπŸΎβ€β™‚οΈβš›

  1. A Better Project Directory Structure: Commit Details
  2. Splitting an App into Components for cleaner structure/readability: Commit Details
  3. Sending props to <App/> component: Commit Details
  4. Component Creation Lifecycle in Action: Commit Details
  5. Component Update Lifecycle
    1. When props change: Commit Details
    2. When state changes: Commit Details
  6. useEffect() and its uses
    1. Usage inside a functional component: Commit Details
    2. Controlling the Behaviour of useEffect(): Commit Details
  7. Lifecycle Methods for Cleanup Work in class-based components using componentWillUnmount() & in functional components using useEffect(): Commit Details
  8. Optimization in React
    1. Using Lifecycle Method - shouldComponentUpdate(): Commit Details
    2. Using React.memo() for optimizing functional components: Commit Details
    3. Checking all the props info using shouldComponentUpdate: Commit Details
    4. Extending PureComponent instead of defining shouldComponentUpdate() to check all the props manually: Commit Details
  9. Rendering Adjacent JSX Elements
    1. Using JS Arrays/Lists: Commit Details
    2. Using a HOC (like say, <Auxiliary /> component): Commit Details
    3. Using a built-in HOC for wrapping/rendering JSX elements β€” <React.Fragment>: Commit Details
  10. Higher Order Components (HOC)
    1. Introduction to HOC: Commit Details
    2. Another form of HOC using Closure: Commit Details
    3. Passing Unknown props to HOC's using Closure: Commit Details
  11. Setting State Correctly using setState((prevState, props) => ({...prevState, }));: Commit Details
  12. Using PropTypes β€” npm i --save prop-types: Commit Details
  13. Refs in React
    1. Why Refs? Introduction & Usage of Refs in class-based components (before React v16.3): Commit Details
    2. Usage of Refs in class-based components (after React v16.3) using React.createRef(): Commit Details
    3. Refs in functional components using useRef() hook: Commit Details
  14. Context API in React
    1. Problems with prop chaining β€” Why use the concept of Context? Commit Details
    2. Using the Context API using React.createContext(): Commit Details
    3. Alternative way of using Context API in class-based components using contextType & Using functional components in functional components using useContext() hook: Commit Details

Reaching out to the Web (HTTP/AJAX) πŸ”

Required Dependency: npm i --save axios | axios DOCS | API Endpoints: /posts, /posts/user_id

  1. Creating an HTTP Request to GET Data using axios.get(url) method: Commit Details
  2. Rendering Fetched Data to the View: Commit Details
  3. Transforming the Fetched Data to Limit the Components on the View: Commit Details
  4. Making a Post Selectable: Commit Details
  5. Fetching Data on Update (w/o Creating Infinite Loops) in componentDidUpdate() lifecycle method: Commit Details
  6. POSTing Data to the Server using, data, dataConfig) method: Commit Details
  7. Sending a DELETE Request using axios.delete(url) method: Commit Details
  8. Handling Errors Locally using .catch(err) method: Commit Details
  9. Adding Interceptors using axios.interceptors to Execute Code Globally: Commit Details
  10. Setting a Default Global Configuration for Axios using axios.defaults: Commit Details
  11. Creating and Using Axios Instance using axios.create() method: Commit Details

Single Page Applications with Routing β€” react-router πŸ”€

  1. Setting Up Route Links in <Blog /> Component: Commit Details
  2. Setting Up The Router Package npm i --save react-router react-router-dom: Commit Details
  3. Preparing the Project for Routing β€” Making <NewPost />, <FullPost /> & <Posts /> Components as a Container for Proper Routing: Commit Details
  4. Setting Up and Rendering Routes using path, exact & render attributes inside the <Route /> Component: Commit Details
  5. Rendering Components for Routes using render and component prop inside the <Route /> Component: Commit Details
  6. Switching between Pages using Links
    1. Inefficient Way to Re-route β€” Entire Page Reloads using <a href="/">Home</a> Component: Commit Details
    2. Efficient Way to Re-route β€” The Page Doesn't Reload using <Link to="/">Home</Link> Component: Commit Details
  7. Using the Props (Routing Info) Sent to the Components Rendered from the <Route /> Component: Commit Details
  8. The withRouter() HOC & Route Props: Commit Details
  9. Absolute vs. Relative Paths: Commit Details
  10. Styling the Active Route using <NavLink to="<route>" exact activeClassName="<class-name>" activeStyle={<style-object>}/> Component: Commit Details
  11. Detecting Dynamic Routes using <Route to="/:id" /> & Passing Route Parameters: Commit Details
  12. Extracting Route Parameters using this.props.match.params: Commit Details
  13. Using Unique Route Names to Load a Single Route: Commit Details
  14. Using <Switch /> to Load a Single Route at a time: Commit Details
  15. Navigating to Specified Routes Programmatically, using this.props.history.push() method, instead of using the <Link /> Component: Commit Details
  16. Understanding Nested Routes
    1. Introduction & Usage: Commit Details
    2. Naming Routes Logically & Relative URLs in Nested Routes using this.props.match.url: Commit Details
    3. Creating Dynamic Nested Routes by Defining Proper Lifecycle Methods: Commit Details
  17. Redirecting Requests
    1. Redirecting using the <Route /> Component (Not Recommended): Commit Details
    2. Redirecting using the <Redirect from="<route-name>" to="<route-name>" /> Component inside a <Switch /> Component (Recommended): Commit Details
    3. Conditional Redirects using <Redirect to="<route-name>"/> Component: Commit Details
    4. Using this.props.history.push()/replace() to Redirect: Commit Details
    5. Working with Navigation Guards: Commit Details
    6. Handling the 404 Not Found Case using pathless <Route />: Commit Details
    7. Lazy Loading / Code Splitting 😴 β€” πŸ’₯ImportantπŸ’₯
      1. Loading Routes Lazily Using Asynchronous Dynamic import() method inside our own custom-made HOC: Commit Details
      2. Lazy Loading Components Asynchronously with React.lazy() method & <React.Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>} /> Component: Commit Details
      3. Resolving Errors in <NewPost /> Due to Lazy Loading β€” Wrapping <NewPost /> with withRouter() HOC: Commit Details
    8. Setting a basename prop for the <BrowserRouter /> Component for Proper Routing & Server Deployment: Commit Details
  18. Assignment Solution: My Solution @CodeSandBox, Instructor's Solution @CodeSandBox β€” v1

State Management Using Redux (Basic Concepts) β™»βš›

Dependency Installations: npm i --save redux | npm i --save react-redux

  1. Understanding the Redux Flow 🌊: Read @CodeSandBox | Image - Direct Link
  2. State Management With Redux Using Pure JS on Node Runtime β€” node <file-name>.js
    1. Setting Up Reducer & Store: Commit Details
    2. Dispatching Actions & Adding Logic for Actions in Reducer: Commit Details
    3. Adding Subscriptions: Commit Details
  3. Integrating Redux into React βš›πŸ”Œβ™»
    1. Setting Up Redux Before Connecting to React: Commit Details
    2. Connecting Redux STORE to React using <Provider /> Component: Commit Details
    3. Dispatching ACTIONs from within a React Component: Commit Details | Assignment Solution @CodeSandBox | Commit Details for Assignment
  4. Handling Redux STORE
    1. Updating State Immutably: Commit Details
    2. Updating Arrays in the State Immutably: Commit Details
  5. Outsourcing ACTION Types: Commit Details
  6. Combining Multiple REDUCERS: Commit Details
  7. Redux Basics Assignment: Solution @CodeSandBox & Commit Details
  8. Combining Local UI state & Redux STORE: Commit Details

State Management Using Redux (Advanced Concepts) β™»βš›

  1. What is MIDDLEWARE && Adding Middleware In Practice using applyMiddleware() function: Read @CodeSandBox & Commit Details
  2. Using the Redux DevTools: Setting Up Redux STORE for Redux DevTools & Commit Details
  3. Introduction & Usage of ACTION Creators: Commit Details
  4. Handling Asynchronous Code using redux-thunk β€” npm i --save redux-thunk: Commit Details
  5. Restructuring ACTIONS: Commit Details
  6. Where to Put Data Transforming Logic? Commit Details
  7. Using ACTION Creators & getState(): Commit Details
  8. Using Utility Functions
    1. Inside the Counter REDUCER: Commit Details
    2. Inside the Results REDUCER: Commit Details
  9. A Leaner Switch Case Statement: Commit Details

Working With Webpack πŸ“¦β˜‘

  1. How Webpack Works: Commit Details
  2. Basic Webpack Workflow Requirements: Commit Details
  3. Webpack Project Setup using npm β€” npm i --save-dev webpack webpack-dev-server: Commit Details


Proof of Concept: All the concepts of React w. Redux, Hooks & Context API








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