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A jukebox site developed using laravel

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To run the tests in the repository, you can:

  • Run them using artisan: artisan test.
  • Configure your editor to run the tests as defined in the phpunit.xml configuration file.


When possible, testing should always strive for 100% coverage. If this is not possible, the class should be excluded from the PHPUnit coverage config, this way the max possible coverage percentage is always 100%.

To view the total coverage of all classes, either use your editor's builtin functionality (PHPStorm's Run with Coverage), or use artisan by running XDEBUG_MODE=coverage artisan test --coverage


To enable debugging in the project, use the builtin php web server with the xdebug extension.


After using xdebug, set the xdebug.mode property to debug using an ini file (or -d xdebug.mode=debug). Then, to enable the actual debugging session, set XDEBUG_SESSION=1 in the environment variables.

Running Locally

A custom environment may be used, but during development the following command has been used to run the server: php -S localhost:5123 -t public -d xdebug.mode=debug


During deployment, the following steps need to be taken:

  1. Pull the server down for maintenance using artisan down, possibly using a secret for testing.

  2. Retrieving the exact application file state, this may be done in a number of ways, but the currently used mechanism is git with the following commands:

    • git fetch origin {COMMIT_SHA} --depth 1
    • git reset --hard {COMMIT_SHA}
  3. Clean out the remaining files from the previous deployment, excluding required configuration files, storage, and database, currently also done using git with:

    git clean -xf -e storage -e database -e .env

  4. Install modified composer dependencies, carefully only installing required production files with:

    composer install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader --no-dev

  5. Optimize away routes and configuration files using artisan optimize

  6. Run pending migrations with artisan migrate --force

  7. Install changed npm dependencies, using npm install

  8. Build ts/css resources using npm build

  9. Bring the server back up with artisan up


A jukebox site developed using laravel





